
英文版 宝藏大师公司之失落之城 Treasure Masters, Inc.: The Lost City

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[英文版] 宝藏大师公司之失落之城 Treasure Masters, Inc.: The Lost City

发表于 2023-3-26 13:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

宝藏大师公司之失落之城 Treasure Masters, Inc.: The Lost City

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Treasure Masters, Inc.: The Lost City
Developer: Casa Games
Publisher: Alawar Entertainment
Hard Drive: 604 MB
Release Date: 2013-09-11

/ l+ M# Z$ I' _8 W  }1 M5 BJoin a pair of treasure hunters as they race around the world to be the first to find a lost city! Even seasoned adventurers like Gordon and Dick couldn't resist an invitation from the Royal Treasure Masters Club to join a contest to find the fabled Golden City. To outsmart their rivals and claim the prize, they'll have to use their powers of observation to spot hidden objects, their wits to solve brain-bending puzzles and their charm to win over colorful characters. Designed for fans of classic hidden object games and offering one thrill after another, Treasure Masters will leave you breathless!
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! b' i: h) Q9 H8 H3 \9 a( y8 n" ~加入一个寻宝俱乐部,游遍世界,挑战对手,赢得奖项,找到传说中的金山。这是为喜欢找物的玩家设计的一款游戏,会使你欲罢不能。
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4 g: K2 c# c2 t( F/ {Game System Requirements
6 U2 U( ?4 K" [) cOS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
7 x5 `- T$ E$ m* c5 T2 F$ CCPU: 1.5 GHz
6 N5 [, ]9 ^  J8 S3 V" Y8 Y8 U( cRAM: 1.0 GB
! G& B# M" z+ J0 jDirectX: 8.1
& z8 b. s; w4 c3 b- U6 _
5 g, z4 M  [  tDownload Here: https://www.chinaavg.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=45240& B! G6 m$ \9 n& {  {& ]
* b3 }+ v. A8 G, N8 \9 q


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