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新作消息 Big Fish Games 7月发布游戏预测

楼主: myq495
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[新作消息] Big Fish Games 7月发布游戏预测

发表于 2015-7-6 21:35 | 只看该作者
European Mystery 3 也是跳票王啊……我都不期待了造不?
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发表于 2015-7-7 08:43 | 只看该作者
撒花!*★,°*:.☆\( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。撒花!( ̄▽ ̄)o∠※PAN!=.:*:'☆.:*:'★':**★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-7 08:58 | 只看该作者
红枣姑娘 发表于 2015-7-7 08:43
6 T( @% p7 v9 d9 I6 J撒花!*★,°*:.☆\( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。撒花!( ̄▽ ̄)o∠※PAN!=.:*:'☆.:*:'★':**★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/ ...
+ f, c+ X2 k; a3 a4 @) l8 f

6 Y  d) f- G5 c& d+ }' U+ OAnd here's another Sneak Peak for some of the games set to release this week!
7 M8 Q% o; A6 W! b6 |For Mobile:
4 ?3 t. n# G9 BNevertales: Shattered Image Collector's Edition2 Z- Z" A& d5 C
Shiver: The Lily's Requiem Collector's Edition3 b: Q0 [# X( i4 }# l, ~' }
) L! U3 }! w2 ^5 i! DPhantasmat: The Dread of Oakville Collector's Edition
" y& V2 g6 n( j2 g% hSubliminal Realms: The Masterpiece Collector's Edition

( {( @. b, K  t7 F" _' |5 |7 r( s3 M! vAnd stay tuned for more releases throughout the week!
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-11 09:42 | 只看该作者
# O( U0 e- t$ K$ l- x
Ashley Clark: The Secrets of the Ancient Temple
, c6 T, I6 H( m! ]2 H
4 A% e7 O3 V/ d0 YDetective Ashley Clark investigates a case in a provincial town. An accident happens in closed zoo. Zoo employee was killed by animal. At first glance - nothing unusual, but the heroine realizes that it was not an accident. Something very strange occur in zoo.

. u& p4 m. J% k3 X0 R, y" p" Y9 i# F/ S9 s7 h4 }2 p9 u5 }3 V8 c

  u9 N1 c( A* e3 A* O- E
- A0 W" g' H; K- A* b( [4 shttp://www.n-tri.com/entity.php?id=ashleyclark2&l=en
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-14 07:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 myq495 于 2015-7-14 07:34 编辑
5 b3 y2 Q: r" `' M6 j/ Y8 B8 I$ w1 P, P  t! I
Presenting another Sneak Peak for some of the games set to release this week!/ s# ~: [6 M+ r
For Mobile:: a4 [# f- [+ P! ]& ^4 m, c5 F
Amaranthine Voyage: The Shadow of Torment Collector's Edition
# l& o' D! n6 m7 P* I# [3 PMayan Prophecies: Cursed Island Collector's Edition
1 I! n$ }7 q9 V1 r, a8 A8 _- jNevertales: The Beauty Within Collector's Edition. C5 D, O9 j' R7 ?* [, U
For PC/MAC:' y# g9 @! s$ Q, r; {5 Q( k; ^- e1 G
Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Tracks of Terror Collector's Edition
, H$ Q& ~( N; M& _! w* kShrouded Tales: Revenge of Shadows Collector's Edition

; I7 l1 O8 E0 ]' B8 X- X  PAnd be sure to stay tuned for even more releases throughout the week!
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-21 12:50 | 只看该作者
Presenting another Sneak Peak for some of the games scheduled to launch this week!
6 t# {' C% f# C3 N5 o2 b3 tMobile:
  K$ N/ O- W: q+ QThe Secret Order: Masked Intent Collector's Edition
, l" F2 q& M$ J. _  ~# lDark Realm: Queen of Flames Collector's Edition
6 ?& H1 S' T7 _% vPC/MAC
% f$ S) k# o4 w! g6 i7 L: a/ KDead Reckoning: The Crescent Case Collector's Edition
( A2 n: E% I7 z: ^$ i* L/ aBeyond: Light Advent Collector's Edition( v7 t! @1 h9 i4 h
Spirit of Revenge: Elizabeth's Secret Standard Edition& U) x3 F1 n. [/ t+ P3 U
And be sure to stay tuned in for more game releases throughout the week!
7 ]  j( b# U, {, E* F  g" n- h2 n, Y  K) M7 g2 [+ ?
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