
[Adrive/納米] 英文舊遊戲大合集(圖多注意/02.18更新納米分流)

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[Adrive/納米] 英文舊遊戲大合集(圖多注意/02.18更新納米分流)

发表于 2009-2-15 03:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

[Adrive/納米] 英文舊遊戲大合集(圖多注意/02.18更新納米分流)

02.18.09告示/ [% `, \5 d$ S0 M
9 X4 N- H9 g* q1 r* H& M# |) J* V! U9 n, w3 G$ w* B7 ~, `. L0 r
7 A; V6 a& _4 g>其他舊遊戲已壓成一個壓縮檔6 h1 h# k- Z5 Q1 u" W1 j
>運行遊戲等工具還是去PART C 看說明  D4 W" e3 v( z; x9 K$ ~9 K1 f# s0 M

$ Q6 R2 i/ L) A+ N) h
" ^% \, _8 z: E1 D9 u9 w如果過期請通知,我看情況補檔!!
5 {7 V" f( ?: O0 h, X2 ]2 r  p" _" t% J1 P$ }3 M; \
以下超過110隻英文舊遊戲,其中有很多經典!& b/ k4 }  r4 @, p4 y
全部分開下載地址,除了一隻是納米下載外,其餘都是adrive下載。4 F% n3 ~" l8 ?% M

3 E3 K+ Z4 W  L* b>納米下載速度不穩定,最好是在深夜下; P9 R/ F1 q- z7 B! y6 h- F
4 h. P" ]4 Z) r7 n>有些遊戲要用模擬器工具,詳細看下面,工具下載在最下- X' x) T) ?# q" v, K
>有些遊戲中包含了說明和攻略,有些更有soundtrack(都是lucasarts的)請自己查看0 P; o) ]' R4 _3 z: X0 r
* q7 A8 R4 h9 R% o$ b3 b( @>由於太多遊戲,介紹請自行尋找,可以到http://www.adventure-archiv.com/或google也找得到,論壇中一定有骨灰級的玩過,大家向他們請教一下那些好玩吧^^
% I5 p. Q0 c' p" Q7 S% Q>請不要直接轉載出去或盜連,我怕流量過大被刪1 ]" e+ X7 s( f$ z6 o
; C" |( c  C% b6 f/ \
4 m  y( Y8 h$ n$ L* m3 R怎知道快全傳完的時間才知道adrive月底不再為免費用戶提供永久服務...
1 j1 o( R" L6 O; e2 _- E" O' K1 e鬱悶死我...所以大家要下的就快啦,我也不知何時刪。**
* w: F: M/ y9 V: k- f- y8 P) A3 ]0 H4 t6 \8 m

/ ^- U8 m; t# p' A! ^( U6 Y遊戲列表及圖:
. }0 n( u$ g; A) A======================PART A : Lucas Arts Adventures遊戲======================1 v& U5 c$ H- t  L
*****有些遊戲請用ScummVM來運行,個別.d64遊戲請用CCS64模擬器,鏡像則用daemon tools******
% s9 B( j0 l+ N9 s1 _# i/ I$ m, d<<<<<<<<<<<<<<遊戲封包中的內容和安裝運行見PART C 最後>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2 b/ ~* \# {5 q7 K0 b+ r. |3 A( m0 d" l' W4 h6 w
6 ?0 X; ]* x. y$ d4 c3 j

; h% I0 ?" K/ N' {7 w, j+ I9 h% x0 ^
9 w; f( Z) q) o* j! ?+ V9 X
Day of the Tentacle(with Speech) 198MB
' y. m( R) v0 vDay of the Tentacle 98.5MB6 @" a! m% i7 n( N( U7 F8 E) L# P
, g1 D5 @2 j' n3 r$ x: d
Full Throttle 341.3MB3 f: P9 B! m+ t2 T. O" O8 X! _8 |

* ^; p: a) ?6 r# J: _8 FGrim Fandango 1.2GB6 _0 |# p# r+ P# ^& o0 n* H  k# F% G
: V# |' J. l7 S; I
Indiana Jones 1 and the Last Crusade 49MB
0 o9 s; H- ]+ X1 S/ J& ~1 D4 x+ m/ ^$ I
Indiana Jones 2 and the Fate of Atlantis(with speech) 160MB9 u8 m7 t+ _- p7 q* i
Indiana Jones 2 and the Fate of Atlantis 116MB
, \" q9 x- S" w( N
8 \1 U9 d! I( ]1 v  A, cLabyrinth 525.9K" {/ q1 {/ B* k$ d3 ^; `
: N. m: f# Z' s

* c+ T. F/ f- [' s) N: r0 D* q6 ?Loom Enhanced 422MB" m* w& s; |1 w1 D+ u
Loom 100MB
: E; }8 e7 b0 s$ d# O
: j4 R! W4 s9 b0 ]. B. r. O
1 M8 H, p. z! p9 rManiac Mansion Enhanced 8.8MB
7 ?+ H. E, l# Q9 r- i) SManiac Mansion 9.6MB
# f/ }' Z; j) Y7 V$ E$ n8 Y6 o5 p+ m- Q5 d
2 j6 ^: V! W+ L* v4 ?
Monkey Island 1 Secret of Monkey Island (CD Version) 90.3MB- @2 g% O3 ?% F# `% K3 @# k+ x
Monkey Island 1 Secret of Monkey Island 75.6MB
4 u7 r3 U% ]+ ~( {8 K8 l; g0 q8 R$ i* x9 w. f
Monkey Island 2 LeChuck's Revenge 208.2MB
! [5 g. [8 [8 E8 }; E" F5 \  r, h( U; V& q5 T
Monkey Island 3 The Curse of Monkey Island 1GB
5 m" ~4 y$ U, }6 I
" u3 Z6 f$ z' g/ Y, d: nMonkey Island 4- Escape from Monkey Island 1.4GB! a8 I; r$ j, r* O3 T

