
其他 【好消息! #1】scummvm模拟器开始大量支持南希系列游戏

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[其他] 【好消息! #1】scummvm模拟器开始大量支持南希系列游戏

发表于 2023-11-11 14:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

【好消息! #1】scummvm模拟器开始大量支持南希系列游戏

1 i/ x1 Z4 g2 u; Z# F如果有朋友对南希系列的老游戏感兴趣的话,请回复支持一下。% S! x! u3 k3 i8 v' ]1 Z- _- y
感兴趣的人多的话,我将会发起众筹(有偿)。9 A# t1 \, t5 e' J7 R# p6 F$ o
无人支持的话,这系列的老游戏恐怕不会出汉化了。4 J/ Z: o2 v: Y2 p) d  P

2 c& O! q5 g, Y) i, }$ X  ENancy Drew: Stay Tuned for Danger
/ f9 J5 Q# n) W# h, RNancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion+ ?/ k3 G+ `9 d* q7 G, F
Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower$ `: Z' ]- N* F9 U
Nancy Drew: The Final Scene2 ~1 s" Y6 X7 L6 ^

, P7 i3 R+ E/ ~, X# }6 C
- d" p5 c  @! Z
' |' o; B" m4 t/ n原文
$ |' f, F/ \" j0 S, D3 FScummVM :: Home' h) P+ u% p: G' B
Nov 10, 2023: The teenage detective returns!9 x8 d/ X2 M+ `6 u2 [( Z! X
Posted by fracturehill* \4 A3 X) d2 b* z6 \9 i
Put your sleuthing caps on, detectives—it’s time to solve some mysteries! We are proud to announce that a whole batch of HeR Interactive’s Nancy Drew games are now ready for public testing:8 E2 i# x* l- V

7 h1 R1 H' a( K! o6 O  y2 xIn Nancy Drew: Stay Tuned for Danger, a soap opera star needs your help in uncovering who is behind a series of death threats that sound a little too real for comfort.
) }) E) D; X) e+ H6 t# _3 L% g+ ^+ S. ~6 i4 \
Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion has you helping out with repairs in a Victorian mansion. However, a series of strange accidents, plus some murmurings of a ghost haunting, quickly threaten to turn this renovation into an investigation.2 N5 O! w  g; M& |$ Z
. n& i* I; R" o& {+ r$ u1 ?# G
In Nancy Drew: Treasure in the Royal Tower a failed ski vacation at an eccentric castle with even more eccentric inhabitants soon turns into a quest to uncover a lost piece of the history of the French Revolution.
* y2 |6 M$ Y9 Y5 ]# S2 v3 u5 Q/ z% Q1 J4 [
And if you’re looking for something more thrilling, in Nancy Drew: The Final Scene, you will find yourself racing against the clock to find your kidnapped friend, while also saving a historical theater with more than a fair share of secrets from demolition.- b% p# R2 L% X6 ]8 z0 u
' {" \  p7 K: k& R: A. g! u5 F
The games are available for purchase through HeR Interactive’s website or Steam (Stay Tuned for Danger is not available on Steam, however). Or if you already own a CD copy of the games, their English and Russian variants will also work. To play them with ScummVM, you will need a daily development build. As always, if you encounter any issues, please submit a bug report to our issue tracker.
7 |$ k$ ~3 U% Y3 R% J$ A3 L' v( C; u. `) i7 `0 z0 J

% C. e( i, O* N
4 T6 c9 q, a1 |& s! m
) a8 ?! V7 v/ T- {! }* k5 E
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发表于 2023-11-11 19:56 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2023-11-12 16:54 | 只看该作者
2yf00000 发表于 2023-11-11 19:569 R# h  l) n  i; g2 ]

1 {+ _, q! z6 Q) @$ Z确实,正如你所说,我也觉得如此。
& C) {; ^8 W6 P9 R因此,如果能实现汉化就更有意义了。
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发表于 2023-11-13 20:59 | 只看该作者
shane007 发表于 2023-11-12 16:54/ r7 _& S7 F" ~/ v/ ~) ]/ \' c5 m
/ N. B  A4 R2 f- x: T因此,如果能实现汉化就更有意义了。

0 v2 t" r) n$ y4 `0 X# n8 T正好34代也快出了,如果可以的话趁这个机会回忆杀一波真的很棒呢
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