
转载 1-5章攻略

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[转载] 1-5章攻略

发表于 2012-4-15 02:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


网上搜索大部分都是前五章攻略,共10章,后五章木有攻略自己通关了。不高兴做攻略,大家穷举法搞搞吧。且我发现这个游戏的bug还真是非常的多。在全攻略出炉前,如果有问题大家在这版讨论吧,能回答的答答,想不起来的就算了...4 ]% m0 ~5 X& m8 s3 D# o
& ^  h. V1 `2 s8 z"Chapter 1 - 5" for "Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle"1 ?* ~- w  c9 g
  by ( r% P4 U3 n$ n
( e) S8 }7 `! a, j6 a! ?8 O
  This file loading from www.cheatsguru.com.
1 o! H! c# B. F# l
' d" w; _" c) W2 C1 N9 `( {-----------------------------------------------------------
) p$ J3 B! \; g% b. N5 u) |% J4 S2 s: ?$ n" }

& U+ [8 f  o# k9 JChapter 1
  ~  ?" {/ t# b; w3 Y7 o, |Talk to mother to get chores to do: Z$ P; a& m. \0 t- g
Lift the cloth from the top of the barrel, lift the dustpan from side of fireplace and lift the brush from under the kitchen bench
& W" `  o/ |3 ]7 n" N8 ySweep up the dust by combining brush and dust pan.  1 patch on mat, 1 patch at cabinet and 1 patch at barrel
- r- f0 C/ t7 F  `* ?6 ?Lift the jug from kitchen bench2 O- f+ j' D1 ?/ O% I& D* N
Open the toy chest and lift the sword
# v: T6 U1 k4 E6 wWalk to bottom of the screen and go outside.  Empty the dust into the barrel
+ J7 W3 {1 Z" G" y  tLift pump handle from base of tree and look in the woodpile for the magnet+ H; a  p/ \: |" x0 s! M- c' T6 Q' P
Use magnet with muddy patch to find the bolt and then combine bolt with the pump handle and attach handle to the water pump* F% e. H# c, i6 ^$ |
Use jug with pump then fill it with water and go back into the living room,  pour water into the bucket
4 {. Z3 \5 ]) d/ u# W, @/ R! zUse dry cloth with water then clean the windows, refill the jug and bring it back into the house
- w+ @8 D/ f" e4 |" {) k- U: U9 `& nGo outside and down path to find friends
% t- f, Y5 E% Y/ l, Z( ^7 _+ lTalk to Arno
" i3 x: O+ a, CCollect rope from the front of large rock
( N/ q; d3 c3 _& x. e4 X' T. N" }8 PUse your sword to fight Arno then use rope to tie him up
, k/ e0 ?9 z2 N! C) H' R0 TUse Bobby to help you climb onto lookout rock, after this you head back to see you papa
& V7 J6 j( T( ~Lift dry grass from left side of gate* q9 z7 \* Q% N9 K7 Y/ d$ G7 P) b
Talk to the donkey, it wont move.  Lift flask of water from the cart and pour it over the man then talk to him about the cart and donkey
4 {* \! J) H, a7 I  o3 v1 XLift shepherds stick
  c# N% M* N& UPut wet cloth on the sunny rock to dry then combine cloth with shepherds stick3 i# t& U8 V7 W0 Z" H
Put dry grass on sunny rock and use broken flask on sunny rock
# D* a) g: m$ ^0 a% nPut torch on burning grass, this will move the donkey
5 H" ~9 [* B' l# a* p5 ~Go back into house using friends to help you.  Look in window then use ledge to get into house% b2 u) G4 I% {8 q/ j7 K
Chapter 2
9 n; ~4 b) W# G% K4 T" xIn bedroom find the magnet, sword, pistol and embroidered hanky.