) X! v) N2 k7 \# ?, ?Sam & Max - Hit the Road (With speech) 155MB
0 Y" }  j: `" c9 cSam & Max - Hit the Road 69.6MB
4 q' ]7 v, m* M4 o& h' u0 {3 D% d6 F! u; g& s
The Dig 659MB
! |' @! }! h- {: }7 n' z/ _$ `$ F& S1 r! O) j1 ^9 U9 L  [5 T
, |  Y! b( d" Z5 o  r+ a* A
Zak McKracken- abd the Alien Mindbenders Enhanced 87.6MB
) \$ N; Y4 r$ ]4 _) E& D2 |) hZak McKracken- and the Alien Mindbenders 83.7MB
* H. b- c3 b2 @' S
' S* a; B% n% F. {====================PART B : 其他舊遊戲======================! s+ w% ?$ C1 `, z5 s$ m) W# [& h5 z
*******.d64遊戲請用CCS64模擬器/dos遊戲用DOSBox0.65(大部分都是dos的)/其餘的pc可運行*********4 X* e0 ?- I' [( _8 R! P7 ~; D
###注意:此下一些遊戲是早期的文字冒險遊戲(如zork,mission om)沒有圖和聲音的,方式是輸入指令來玩,倒有點趣味^^###
' B3 n6 t- U) |  W: U' e% v7 I: w1 J
9 x0 @3 |* a- q$ `4 `6 p+ E
) {) Q/ N  `; `' b5 {- q9 }" b- n+ X& T
1 o5 ~/ b- E/ P, B3 c( y# v  V
Zork1-The Great Underground Empire(1978)166.5 (說明在封包中)
9 Y/ w7 c9 _  x) \
# w. s7 k* q% F- D6 lZork2-The Wizard of Frobozz(1981) 170.5K(說明在封包中)+ F( f: u; W" N$ h" ~

+ p" a5 ~- x! l/ S9 ZZork3-The Dungeon Master(1983) 163.5K(說明在封包中)
2 `+ i8 C% V+ i- c5 |5 p; S. S
2 X% a& x+ y/ p4 wZork-The Undiscovered Underground(1997) 317.7K! {$ r* ?- V; x; ]2 p/ e, r+ ^- H

" p1 l1 V  q4 ?6 j2 Q2 p8 j; vCosmology of Kyoto 133MB
- r0 K* B& l: k9 R
! R# C" E2 ]% C( s2 IDungeons of Grimlor 897.6K
4 k( i  O# l% J" Z' Z4 A  B找不到圖& k  m+ n7 h7 h: _2 ?  X* ~4 l
Haunted House 34.3MB
& T! \( Y% [  L# l) j+ F* ], V& e& X2 X( i( |4 @2 |
( b* V1 j- L& Q( b! H/ W
: G3 n6 R5 X0 a  f% bLure of Temptress 1.7MB1 U* n5 z0 z2 B2 F* p- g
找不到圖(和zork一樣是文字冒險就是啦)/ `) ?1 ]4 |+ d2 z: R& T; b
Misson OM D64版 170.8K
: ?8 _% `* [, q  ?1 S+ L0 K8 N$ M2 M0 m7 c. U
Hitchiker's guide to the Galaxy(1984 Infocom) 135.6K (我沒記錯也是文字冒險)4 z+ c8 X8 }' E9 C, H
- u- d3 j+ d" r( a$ d/ \
Lost Treasures(Infocom) 73.4MB# ^5 x  |2 s. z$ U: G% N% ^  m/ d3 y: _# ^
  Z$ F+ O2 a3 k( u( v
Adventures of Robin Hood 450.2K
/ H8 p: s$ K, L% a2 G
! Q$ v  v7 z' ^# e( C$ \Alien Incident 9.5MB0 F0 q% `6 z7 \( w; O& q

. k8 y0 Y; n" q# b& q8 O$ o: a2 |Alien Virus 41.4MB" N6 O' j+ c2 l/ O, _4 _; S
& f- ]) `3 V. V; x. H
Alone in the Dark 2 12.5MB
0 P9 {$ @2 q9 i, N3 r' m' |
" \/ `3 T) I  r- ?3 b# LAltered Destiny 2MB7 Y6 L5 M. g0 G: T' P; w! j; U6 ~2 r

! x8 Y& L: Z/ |! |0 I6 i$ UAmazon - Guardians of Eden 8MB! C- x3 w* R& m$ f: F7 @

