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lengshmily的个人空间 https://www.chinaavg.com/?126738 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


舍弃了喜爱的,专攻热爱的,时间不留人呐,热爱还是热爱吗?I should dream again & dare to step out.
2013-6-6 10:30 回复|
Still can't do parallel work T.T
2012-9-4 10:28 回复|
Like a boss...in ImageJ, at this moment.
2012-7-18 23:02 回复|
limit is meant to break.
2012-5-16 22:58 回复|
2012-5-8 15:18 回复|
2012-4-27 22:26 回复|
Everyday is Monday and also Friday for me =)
2012-4-16 23:23 回复|
what a bad day, she sure having menses right now i guess...
2012-4-16 18:02 回复|
why all of them are wildtype?!
2012-4-15 12:35 回复|
seriously need to have a good sleep.
2012-4-12 17:38 回复|
2012-4-9 22:19 回复|
max barskih!
2012-3-26 18:02 回复|
rumour has it!
2012-3-22 23:17 回复|
2011-8-24 23:41 回复|

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