5 y* M& b  f  a- X5 n0 f6 uLeave the bedroom and collect the dull plate from the wall2 J0 u" G4 w. E/ |$ E. @
Go into Alessandros cabin
, \+ L/ G6 t  r; O# W+ k! B  LTalk to papa about everything, he will give you a sword and a new station
  `0 Z% Y- e5 s  nFind out what your first duties and tasks are
- T: W) Y- w# B; N/ lLeave the cabin and go to the main deck then to local island4 l! C4 [; _- L5 a, H
Talk to all the people outside the Admirals rest then go inside and talk to everyone there.  Make sure you get all the tasks people have for you
, `9 A: l( g6 X9 q% sGo outside and talk to Nell and she gives you food, give chicken to Carlo and collect the small chicken bone lying on the ground, e1 y& c* {& J, K
Go back into the Admirals rest and into the kitchen
: G2 ^! I# f; q! s: [Use the loaf on the greasy pan' k. y! h5 i5 I- I: p: @/ Y$ Q
Clean the dull tray with the hanky( S. Q$ V% l, \( t" l7 U
Go outside and look at Flat Top hill from the decking then head to the town hall.  Then to the Fork and up the narrow path3 e# X0 k( s% \9 O: b% z
Find the nest and hide an item here
5 _$ `  S# f: a4 I$ H0 q1 ^# D% ZHead back to the docks and talk to Arno , you need him to check out the shiny area, then try and lift his sword.) @/ f1 w0 Y- P7 R3 }& N7 [
Use greasy bread on Arnos sword
/ l/ |5 U( h. B& _% b. yFetch the sword from the sea using the magnet and give it to Razzo.  You now have 2 crew members.
8 |& W- J2 x& O6 x# a, @Go back to the town hall and use your pistol on the shutter and get Razzo to help you open the window, you need to convince him to help+ |" R5 ~6 U+ t
Use one of your items to open the chest and collect the map using serial number Thomas handed you to help
( T/ V) |" C( |1 k+ @/ U8 XGo back and give the map to Thomas
  |+ R9 t" Q* L" B6 U, dChapter 3
3 [$ ?$ ^+ P3 X5 x8 o* J2 K9 y' FTalk to Thomas and get quest, ask him all the questions
6 ^7 u, I# j! r& @, a( XSail to Bounty island and go to the admirals rest.  Talk to nacho and then to the inn keeper
- E  H: l6 k7 u$ W& zLeave the inn and sail to another place  Crab Island; P9 D' o# I+ y9 M
Talk to the blonde and Razzo9 @7 P2 s5 ~/ X# ~1 X
Enter the inn and get the matches from the basket on the counter
- r2 I0 f- t$ [, ]5 J/ BTalk to Anita and the other person in the inn then go upstairs
' ?9 i( q; ~, o+ m- X9 w* U" HTry the jackpot machine
1 K; u8 N& M/ M9 q" D$ [2 v5 SGo back to Bounty island and ask papa for some dubloons7 Z, F4 r' s9 K. r+ E' K4 v. ]+ h/ _
Head back to Crab Island and play the jackpot machine (use cheat) you will win alcohol
/ W$ n; J7 V  h1 O& W- IGo outside and use the alcohol with the lamp and use the matches with the alcohol
0 \: G; `4 w1 k$ |! gGo back into the inn and use alcohol on the painting to get the hairpin2 R" A2 j0 x- V5 Y7 K7 I% k* ?* S
Use hairpin on town map beside lamp outside inn, take map to Anita- c1 n+ H9 ^2 r/ \. R3 e$ M( J
Go back outside and tap to left of door, tap on Crab Island map8 N, }: o( ^5 V4 X  R
Use your pistol on inn fence at the statue
% t7 n$ ~: P  k7 S0 STap on telescope and use Razzo on telescope1 [7 T& `( v" a. a2 _
Look at the back of statue for cyclinder.  Combine 2 pieces of iron fence to make pliers+ N. s- D" f  B0 D5 H: w
Walk towards spooky woods and collect some flowers7 w- L% b* ]$ ?& `7 f