7 |, a# U& G- e% \' F0 z' {' \An American Tail - Fievel Goes West 2.4MB: K; ?/ m  a9 M% j; ?
  " ]1 U& ?$ s. p4 M& C4 \
B.A.T. 675.7K
8 P( d$ A$ A7 X0 h. Y# t9 S+ s* } 
7 R: S/ K4 O; I* u% K' M- a: tBatman - The Caped Crusader 174.6K
+ G: S4 w5 w& ^1 l& |1 d 
: f! A$ }/ i2 u2 G: }6 Z9 sBeverly Hillbillies 2.5MB
* ]! b1 G/ p3 n( H* V  ! j( o& O/ H7 M7 ]; N  {
Big Red Adventure 23.1MB; e& s, v4 p- J& q! Q
  + r' `. ?$ e$ l
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure 1.4MB+ S+ y0 O5 y/ g' ^( j- `
& k2 J( P/ i+ g7 w% rBlackstar - Agent of Justice 1.6MB4 r& e- X* ~$ Q7 v7 J% l/ K/ s6 G
# @$ r5 v0 r7 |& T" T# U6 EBlue Force 10MB
, N) F- @. h: i( `# Z  & @+ D4 E' D; I, q
Cadaver 798.4K0 ^* P2 w: ~, a! c5 N  g9 ?9 t
7 f: Q! B' B4 b$ ]4 M1 FCompanions of Xanth 5.5MB2 ^7 g% ^$ L' C# R3 X
4 A' |7 f" C8 {
Conquests of Camelot 2.7MB
5 Y1 m* e; S4 {) Y- S% u  r  1 T- e% x# H7 d* C  W* b+ L
Countdown 2.5MB
# l) C7 Y; x' n, B6 J " X8 x. M, n7 a
Crime City 509K+ z9 f! g# K# B6 \; @( J9 ~
找不到圖 1 O! _, Q, h) {- Z
Crime Time 436.8K: Y+ f* s9 u5 B# q! S' t
  t- e! B$ L2 E
Cruise for a Corpse 3.1MB
( B! s& R, M. Q0 c1 a8 c0 t 
" O. d* [& c/ \* E' l, K. p" M9 z+ zDark Half 1.8MB# f+ v& H, Z, k+ Z0 x" w. z' R8 F/ s
5 ~, w7 H7 `$ i) c# }! H3 s2 R
Dark Seed II 27MB: }0 [: F. H1 R( |
  ) g+ i9 E6 m2 c9 c& X, k5 n
Darkseed 5.6MB5 m1 o& T# }* c
' k# R2 `% w8 C
Death Gate 9.6MB
: A1 X, Q' o" r8 \1 J9 y/ E  - _. E! q" I7 G+ p6 C
Discworld 20.3MB3 [1 O2 K5 B& e. U
1 R% _! `6 Q% H! i5 r  E) f
DreamWeb 9MB
( U2 \! B( {5 g* h5 B ! U9 c& X$ S* f( w8 N' [, x4 I' h/ n
Dune 1.7MB5 d1 C6 |8 X, Y# `+ E+ p+ r( h
- j& }  X( s, S* oEric the Unready 5.3MB; G/ k- q' k" X( n$ B
9 D9 u( `. b" G# H+ X% T7 }8 d! t
Escape from Delirium 4.6MB
' d0 f. w( R4 Y$ \! l" a& t$ r/ k- O) @% d
Fable 60MB
! N5 ^. \# x5 W, q
* x5 H3 h4 k  k/ Z: C0 Z8 AFuture Wars - Time Travellers 808.9K
1 e: M& x# v* }2 M) C8 l9 I( @
8 _# s% y" u% L; Y& k3 d* MGateway 2 - Homeworld 16.5MB
; S# s5 E2 N, l7 ^# f8 @# m  0 l0 b3 x2 F( V
Gene Machine 55.3MB
5 a4 G- u- U3 G- ?3 K; C3 r5 Q . A" s3 o9 w# p3 d2 j1 d
Gold Rush 1.1MB6 b  K3 n: K& R9 v

7 m- K: I$ F! y& gGuilty 7.7MB
& }7 ?; n- t- X% M7 L. N, N3 A9 d" r
Heimdall 2 - Into the Hall of Worlds 2.7MB
. E+ B% d6 @# v  
# G& r. R3 F& b$ P* x1 `Hook 1.5MB
. \# J: |2 g: |3 ]. v6 U   % _2 @' ^* n4 m; m9 R  y( ^
Igor - Objective Uikokahonia 4.2MB' G* V+ \. K# h

* s' _8 A2 f1 s& @Innocent Until Caught 8.2MB, D4 i, E7 G1 e. ^
  % z7 |8 D4 f& N2 e3 U
Inspector Gadget 5MB
5 L1 `. @# r2 @/ x  {$ h 
$ v5 t9 |2 {0 M+ o+ KIron Lord 711.1K
$ F5 R: _% n) l
1 d2 y# Z0 u! Y( D( @Jack in the Dark 1.3MB
! N  z5 S% Y2 Q# M  J6 ~% k    \' L. j4 ~9 M, J4 W
Jack The Ripper 8.4MB
' ^# D- A, Z# m. R- Y 9 C  y* C; h- `4 n( W- r& f2 h
Kronolog - The Nazi Paradox aka Red Hell 8MB# I# w, i# j( J  J$ g( {# `
! X2 b4 Z0 d$ r* S$ K" Q, T# ~Laura Bow 1 - The Colonels Bequest 3MB- s0 R+ ~3 Y- r8 }

1 K/ M& Y2 v4 p: L4 rLeather Goddesses of Phobos 2 11.4MB' L; m3 \) ~4 D3 V3 \& A
1 m& I" y% M8 _% N
Legacy - Realms Of Terror 9.6MB6 W  C! e: J  X& w1 O# q! V: R
) ~$ {2 Z$ f% C& G! _- I
Legend of Kyrandia 2 - Hand of Fate 11MB
' @/ S& V& f$ P9 h) | 
/ ?' w( s) h/ h- [Legend of Kyrandia 3 - Malcolms Revenge 30.8MB
+ q/ m5 |7 U0 j' ?2 J( a7 p 
3 i  P7 n2 z% Y, d5 o& B, K3 CLegend of Kyrandia 4.9MB" m& D5 f4 }$ T( z% I' }  S* j

# f7 U' D! z# h* N5 f4 sLes Manley 2 - Lost In LA 3.6MB3 X- W9 e5 V# |7 B3 v  n
/ |. k1 n/ K, pLes Manley in Search for The King 1.2MB% [$ V0 W1 p0 ?3 T3 e7 u2 p

" ~; b1 o/ s! A& G( yLitil Divil 9.7MB/ u! V/ u7 e* r$ r6 `
  ' l7 a" |3 b. O- h$ U2 x% e5 k8 E0 x
Martian Memorandum 6.4MB3 E$ h% F6 Q. j. e

