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发表于 2012-6-20 09:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


) X6 `  p  {3 ]$ Q' U4 I
7 ~6 D  {/ X* b9 o2 R. `& K. Q" ^WINDOWS VISTA/7 32-BIT (x86)
1 l" L  v+ Y$ c' A) \
& y2 ^* j) Y$ S* ?, S/ `. O( n$ a1. Click  http://www.tagesprotection.com/5.5/TagesSetup.exe7 t# w3 |; O% l1 D
2. Save TagesSetup.exe application file on the hard disk.7 q' t/ }0 F( X
3. Right mouse click TagesSetup.exe application file and click Run this program as an administrator.
  Q% `; x+ Z8 M1 S! F0 I1 N4. If drivers are already installed, please uninstall them by clicking Yes button.# ?4 {: m9 R( Z/ N
5. Click Yes button again then click OK button.
' }7 B( Q; r- D% ~# `6. Right mouse click TagesSetup.exe application file again and click Run this program as an administrator.
% F0 s/ ~& w/ l, h3 ]: C6 c7. Click Yes button to install the new drivers then click OK button.) J- l2 I+ V8 f6 M7 C' I
8. Run the game.2 r6 [' N: x0 w
8 u% P" e0 L* N. }+ g
5 _& n2 X" e0 ?5 t4 |! u+ E3 Y% O; I3 i6 P! |( h4 P9 w$ @' E
1. Click  http://www.tagesprotection.com/5.5/TagesSetup_x64.exe
: a, D/ p$ Q( [3 p! z1 A  i- ~3 X2. Save TagesSetup_x64.exe application file on the hard disk.
9 C0 e; {/ }+ v, V- r3. Right mouse click TagesSetup_x64.exe application file and click Run this program as an administrator.
7 v& B( w7 t, I4 }0 _. i4. If drivers are already installed, please uninstall them by clicking Yes button.. u+ c- a8 i* ^- U4 C
5. Click Yes button again then click OK button.+ z* P, V: v0 s9 _( D) w
6. Right mouse click TagesSetup_x64.exe application file again and click Run this program as an administrator.7 I8 T& B! z  u" ~6 H
7. Click Yes button to install the new drivers then click OK button.1 V4 s0 p& C' }1 ?
8. Run the game.
! Z6 p7 I( {( S+ ?8 {1 h9 t2 }" K
8 r0 f/ f) `5 C4 j" e& X6 p& g( ]! W+ w& j3 ^  B) w& K
大体意思是分别下载针对win7  32位和64位系统的补丁,右键点击补丁选择用管理员权限运行,如提示已安装过则先卸载再安装,或直接安装。之后运行游戏即可。
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收藏收藏 分享分享 很美好很美好 很差劲很差劲

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-20 14:35 | 只看该作者
3 I( W' h  G9 v4 w1 C) c5 A+ v
  V; c" H% s: W$ U6 Q; [& G1 \


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-20 14:45 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-20 18:39 | 只看该作者
Enor reading setup initalization file* i; W. [5 P7 c% q  I* W
安裝英文原版的 免CD 都可以進去5 y* O( p2 K* X& `
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-20 19:55 | 只看该作者
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