Combine flowers with the alcohol
' b' B8 {. k1 J8 }Place alcohol on top of flat grave to catch the fireflies.  Use the bottle of fireflies on the statue! G- g- o( w1 J' V3 ?( V/ P$ W
Use pliers on map cyclinder,
. k' {8 f9 Z+ p/ T5 p2 hUse Razzo with the telescope turn inner circle turn right, outer circle turn left twice
0 S3 a- _! ^5 DChapter 4; r+ a7 ?8 w6 k5 {6 y' C, J, y% H9 M
Ask all the questions to get some more information
- n# e- N9 v% [( `1 w  `Leave the cabin and talk to Diego) x" r4 {+ _+ C
Head to the main deck and sail to Hollow Island0 c, N$ M, z( n' r
Talk to Sancha about everything
) G5 ]5 @2 g9 t: X* c0 ^4 pHead to the town gate, both the inn and house are locked so head to the upper town square, then to lower town square9 e, k0 j5 i" n$ ^, x
Check out Percys stall and find the bell, then check out the wheelbarrow8 W  |( _+ B" L3 y9 s! f
Cross the bridge and go to the governors mansion
! p" g  t+ y7 h/ OTalk to Miss brown and give her the broken relic.  Talk to her again about the key.  Try your key in chest, when it mentions a funny shape lock check out the key rack.  Play the game  cheat again; m3 P$ N& M/ Q* q/ j# w
Go back outside and head to upper town square and go to Sanchas stall.  Talk to Sancha and get the earring and net8 k8 }1 T+ \5 Q
Go to lower town square and use net with the wheelbarrow.  Tap on water at the side of Percys stall and wash the clapper.  Combine hat pin with clapper and fix Percys bell and press it
- t0 b0 c3 Y: A6 E& f- ZPercy comes running to you.  Talk to Percy about everything
+ Q9 m/ I- Y8 T7 e. nGo into the Governors garden and enter Percys shed, find tools
4 m; D9 c& k2 }8 U" H; B1 DUse tools on mosaic column, nothing happens% H% |; ~4 X  @
Go back to Hollow Island.  Through town gates and find Sancha.  Talk to her about Hilary
* u: S1 r/ i- G8 U6 fGo back and knock on Nathaniels door, he is now at home.  Talk to him about everything2 K% G9 L8 q3 v# j# L, I5 V
Go back to jetty and onto the ship.  Just go onboard and talk to Diego
0 ?, G* F& V* ]" Z9 z+ g8 k& W0 wThen talk to Vasco and then Diego again
( P4 X& L% p. s# d! |  C! S) J% mGo to the upper town square and talk to Sancha.  Then go back to the garden in lower town square
( |) \- C6 R: q8 [# y3 cUse tools with Diego and he will use them on the mosaic+ x1 W( @/ N4 V! r
Look through rubble and collect the disk.  Combine the two pieces together! s/ Y& {% N* W& u
Go back into the mansion and talk to Miss Brown.  She will give you money.  Talk to her about Hilarys base then give her the shell.  She will give you a report
2 A: a4 \3 u+ R% w8 W8 gGo towards Percys stall and tap bottom of screen, this shows Hollow Island map, locate the dark reef
- Y  k6 _& B$ J: fGo to the reefs.  You will find Briscoe tied up1 \+ I! ?. m: {! O" l4 w2 X
Go out and tap on water to get a coin; S* x# I" }( d/ ?; A7 z! W
Go back onto Hollow Island and to the upper town square.  Use Diego to get the ladder; ~' j4 ~7 n  [0 q) N
Chapter 5
( @* N9 _4 k; LTalk to Briscoe
8 u- _) A8 E& X1 bTalk to Manuel  Ask all questions
4 k8 q% m9 q) o# m6 D/ G/ tGo into the Admirals rest and talk to Nacho
. g' p1 Y5 `; c* Q4 g3 X1 qTalk to Tasco
/ k7 @6 S2 @3 H# L7 M" OGo back outside and talk to Nell then give the shirt to Manuel.  Talk to Briscoe, try going to Briscoes house again