" Q1 }  s9 @3 s. pMaupiti Island 683.3K7 h, A- n; }0 L9 g, Q% b
6 Y0 G( b+ q; @0 t0 I/ s- sMean Streets 1.9MB
+ A7 T: M- `* ?' [7 j4 V8 Y + @) Q8 [5 O, ^" w3 b7 E/ K
Mixed Up Mother Goose 264.6K
  {  E- n% f9 `8 z- p+ i8 E# a$ k
/ C9 n9 j* S. @$ M3 q( eNippon Safes, Inc 1.9MB
- B; q% {7 d2 Y4 O- j" A, ~( y9 D! v) }+ T
Personal Nightmare 1.2MB
3 T: x* c6 b. |% t
' ^" x* X  M1 ?$ c8 S* fPirates Gold 8.2MB% B" y# b4 g, `+ d- J
$ F6 S3 Q  O( t$ J3 u8 IPirates!  387.9K
* N- \7 U! ^: ?, z6 K  _3 Q" ^& k7 Z" `% G3 o6 k
Project Nomad 4.8MB; d8 e- q4 F* ^  J2 u
  3 |) W( G% D# E" V  U
Protostar 4.7MB+ H* {7 g( q! c3 v) `$ Z1 @
# I1 _  d% F) {: V) Q& |2 D) S9 i" m+ pReturn of the Phantom 6.8MB
0 N" Y: R  _! x+ d  / s( j, U+ ?: k1 W# o, F
Return to Ringworld 22.7MB
- R8 T- c- @, S% s) f" e' Z( [- W/ ^  1 ]! Y+ i3 T4 s9 o
Ringworld Revenge of the Patriarch 8.1MB
! c5 M5 K% x/ [4 d1 y( D8 T
9 j0 g8 V1 v& `+ P$ xRise of the Dragon 6.5MB
5 q8 c; X) `/ x, M2 e5 [. f" O  . g" ^# ]" ?; q4 q( N. G: s
Snoopy and Peanuts 117.3K- Q( j+ W8 L" L& S

0 ]" D( h  z3 ]9 W- o' YSpellcasting 101 2.4MB" g& H7 T: H; j1 ^) E
  7 _9 }6 V( w0 v/ x% f& y
Spellcasting 201 - The Sorcerers Appliance 3.3MB7 q$ p% P2 {3 L; Q0 r# B& Q

- N6 }, u8 p. Y# o3 q* tSpellcasting 301 - Spring Break 4.4MB' F. y6 {& r; C1 q' y2 ^' K7 Z% r0 a
6 n6 g5 g% I, G7 l
Star Trek - 25th Anniversary 4.5MB" ~7 y  R0 @5 h0 J/ p) Z

8 K, h) X6 ~; z9 @Star Trek - The Next Generation - The Transinium Challenge 648.4K
+ R, r* t$ n& K% r8 E ) i& K  E" E3 H! X9 M
Star Trek - The Rebel Universe 139.5K0 \; `- }/ X7 |2 g! b' d

2 s% _1 w8 R% a5 P3 o" T% g- XTouche - The Adventures of the 5th Musketeer 15.8MB( L3 I2 x- u( b! Q+ k, h
+ [3 n" e- Q7 Z' g0 z
Universe 5.4MB( C, o( \4 Y( v" l2 I# ]
) e, k1 O  d$ ]" @) ~
Waynes World 2.6MB
4 S6 N0 U5 {6 k7 N2 B' m  + }" G( }3 O; C$ F8 S
Veil of Darkness 3.9MB
  N9 U( s- T3 L! f, O# t' _7 H/ d  s2 l# E' y6 F9 [' B: Q
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PART C : 模擬器工具/其他<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, J9 t( D; }9 j2 |3 f. E) ~. {+ l
7 c& }: o" h  d) L. A2 O; l6 N
ScummVM 專用來玩LucasArts遊戲
6 g0 U7 q1 X: m6 {; z& Rhttp://www.adrive.com/public/cc3 ... cc0dc7ffee2564.html: o0 ^8 j' P0 [
" n" D" T. L, m
CCS64用來玩.d64檔4 `- C8 ~9 T. o
http://www.adrive.com/public/8dc ... 2f9f375dda13d0.html
: R( J7 i( x  D) z1 l  R5 r( P3 N% n. T1 Q( n5 j
DOSBox0.65用來玩dos遊戲- r. K; ^, n+ G3 ]! g
http://www.adrive.com/public/2ea ... 4d0ec85134699e.html5 j+ ^( K  A6 w6 ~2 P# p* Z
8 h8 Z2 F; e; f6 E8 I6 w( p/ Z
daemon tools載入cd鏡像,大家都懂用的啦~
4 @' r4 Q; j* e3 b( T! ohttp://www.daemon-tools.cc/downloads  U# L" y% m8 D0 z; Z, r

, Q: A) N0 }1 i' |
( c% c  }5 E: H\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\(PART A :)Lucas Arts遊戲的詳細內容和安裝////////////////////////////////, u1 C: O6 l9 }7 X
( A- m2 E- K3 P) S. `' {--------------------------------------------------
, V0 i' f4 W! T: L% B( X2 F; K9 R& p: v1 E) H' D/ V' ^
*** Day of the Tentacle (with and without speech):
8 ]- n- h  F6 X" P9 l' `1) Unzip
% F+ @8 h# u' c5 m, ^, B' i2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed
& K$ u$ u1 Q5 c- O6 V* B7 r  S2 ]3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM5 r$ T. L, Z! v+ M0 \
4) You will find two games, chose the "Day of the Tentacle" one. The other one is Maniac Mansion, the prequel.! R' R! d7 }9 |8 Y/ y( n& `

