
英文版 【更新】神秘视线 14:破碎时光 Mystery Case Files: Broken Hour CE

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[英文版] 【更新】神秘视线 14:破碎时光 Mystery Case Files: Broken Hour CE

发表于 2016-11-25 02:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

【更新】神秘视线 14:破碎时光 Mystery Case Files: Broken Hour CE

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3 ?9 V! N/ o' n  e5 b1 Z8 x- d. x% n+ F! M
Mystery Case Files: Broken Hour Collector's Edition
4 Z  H4 H% w) |0 ]% ]' ?% XDeveloper: Eipix Entertainment# ]' E- [; N; }1 j7 m& s# r" j! s
Publisher: Big Fish Games% L1 U1 v& E' ?  l
Hard Drive: 838 MB" g# F  E  ]/ j: J: y; i
Release Date: 2016-11-22

6 ]5 j3 k! L! C/ g$ L4 F
6 g# |3 t) V8 O7 K9 \# E( Y9 d2 I! v8 b3 J8 j# |' d
George Pritchard's Diary$ t$ V/ z7 |; v: S+ Q$ ^
Huxley's boarding house
5 v' ^2 e: x$ s. x3 V0 ?6 ADay 1# `0 }0 t' a& I7 b' F
This is… unbelievable! Wow! The house is a real Victorian artifact. I can't believe I'm here.. g) N6 m9 e" ~: J- N1 L* y
Day 3
9 y4 c3 S# H' U* O* x1 J9 dWell, I have to admit - the house is even weirder than I expected! Sure, the vistas and visages are beautiful, but… There are all these rules! One even prevents me from taking my camera inside and taking pictures.) b! e" l" [, u6 g7 G
Day 7  U+ E/ U$ P/ ^" X
I said that the house is weird, but it's more than that. It's scaring me to the bone. At night, sounds of dragging feet come from the hallway… And worse - I feel like someone is watching me – all the time!1 _' ?% r; z) @
Day 10; b4 o) n2 n+ d
All right… I have to get out of the house - as soon as I can. But I'm not leaving until I take a couple of pictures of this place. Otherwise - the whole experience will be lost. I have already put my plan in motion.0 ]1 [# _/ [3 G! P. ]
Day 130 U. f5 H  e7 F  x9 g4 ^
They know I've broken the rules… and I don't think that this will end in an expulsion. I have precious little time…8 t, |0 n9 o/ |0 r  R5 t4 \

6 d# J3 `# X9 i( Q* b( b% K+ t5 x! X* {# ?
& z. A% l4 e$ t: w# |. R1 b

) O) }) k7 u# U7 y1 T7 H7 H5 H( P- V- k& i! k2 n; C
- C4 {4 ?, r% D, x8 i5 q: F4 U( G

7 K5 i: I0 R; t2 f7 h" }# g' B" e4 b: X2 Y6 k' y3 ~
Game System Requirements
- N9 U/ U8 @; T+ i0 @OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
' ^% N" n) ]$ q7 a+ A) e" c, GCPU: 2.0 GHz
9 u$ W8 U/ Z+ E& F- h/ E! o9 d2 w9 gRAM: 1024 MB
4 H  ?1 p& k1 uDirectX: 9' b* q8 E- |9 S4 Q

) Z8 B3 Q: v: d! ?
UPDATED! New Version - November 28th, 2016.
1 b# S  f* J3 ]6 l+ p# T. hThis update includes the following:6 F2 j( G4 v) f. w6 _
- Fixes issue found with UV light and symbols.
; F% z; m3 |- @9 U* _$ ?
BaiduYun unlocked" L4 y6 r6 {5 G
Download Link: https://www.chinaavg.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=44815
7 V+ d% `$ W8 C3 X4 |2 v& W2 F" p: p6 ^


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