6 E4 N' x( B& f' @! B" mGo aboard your ship and talk to papa, then talk to Diego5 _0 ^' e$ L' p1 D; w& j
Convince Diego to unlock the door4 p% |& W6 z) E: ?' |
Go inside and collect the crossbow and book.  Open the toy chest.6 h2 i. r" R9 Q" \. ~+ [
Collect the paintbrush from the fireplace and paint set from floor. Pick up the small blanket( G, c* v; T$ e% o" v: i+ n
Talk to Morgane kid.  Collect sheet of paper from box beside cabinet
. J0 D) G% d( [6 {" t# S/ NPut blanket into toy chest.  Combine brush with paint set and paper with paint set
4 _: ^" g1 T9 V/ T' P1 e% }8 `Give your painting to Bonita.  Try to leave the house
: o$ x9 T& C7 m( JWhen dream ends open the toy chest and collect the blanket,  leave your house" x& [/ V5 b; `" K2 m  P/ }- h  T
Head to the fork, then the tunnel, then the docks3 C! x- f. w$ I! u- B1 C! Z# Q
Give blanket to Manuel( o( p7 s# {; l5 `; \7 y, }
Use strong alcohol to attract guards
6 G" k2 r( ?3 ]# z2 pUse pear on the bell to get the guards to find alcohol
) r/ o& p/ i& A9 XSearch the guards, talk to Briscoe2 f1 q1 ^) H8 ?! a
Go back to the docks and ask Nell about the spare key# _! K3 R6 ?( Y
Go to Briscoes house and try key with the door
0 C" \) _, Q. G. ^* Q6 G9 MTalk to Elizabeth about Hilary9 i8 O+ R; c9 T6 ~% z  J
Do the following section quickly or you will have to repeat it
, Z  i9 B8 o/ T4 D( OCollect small purse, iron bar- C9 P! ?4 k7 ~
Use purse with the pistol on the desk to get the gunpowder. {$ m. t5 M5 p1 u! ]0 l( i
Use gunpowder with pistol in your bag
7 D6 {+ ]* w7 H: kUse gunpowder in purse on front door
4 \0 j5 u! W( w8 h8 lUse magnificent sword on the net curtains) P* X+ A6 F. x# L6 @
Use the thread with the door as a fuse
& Y9 D: L. j0 c5 T/ \: {Use matches on the door
! ~* V1 c8 ^$ ]* yPlay the chase (cheat)
5 C/ C4 z4 J- Q& K. _submitted by A & J
$ ]; S8 |/ Z5 [+ R/ C3 w
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发表于 2012-4-15 10:09 | 只看该作者
没攻略会死星人已经穷举法磨了很久了……总算磨到了第五章诶= =/ O6 Z* P" g2 v3 ?& `8 j
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-4-15 21:41 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-15 21:58 | 只看该作者
回复 xr0992 的帖子
! k+ ~1 d7 ?9 b0 D- b0 y1 r
! Q9 R" }0 @6 ?- ^& `: A找花是抓萤火虫用的么?这墓地直接点就有啊。钩子干吗用的?敲螃蟹脚的钩子么?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-4-16 15:02 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-16 20:56 | 只看该作者
回复 ptweng1312 的帖子* |/ m/ F. ?. g( {$ j
5 E; F8 ?, K+ h" _8 N) D
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发表于 2012-4-17 08:35 | 只看该作者
回复 gho_0 的帖子1 G8 Z* K( V, R2 c4 F! }

: ?. P+ ~# K$ [8 e$ d6 @( y. @非常感谢!有疑问会再来求助的XD(←废柴( R( l! k, Z7 {' D3 `) O+ z
p.s.被Uncle Eduardo囧到了……不过好可爱
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-17 10:22 | 只看该作者
回复 ptweng1312 的帖子* ]2 H' R) r$ f5 q
5 ^# ~# ^: |8 T# G" ?7 V
活活,没问题,开贴目的就在于此。看你的进度也快结束了~ uncle确实很囧...
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发表于 2012-4-17 20:31 | 只看该作者
回复 gho_0 的帖子! A8 j- p  l: h! H
6 X- v) Z' b: c2 o4 a( R
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-17 20:47 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gho_0 于 2012-4-17 20:54 编辑 8 y) s+ V6 N' u
, z2 J% n1 S6 h/ V
回复 XYZ 的帖子
, [1 N7 F% c1 P/ b* \5 K6 X  O) Z3 e8 |0 u( X2 s0 Q/ Q% m
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