) Y* p8 N' o2 C% b( Z2 }" B, ^*** Full Throttle/ D% x+ k3 ]( K6 h2 a; q: d
1) Use a CD emulating program (like Daemon tools, included in the "tools" folder)1 ~! i8 R" p0 d& U! g2 P
   (You can also use a CD burning program like Nero)! o7 {& y7 \# O* j6 R' b
2) Install game from disc.' N/ K0 s/ {2 t8 T
3) I don't think you need ScummVM for this, allthough you might. (I've heard both): l( I( z! r: ]. n) ~! w
Note: If the sound won't work, try moving all the files from the CD into the folder where7 p; v2 O. J! q0 u, G5 |
you installed the game.
+ L0 F+ }7 Z+ W- t' Z3 V' _. h8 c0 Z- z, M  e( N) u
*** Grim Fandango3 i$ f- w  o2 Y1 G
1) Use a CD emulating program (like Daemon tools, included in the "tools" folder): F0 a1 D% V' |4 ^
   (You can also use a CD burning program like Nero)
+ J8 x8 F  g+ O8 {! n8 f, A2) Install game from disc.
* X8 C3 I% X( r! ^" Y  f$ i3) I recomend that you install the patch that's included. This fixes some bugs.
: P  {- ]! o; _* C! d
! G/ T: g5 Z6 Q  _+ t*** The Indiana Jones Games
2 N: Y3 r0 I8 k7 \+ f2 R1) Unzip
* G4 e; G- C, m( y  {2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed4 [+ K/ ]' @! O: h# g+ L' n$ y! a
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM
' z. D  f: \& @6 e4 b
/ p' y3 Z. R  N" J*** Labyrinth+ @6 J8 r4 I# i8 Q
1) Unzip
+ x8 A" w$ L! a. C. `1 Y! |: q2) This game was never released for the PC, so I downloaded the C64 version. To run it you9 T  @/ U7 K% H  v+ Q
need an C64 emulator, this you can find in the tools folder.
; ?  N1 L* |, L4 Q. R3) Look up in the emulator tutorial on how to run the game from there./ e+ C+ ~5 `. m  e2 u$ ^
2 B- S% j( d5 q! F# X
*** The Loom games# O- a8 Z  v' {+ c8 s
1) Unzip3 k/ c  m5 H1 R) R
2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed
( i4 c# V! ^- f# b/ k% n* L3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM# h& L7 o; o/ r8 S! e
) C' E* {5 ~/ ]; H3 x; S
*** The Maniac Mansion games( x9 `' {! s) I1 y5 O  `- i
1) Unzip
; M# [+ I- `( i" z2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed# m7 ?, @7 l+ x2 k5 ]+ u
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM
" Y9 A0 t) {, E- \+ q5 p(Note: For the NES version of Maniac Mansion that I included, you need a NES emulator.
. H" Z# q( V9 t6 P! SThe emulator can be found in the "Game" folder in the "NES version" folder.7 {+ X# B/ @' ]6 o2 R

" Z. Q9 v. I- J/ o- e# L*** Monkey Island 1 and 25 i2 ?8 k6 o% y: ]( W1 t
1) Unzip  `: W3 c: D; T/ i! B
2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed; b! x4 P& a& J$ E
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM  e* [8 A! N+ Y! _; I4 ~+ N6 a" s* W
8 p" |5 A# _) T2 [
*** Monkey Island 3 and 4
) v/ ?- g' Q  J1 V1) Use a CD emulating program (like Daemon tools, included in the "tools" folder)7 W. E/ v1 C# i& b
   (You can also use a CD burning program like Nero)
. z  u; p0 {3 k& D6 A7 ?2) Install game from disc. & b7 h7 C5 {5 r0 f9 x& \2 l$ P
9 G" P8 i& T5 T% y
*** Sam and Max (both versions)' h6 s2 U- [/ v: _3 m. A
1) Unzip
" r; |# ^& Q8 v! y3 C# D2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed! ?, G9 d: R2 {' z( A
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM
8 [5 ^  l5 o' r5 _2 j
8 k( ?' y# p  h( m*** The Dig
5 q6 [/ s+ p- i$ h" b1) Use a CD emulating program (like Daemon tools, included in the "tools" folder)2 s3 U  e0 u3 K& r. n' Z
   (You can also use a CD burning program like Nero)! F' K9 W3 H' \) m- s+ M3 V/ ]1 X4 I
2) Install game from disc.0 i+ E& U# P( s
3) I don't think you need ScummVM for this, allthough you might. (I've heard both)# s' j0 y" Q1 e* B7 F4 {# R" ?  L6 F
Note: If the sound won't work, try moving all the files from the CD into the folder where$ v2 h# L6 V! B6 v
you installed the game.- N& K5 t# y5 s! _: e: I( U7 [/ e3 M6 S
- X2 @: g% l5 p/ f$ T; o
*** Zak McKracken (both versions)
2 a1 c- _" h! E! p9 M1) Unzip  }4 M; s9 P: E0 m$ z: Y5 z
2) Make sure you have ScummVM installed3 s' }2 w+ v7 l/ b, c" ~
3) Open the "Game" directory in ScummVM
) r+ I4 C- `8 T6 R, X9 u% D( o: E  O- n
--------------------------------------------------! }1 u6 K, K2 w3 Y
B) WHAT THIS PACKAGE INCLUDES6 B2 ~6 A5 R7 j# `) H1 o6 {. _
+ h% t, `$ j& k1 n% s8 Y* n3 `5 n) m6 _+ t( ]/ `9 y
*** Day of the Tentacle (with speech)
# g3 q4 K6 D3 r' K( v8 Z- Covers
# m; |, ?; R4 ?; M- The Game" b$ T: m; H( Y: z" @4 @
- Manual- K$ s2 [- t: M4 x6 j
- Walkthrough
+ w4 v. X# s) G3 J- ^" m- A- Game Soundtrack4 O# M$ [% u2 }( |; D

