
新作消息 Scott Whiskers in: the Search for Mr. Fumbleclaw

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[新作消息] Scott Whiskers in: the Search for Mr. Fumbleclaw

发表于 2024-2-28 12:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Scott Whiskers in: the Search for Mr. Fumbleclaw

本帖最后由 ken1120 于 2024-2-28 12:14 编辑
! Q# ], i6 e" E* d8 O6 E4 b
. P1 v4 P$ u5 [6 c
- Z2 t+ p- n5 T- p英文名;Scott Whiskers in: the Search for Mr. Fumbleclaw8 M2 V) G: l$ F1 c
开发商:Fancy Factory* b2 O- ^; r7 Z5 d4 K7 H
游戏语音:   英语、德语* q+ b+ S' O' `6 S& }
* w) Q/ Z2 w" Y  U  j% Y发行日期: 2024 年 3 月 21 日
: j4 w5 m/ d5 l, n4 Q5 T2 n# a) OJoin Scott Whiskers on his quest to find Mr. Fumbleclaw – the future star of the legendary cat beauty contest “Ricky’s Finest”.3 ^9 u6 d2 t$ d0 \4 ?

% o- B; U- q$ \7 \- S9 s! p“Scott Whiskers in: the Search for Mr. Fumbleclaw” is a modern, funny and family-friendly point & click adventure about cats, Star Trek and life itself. Created in the spirit of the classics of the genre. Classics like Monkey Island, Broken Sword or Zak McKracken.
: n- s6 W& d' A; Z  b9 c* s2 N# V% _  ?7 t6 n
Visit many colorful, crazy, forbidden, dangerous, scary, and also totally boring locations.
0 u& P5 ]8 ^; d& o9 `Meet crazy characters and solve tricky puzzles.
( c5 i, M' G! g4 o. N5 S3 ~
. j/ M7 @' u7 y$ I* nWill you find Mr. Fumbleclaw and bring the story to a furry conclusion? It’s up to you!% {0 K% U) }- {4 S# }

2 n% ]0 A0 |' U) y: s
7 y- d2 }/ y* y7 C5 a: z0 V
# A5 G; R( v7 p# }2 a0 F8 v# L- L, L+ f2 t
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