
卡罗尔·瑞德谜案 10:博世的诅咒 (A Carol Reed Mystery 10: Bosch's Damnation)

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卡罗尔·瑞德谜案 10:博世的诅咒 (A Carol Reed Mystery 10: Bosch's Damnation)

发表于 2014-3-30 10:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

卡罗尔·瑞德谜案 10:博世的诅咒 (A Carol Reed Mystery 10: Bosch's Damnation)

本帖最后由 myq495 于 2014-4-30 20:20 编辑
" B% @0 K2 \/ n& s6 h7 R# ~$ }# T# s$ x' X" W
In 1994, the Swedish engineer, entrepreneur and adventurer Malte Stierngranat
2 Z% n0 j6 f! E7 g- S3 R; u) pwas buried in a pyramid that he had designed himself.  The pyramid was erected
* N. b4 A+ T! @% \: Ralmost half a century prior to his death, on a piece of land that Stierngranat
2 H& j2 O( r1 x/ D- Q4 Wbought close to his home.  He also had his own personalised coffin built, which
0 }8 C/ k5 L, {* b! C) \he always took on his trips, even shorter ones.
+ I' q9 p4 \, r. s% [8 O6 `+ I' Q' E" q# Y0 j
Carol is contacted by the cleaner George in the middle of a cold Swedish winter.
% ?; \( b7 X! b+ t9 @3 vThis leads her on a journey in which she has to delve into Malte Stierngranat's
8 A7 y1 [5 k: d- i4 villustrious life and his legacy.  George is the cleaner and caretaker of Malte
2 D4 _) h5 m" n- E2 q$ U. @. nStierngranat's son, Erik, and his family.  The entire family, which is one of the% P& {4 o7 {9 E6 w/ s
wealthiest in the city, has gone missing.  George is left without a job, and with-
; o* c% e* {+ k8 k( H5 p$ i, [out a final paycheck., e7 a1 `. j; N5 j, i

: k- z7 }0 W$ o% s: @" X" yWhen Carol believes her investigations have led her to a dead end, the boyfriend3 ]& N( W6 Y& E2 Q0 P
of Malte Stierngranat's granddaughter is found dead in the family's old barn. The
4 L* ^1 x. Y  h# _1 g6 r3 Vpolice investigation shows that his body has been lying in the barn since the. X: F; s: Z8 Y9 Q% C" [
family's disappearance.. Q4 A. U4 g+ V& ]6 }0 s. o+ L/ M

4 u6 Q0 }; b' z7 QBosch's Damnation is the first Carol Reed game which takes place both in the winter
# O5 m! d+ A% S% T! Z6 Oand in summer.  It features numerous incredible locations for exploration, ranging
1 e* Z) q" G# }6 u7 }from the surrealistic and idyllic to the gritty and filthy.7 c$ b6 ~  B% a0 Q

6 ]5 r$ y/ s- J5 }) O5 u7 _Minimum requirements:
& n# E. K6 y- r( \/ PWindows 98, XP, Vista, 7, or 8
+ \* U3 z% a5 vPentium 1000 or higher, 128 MB RAM, 16 MB video card,8 c7 j% s+ @' i# ~
800 MB hard drive space,
+ }& s# E+ L# c- [3 Q2 h) @5 g6 H3 V1 G) s, ?$ a7 `! S$ C
564 MB (installed)- y  x' ], V  n

; K; A7 e* @5 KInstaller (527 MB):6 o( J5 G+ r! O

7 @1 j7 T' \# W' d+ c: W% I, E4 k9 Q
1 s% \' v  B2 P3 c* `% z& p5 w, F9 |5 q" G
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收藏收藏 分享分享 很美好很美好 很差劲很差劲

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发表于 2014-4-3 22:55 | 只看该作者
have a look,这个系列有好几集没玩了
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( E+ v8 c( v, v* N
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