- q* E& h9 p8 B7 S# Y% i) |) ]*** Day of the Tentacle (without speech)
, F) }. H/ Z# c$ [- k5 e2 h- Covers
# B% a9 e, Z& e7 }; F/ N- The Game
6 I" U3 S5 K2 Y" h4 S- Manual
$ w! N/ E, s. T( H5 i# m/ R. H& q- Walkthrough# i( H7 v& t! N. F0 i
- Game Soundtrack; N# c: r# W4 g1 A$ W
4 @9 l8 {8 S: k) H
*** Full Throttle3 g. [! |1 g4 C: Z0 Z& |4 I3 O
- Covers) K; M% F. P3 t4 i
- CD-image of game; F' a" x3 ^$ u$ v4 X
- Manual( y$ p: o/ D- J1 H( K, f6 H
- Walkthrough
9 C" E7 v0 x  x# \- A1 k% Y; w, s- Original Mini Soundtrack: W0 \4 i6 W( z; W

8 C# K0 m9 X( N& R*** Grim Fandango. @0 s! `* R* T& Q: z8 Q
- Covers# Y# b/ N0 x1 W2 x5 v6 n) q
- CD-image of game
5 @6 B. ^; x0 k* Y" I6 ?1 E( u/ q8 o- Manual2 v6 m6 r. q6 T3 r5 s7 z5 ]* W+ ?2 W
- Walkthrough
) y2 {. `$ P* [! ^- Original Soundtrack8 s, ~$ J  ~) B6 F. P
- Additional Soundtrack
4 e9 m! O. I( a2 u7 E
, w9 _% x4 U0 }0 p1 r* A$ A: q*** Indiana Jones and the last Crusade- B; V  Y7 q; \; l1 E
- Covers/ H* G! w) `6 Y5 T" S$ l
- The game
( I# I2 m2 x5 U/ v( m- Manual4 E6 ?2 t$ b/ U0 P' B: |
- Cheats! s; e6 v" n4 |
- Walkthrough
0 }9 t& _7 h% H) G7 T7 p$ u; W- Grail Diary
, v/ `# k/ `7 {- The FMTowns soundtrack) M) C2 f* H) w8 E3 x
9 E7 @/ a( f% a; v1 O
*** Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (with speech): A) S/ E8 b$ {4 {7 ?
- Covers
# ?# M( w1 o" H- The game4 f+ s% f/ d7 D+ ~" P6 H1 e
- Manual* Y+ @+ A2 g. r
- Cheats1 [. {/ Q: p$ O' q( F: W
- Walkthrough" g+ J4 r1 N) O' ]6 J7 ^3 i. k
- Stone alignment guide- i9 U( O  f5 ^/ J
- Fate of Atlantis OST (2CD): g/ w8 t' ~+ p, z

; f. h* V' Z9 {. g: X*** Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
( q9 ^8 L/ u  N- i5 e- Covers  y7 |* T! O# w* B' G; I
- The game
8 X0 `9 B# c' E6 m+ y! i6 m- Manual/ Z4 x! ?+ f" d6 E. [
- Cheats: j9 [% \" s- N
- Walkthrough
. H3 T% r$ L' o% U7 e6 V' T- Stone alignment guide# H" R9 U! Y, n, I3 L
- Fate of Atlantis OST (2CD)6 u, W- {1 C  D! H2 Y6 g  V

# l( Z' c! M# ?' X$ o- u*** Labyrinth
8 M$ r1 z/ i: d# o) [  z- Walkthrough% f6 p; i6 y& J- T; {: F
- Covers
  `5 A5 |5 [% Q3 [- s* G- Commodore 64 rom of the game1 }0 R9 h* g1 T$ T# c
- Strange music file from the game8 P$ c) j9 ~0 a( _$ K! `% H
% i" i1 N+ x$ T( i1 ^( ~
*** Loom0 i; q- |0 A. ^7 W0 N8 N' L
- Covers$ M7 j; C, d$ Y6 K  G9 G
- Game
3 T) X" n5 ~7 W; m) E( B9 R- Manual; B2 I* k# r3 e$ i. c. a
- Book of patterns
: n/ k/ R' x7 }( y+ Y# O( L- Quick Reference Card$ K4 `' |6 C4 v3 u) x$ g4 Z
- Walkthrough
$ }& ]9 b3 y/ t- FM Towns soundtrack (v.1 and 2)
: A! Q; ^  Q) a7 F0 I- |- Game Soundtrack
9 l/ k8 ?5 s8 e! x6 E6 q
& b1 @8 E  |! J# `: ^9 h9 i4 g5 h*** Loom Enchanced
+ I8 L, A! z4 _4 b  b- Covers
' I& k) K# f3 W% o' x- CD image of the game
2 W& X' J: X; p- Manual: I0 f3 T& N+ x
- Book of patterns8 e- l+ A1 _/ \0 {. F4 i% n+ p7 w" z8 n
- Quick Reference Card
0 D9 s+ M: f  `. o8 M& R8 k- Walkthrough
& ^& C) B) R* J) ^3 k' |# @8 o; c- Loom - The audio drama
. K! V1 J' H( w
2 m$ ~: Q4 K, f" x; }* \8 U*** Maniac Mansion
! ?( i+ x% D9 W- Covers
# B9 ?( |# ]% s* L- The game
, e" H5 _9 q8 l7 g- \' r- The Maniac Mansion version
6 ?/ F- g- w! Q: H    * covers
5 S; N2 E' v  m    * midi music from the game+ Y( a8 Z$ s3 n$ X/ Q- P
- Manual
; B$ ~! v. x$ m- Walkthrough
  ?5 g0 s  ]# v1 x! a& {* l- Midis from the game2 O6 u$ b- h- [% H" q$ c8 t* K# X5 J

9 ]3 F  H7 Z% e& C; x, C*** Maniac Mansion Enchanced* h( y9 A0 O/ @4 @( `: x
- Covers
! ]2 z# V' w: u- The game/ n! D7 y5 u; ~6 l/ I) [" r
- Manual
" o. k2 ]: Y# h. R$ ]- Walkthrough8 ^4 `* ~/ h; Z  T
- Midis from the game. O. t( t, z; p* p

