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发表于 2006-4-12 14:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


play a bit with the table where you can set the constellations in the black sky 6 X0 H0 c5 t% A" O* n5 {$ |, x
go to the telescope in the upper room
2 @$ R, {1 {. N; f- Zon your left are the coordinates (remember the Statue room puzzle??) 1 ]) i% b! ?( Z9 X/ O# V- u( Q& m
ask the hint system because this puzzle is very complex! ( ~$ h5 {) F/ p  r. c% M% e
Study the tapestry riddle
9 D; C4 g, m1 W* {* d6 dEnter the coordinates of specific constellations. Look through the telescope to see the constellation. Identify the constellation seen by searching for it on the constellation table at lower level
8 p: _' W2 V" M  R) jLook through the telescope again and highlight only the star that is in reference to the tapestry riddle 7 G! G# O& g5 l! Z
Be sure that the puzzle is done during the night. If it is daylight, step on the moon pad to turn it to nighttime. 0 P; F' F! H9 u7 x' K' `

+ n7 l& B4 I" s6 N/ xEnter the coordinates 62,33,46,25 (order of the 4 numbers is arbitrary) for the MANTICOR. Look through the telescope. Based on the tapestry riddle click-highlight the thorn coordinate 33 only.
5 K  X% \  l: PEnter the coordinates 87,25,68,95 for the GRIFFIN. Look through the telescope. Based on the tapestry riddle click-highlight the wing coordinate 87 only. % h: [, s2 {$ j0 ^/ {3 a
Enter the coordinates 86,59,73,68 for the SEA VIRGIN. Look through the telescope. Based on the tapestry riddle click-highlight the navel coordinate 73 only.
  E: Z' e+ h8 O$ GEnter the coordinates 11,47,32,95 for the MINOTAUR. Look through the telescope. Based on the tapestry riddle click-highlight the biceps coordinate 47 only. ! {0 e9 v: I/ I' x" e* Y: a! u
上面是原文攻略,0 |# m. n( v- d3 G0 F% f
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