
英文版 【更新】世界神话 10:囿于石 Myths of the World: Bound by the Stone CE

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[英文版] 【更新】世界神话 10:囿于石 Myths of the World: Bound by the Stone CE

发表于 2016-12-21 23:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

【更新】世界神话 10:囿于石 Myths of the World: Bound by the Stone CE

本帖最后由 2yf00000 于 2024-2-15 12:09 编辑
) y$ N: ^5 u1 r7 K( N3 _( \2 V* F
: D8 y6 o- n8 Q( b# o2 D1 q4 k% `

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Myths of the World: Bound by the Stone Collector's Edition  i  k$ J$ M  W. p5 ?
Developer: Eipix Entertainment6 Y- ?7 B+ I9 L3 y; Z* o( s. R
Publisher: Big Fish Games/ X% D) V+ b8 \" _, O- F" e0 ]6 L7 G! R
Hard Drive:  910 MB/ e6 u, C$ }! H: s) ]
Release Date: 2016-12-17
% \0 g3 B" Z8 s1 t8 t6 I

5 p  w+ {2 ]1 [9 wE家又来刷存在感了………………
! ~% D6 [" D+ s* q! @0 BThe forest around the village of Beline was always shrouded in a thick layer of mystery. Local life is indissolubly connected with unique rituals that were meant to keep the dark forces away from inhabitants. When a Solomonar, a member of a strange order of wizards, appears in the village, villagers call you and your master to help them deal with him. This is your opportunity to prove yourself a true Defender, and save the village. 
& c2 {- {, e& i& W9 I5 b4 [+ L1 Q  i, @% a% i
' C8 J3 O& g& Z
*Bonus game
) L! a/ ]& {+ P" o1 s( `*Soundtracks, wallpapers and concept art
+ A9 w# l$ }1 e0 a2 N# c# S# v) U*Replayable HO's and puzzles
9 K4 ^! Z, _/ e  y2 y* E9 C*Morphing objects: x& L% _+ q5 l8 e
*Achievements and collectibles
- Z# Q, ^& |* `  D$ _3 ?3 f9 d*Integrated strategy guide
8 u% T- f- \6 R! v
( q* c& `, X6 `2 E: m2 ~
UPDATED! New Version - January 9th, 2017.3 b( @& X  z3 x; c" F9 X
This update includes the following:- p) u$ ~* f" F/ `2 \& m# ]- j
- A fix for the issue preventing players from clicking on things in the Forest Hidden Object scene.
/ H$ k6 E5 ~0 H$ o. j2 ?- A fix for the display issue with the Man in Tower.
; ]* H- ~* v4 k$ G9 W
: a. W3 ]9 b% h" r5 s- i* g
3 V+ m$ @. P4 ^Baidu Yun:
, [  |4 C+ s  Mhttps://www.chinaavg.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=47357
6 T; ]* G2 K9 e, d% q; o: a9 G+ [- m+ G2 Z9 p) v" X: Z; g
This game is no longer available at any retailers due to the publisher's request with reason unknown. So sad:(2 q3 P3 t/ R; T& \! J$ H) r


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发表于 2016-12-22 03:16 | 只看该作者
thank you guys for sharing ,
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* c3 p2 Y1 c2 b1 q  o9 d
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