$ }2 H1 W0 e- r1 i*** Monkey Island - Secret of Monkey Island (CD Version)  A3 R. v2 Z; y* c( T
- Covers7 L  A9 A( ^0 e# e
- The game
) v6 Y+ ~/ O1 ^' N4 s% Q- Manual2 M2 a2 Y+ i3 b7 y; ~/ ]
- Walkthrough0 Y* y7 v# w- }
- Cheats
* d3 s5 z4 l8 f- The Soundtrack
! l4 |8 C, R+ @5 D
4 ?5 R% w3 N1 [- k* |: y$ |*** Monkey Island - Secret of Monkey Island) ^8 v% W# W- ]6 S% H# T3 F; L( o
- Covers
/ M3 b2 {$ }/ k- The game
. T4 B9 ]  A- h' x. H6 f, |' y! N- Manual
. Q* Y5 R3 {' m5 I: r. E- Walkthrough3 C. s7 y9 l( {5 q$ C: l7 ^
- Cheats  W+ G6 _' S7 G
- Original Soundtrack3 `1 e5 ^- N( P# A. w
- The Amiga Soundtrack9 u' E' W; u8 H9 u& O4 z+ i8 s$ Y. N

! J6 z, U' }% E" f" n*** Monkey Island - LeChuck's Revenge) k' ~; o  h  U/ G- C2 E, Y
- Covers2 I) R+ Q' p8 V$ d
- The game
0 e2 J: v8 d6 ~) s' n- Manual
1 S  ^9 W" s' y6 u2 D: D# N# y- Walkthrough3 n6 ~' B( N+ |( q
- Cheats- ?1 V- u7 q6 R3 X
- The soundtrack2 S+ Y9 M. b5 X
- The soundtrack Amiga! n; {. s5 x6 t& d; S5 G# o
- The soundtrack Mac5 W5 _( s7 Q9 ?" c' b
( u  s  O9 m, p% I) W' M7 {/ u8 V
*** Monkey Island - The Curse of Monkey Island$ n7 |/ E$ ~/ |& F
- Covers9 X- R/ ], @& N% Z
- CD image of the game
% X, V' h+ e, S2 D1 H: E- Manual0 J' f9 v5 S" H. r" u2 }/ [; f
- Walkthrough& s4 A" _" D, @6 N9 c  ]
- Walkthrough MegaMonkey4 Z5 R# D6 q% M; v. R* r
- Cheats
) _# }, V4 [/ t/ m- The Soundtrack8 N- P; ?; b) M  K$ N
' P5 v1 U$ S$ d$ @6 T3 R7 c& t' X& O
*** Monkey Island - Escape from Monkey Island
) C# Y5 l! ^7 t' n- n4 _- Covers
0 s) I9 C- q& x2 [4 V* k+ q- CD images of the game9 e: i; d! P3 i7 d% h3 f
- Manual
" _' t4 z8 \, P7 A9 G6 @- Walkthrough
$ Y. a% z- `: g) Y7 t: C: ^- Official hintbook
8 N+ b3 D% v/ |" O! z- Cheats/ ]6 }* T7 G- O: j' U7 {& X% ^
- Original Soundtrack
. |2 L6 U; b* N2 F6 e3 ~7 e; f
! |+ N) ]  G* l8 C+ f*** Sam and Max Hit the Road (with speech)
2 U% M/ B% }. _# X! O' V# h- Covers
, t6 ?1 n+ ]! `  P0 J- The Game
" _# w- c* t$ v2 O$ d% P& c- Manual8 H% \& c# [5 P, H. }! s. y' Z$ q
- Walkthrough
; T! |0 v4 r* R) y6 y/ w- Game Soundtrack. |/ n( N3 c5 ?9 f* s
- Bonus soundtrack/ o! F+ A: O( U6 F0 c
, d' ?4 F  v+ T/ F
*** Sam and Max Hit the Road (without speech). n. c0 u5 |+ h9 O
- Covers
5 m/ R5 o3 j% B8 |5 U7 G- The Game
. m6 B& A1 m7 q; v' ^3 ^2 k; ^- P- Manual, z0 @  y3 B, n
- Walkthrough
- X8 c: a; Y: ~+ [. r2 U0 o- Game Soundtrack1 `  W' ~9 e+ }
3 \+ J! ~% W' N- o9 f5 l( e
*** The Dig
6 w% {7 `) O) ~' H8 l$ m- Covers
# ?" E/ b- m" c# P- CD image of the game
, y9 ]+ h& z: f5 {% {2 k* ?/ f- Manual
/ x  v4 o! s$ g3 G$ s. e: I7 x; T- Walkthrough
! w2 W! b5 Z3 E- Z$ w6 B0 H- Secrets) f3 R6 V8 [# z5 R
- The seceleton (picture)
' B3 z- p0 D) F5 h2 e( \- The Original Game Soundtrack8 w) R& }& J* ?' h; t
- The additional Soundtrack' J) f. P' Y. b* n- S/ P1 Q

8 K7 b7 r) i. c3 Z3 }; L*** Zak McKracken - and the Alien Mindbenders
- ^! P" _& D8 C& S- Covers
7 i3 Q6 o# W( d5 E* B4 H- The game
. J8 d. j. k) ~- M( L- u$ ]- Manual
  m; p) e2 B: q/ b: R1 }- Visa codes0 z! ?0 k/ H8 E4 n( a4 A. X% m
- Walkthrough1 y& ?; N( m* c/ i: s
- Soundtrack
! y# H- t2 J( |, l+ N5 G% ~( [* n

