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发表于 2009-2-19 12:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


最近两件事给了一点启发:( p8 q  ?. a) n! ]( W: q+ d% k
& p# ~" r/ B+ u2 h- w) E
1.Limbo of The Lost——- ]* ?4 k! R; u0 E  _: x, C

* }7 G) W. F& s4 `8 m2 t* dPlagiarism; m6 H5 a9 ]2 A5 j' {1 b
On June 11, 2008 GamePlasma, a gaming news site, posted an article showing certain places in Limbo of the Lost were identical to the game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.[7] After the revelation, others looking into the game discovered environments and assets that appear to be taken from other games including Sea Dogs[8][9] and World of Warcraft.[10][11] Notably, however, all the assets are in fact simple screenshots from other games, used as 2D backgrounds.
8 Q. B- ?) G2 e0 w! U* W
, A3 @3 E) V$ V6 j( ?0 K5 k- JOther content appears to have been taken from live action films, including a scene and dialogue from the 1997 film Spawn, an image from Beetlejuice [12], another from Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and several more from Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.[13][14] Additionally, a Lord of the Rings Nazgûl bust by Weta Workshop appears to have been used in another background image.[15], |4 j1 Z; S+ B# v
; k3 [  ^- f- s) N: q: Q' _
7 ^( _0 _7 A* ]' m0 W# E- m  O' y  N' G
2.A Carol Reed Mystery——5 ~  q" A# v, j& S/ `" \2 {6 [, {. ]

( O8 k. D: V2 @, s9 S场景全部真人实景,有一个相机就成。而且系列的3、4作还是用WinterMute引擎制作的,用GOBREAD解包以后可以看到源码,从中借鉴经验。此外Limbo of The Lost同样是WinterMute引擎游戏。

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-19 15:24 | 显示全部楼层
Limbo of The Lost是第三人称游戏,而A Carol Reed Mystery是第一人称……
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发表于 2009-2-19 15:30 | 显示全部楼层
你好心点 搞成中文的吧 看着闹心
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少理老祖 该用户已被删除
发表于 2009-2-22 12:55 | 显示全部楼层
管理员跟我说“不要打擦边球”,还删了贴,我太不明白. L$ @) n, ~& E8 U
) A' N; f7 a8 U; @" i+ @
& ?0 B8 Z2 ~4 o; |, `7 K3 j2 `; p. S: i9 p0 {' `7 |: {  t
“直接进入”就是指切换场景时直接进入下一个场景,没有loading或动画转换- Y, H% |9 |$ b9 s0 i( I/ I

- z, S* \/ K, W. ]“打擦边球”我想是不是切换场景时,在屏幕的边缘出现一个进度条,有个小球在条上打来打去?说白了也就是要预读loading?
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发表于 2009-3-13 23:45 | 显示全部楼层
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