
英文版 幻象 13:尘封记忆的残存 Phantasmat: Remains of Buried Memories CE

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[英文版] 幻象 13:尘封记忆的残存 Phantasmat: Remains of Buried Memories CE

发表于 2019-3-28 21:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

幻象 13:尘封记忆的残存 Phantasmat: Remains of Buried Memories CE

本帖最后由 2yf00000 于 2023-1-22 09:41 编辑
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Phantasmat: Remains of Buried Memories Collector's Edition
Developer: Eipix Entertainment
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Hard Drive: 700 MB
Release Date: 2019-02-23

# S" P0 Y: j6 @$ M* p$ F" @5 g
Eipix Entertainment presents the next installment in the thrilling Phantasmat series!2 B7 \& J/ z( g/ o- v+ v1 R5 o
After your car crashes on a snowy road, you find yourself in a rundown hotel being chased by a terrifying shadow monster. Just as all hope seems lost… you wake up. Thankfully, the horrific chase was just a dream, and you are safe in the hotel, tended to by courteous staff. But as you begin to explore, your dream begins to become a reality. The staff’s hospitality crumbles as quickly as the walls of the hotel itself, and the shadow monster returns. What kind of deadly trap have you fallen into? Can you find your way out? Stay alert to stay alive in this chilling Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game.% o' ]) t2 ^, V; u, y7 q$ k5 K
4 a/ {$ g+ y) g- o还以为你开新坑之后就不做了呢
- x% [/ P$ I8 g" Z. |# T4 z' _) d& X, P
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9 s7 X; `+ f- t: T+ W. c
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& }- y6 H$ K# D# K/ n' A, |4 `Game System Requirements8 ~, D' H) Y# ?3 y0 B
OS: Windows 7/8/10& W0 p4 K2 d6 e& Z7 F
CPU: 2.0 GHz
( \; [' I4 N+ a2 u* fRAM: 1024 MB8 ], w3 N6 H/ {' d
DirectX: 9
2 z' b/ R, }1 d2 A& J0 ~: ?) zAverage Ranking: : o3 V1 |) U2 C9 ~, \* l7 u
3.0/5 (CE)
" a5 Y, J5 W) ^3.6/5 (SE)7 D2 z! d. |* i

6 v0 ?3 @5 O$ C9 CDownload Link: https://www.chinaavg.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=45300
" r6 l  y# q' ]
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收藏收藏 分享分享 很美好很美好 很差劲很差劲

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