( i% I1 l  U3 @( \*** Zak McKracken - and the Alien Mindbenders Enchanced% c) c5 p" T0 P
- Covers
$ Q) D; ?& E) U% P' o0 \- The game
# O$ |6 L7 o$ t) r- Manual
% l* h, u5 S8 g' A3 l, ]& M- Visa codes
- {9 F8 C2 R! a2 J' m* X: E2 D, g- Walkthrough* H& E( J0 c2 D4 w
- Soundtrack$ Y" _$ f5 y8 ~; g: S8 k# g" T
- Mp3 of original theme song  h7 h7 f8 Q  n& l/ l: `
; E. w+ _% ~0 }  x
8 S; ]+ D% [  E% v
& O3 E( }- s: g8 I0 A: r2 ~) S" q* B$ j! u# M( f
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-15 03:56 | 只看该作者
" K! |2 o$ ~; `5 x0 E6 v" n[/free]
0 O7 d) v; [3 t5 r  X: I  x& F  l: N; e9 z3 H$ K
======================PART A : Lucas Arts Adventures遊戲======================
3 `7 i/ B2 p' K4 Q- q& H  h*******有些遊戲請用ScummVM來運\行,個別.d64遊戲請用CCS64模擬器,鏡像則用daemon tools*********& s+ e9 ]0 f. }! Q
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<遊戲封包中的內容和安裝運\行見PART C 最後>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
$ C3 ?5 g. R/ \6 D9 H0 G! ?) a/ h6 h' S$ A+ c6 k) e3 [3 ^2 l$ o
7 f; u# C* R. HDay of the Tentacle(with Speech) 198MB2 U3 m4 l; G' \  r6 v/ K% b- u6 d
http://www.adrive.com/public/032 ... 3c20e75ba73e61.html
: M0 m8 P% l! ]% o3 yhttp://www.namipan.com/d/Day%20o ... 55e3165c3927c905b0c
: T+ q8 n/ j% k0 |2 L/ e
9 y. i. ?7 d2 nDay of the Tentacle 98.5MB& F& o2 @" l9 T3 [
http://www.adrive.com/public/848 ... e9f40682afe6b3.html1 K' {3 l6 R7 `8 H( W
http://www.namipan.com/d/Day%20o ... 10f469c850f18772806
+ K; K& Y6 G& j: m  m6 x. E2 W' W+ h- J) h% t3 g- y. G
Full Throttle 341.3MB; G! E0 l+ g  L& L  a
http://www.adrive.com/public/034 ... 44f84a11e6ebda.html" g0 Y) W" ]0 W2 K: s" G0 K
http://www.namipan.com/d/Full%20 ... 3df9c662b300deb5415
) {0 t1 a( @, B
  v, e  l7 x" @# I' P' Q+ ^Grim Fandango 1.2GB. z) s" {* V* y. ]5 x- \
http://www.adrive.com/public/d37 ... 133c10d45fa30c.html
  b+ z$ E- ]$ d4 B0 |# D) m# uhttp://www.namipan.com/d/Grim%20 ... 60695f9c8a532e1ab4b
  \6 g% W3 G8 g; _3 u! Y# V4 g3 {0 D# M2 b/ Y
Indiana Jones 1 and the Last Crusade 49MB
) S0 P# h& _) P2 o5 S$ C, ahttp://www.adrive.com/public/f4b ... 1b1a29c81a9a36.html$ |7 V6 O# Y2 m: x
http://www.namipan.com/d/Indiana ... 8b327aae0e8c0bd0c03$ j* R1 z& R4 m+ U  k

2 s" L: i* I% d" _Indiana Jones 2 and the Fate of Atlantis(with speech) 160MB. L2 g5 ]- f3 |( J5 l( t. W
http://www.adrive.com/public/0db ... dc22c724aca226.html- x, E: B; P7 w6 j/ N& S$ j7 J  d8 `- m
http://www.namipan.com/d/Indiana ... 2034a2f97d08eea040a* E9 d0 N- F, W' a0 @2 T5 Y

& X3 ?+ Q, _% n: ~$ \6 T% J. GIndiana Jones 2 and the Fate of Atlantis 116MB
3 k, h  I* e/ m' G2 g& t0 Q% whttp://www.adrive.com/public/baf ... 68414ee23aabe4.html* l  P! |; U8 ^! j+ p4 |* ~
http://www.namipan.com/d/Indiana ... f6feef1dff29bb04307: B- f7 }9 S4 o% S; K7 n# p% ]
, p: Q9 A  u8 ]
Labyrinth 525.9K3 Q" z# K. s3 Y, e# d' b5 j: ]* p
http://www.adrive.com/public/63c ... 1354520a079bab.html
  K3 P+ s* R( L* U& [8 T! Khttp://www.namipan.com/d/Labyrin ... 54723cd924f69370800
% y  Q) P/ T" }! q
( C  J% M8 {. YLoom Enhanced 422MB
- L6 p* s2 M0 Y) M  I/ @http://www.adrive.com/public/093 ... f8792c5fbb67bf.html
' k/ T' @$ b! A: v2 Mhttp://www.namipan.com/d/Loom%20 ... e368b3ecf154eff5d1a) n0 F0 \( q3 _/ [7 ?' L7 a
3 E4 M- `! N( X- Z9 ?% ^3 l
Loom 100MB5 v) ^( c0 a- U, O
http://www.adrive.com/public/127 ... 693960d3f096ad.html
7 U7 x5 y! f" w0 K  n( Whttp://www.namipan.com/d/Loom.ra ... 5417a07a16c5d804506
( v1 {! ~4 m2 @! `  @4 ^. ?$ c7 B' a) F7 R0 v, ?5 T; w
Maniac Mansion Enhanced 8.8MB
8 G% F0 S2 K( e5 ~9 Mhttp://www.adrive.com/public/eab ... ffc4733af08b45.html$ S- O* Y( n2 ^+ |. P4 y
http://www.namipan.com/d/Maniac% ... c82a02a26e5ca288c00
" f& r" j# W, G1 S) h0 e1 u5 {1 ]: P. B1 I5 P; ~) Z
Maniac Mansion 9.6MB4 a0 J$ X+ f; G& S/ q8 \: c
http://www.adrive.com/public/fb4 ... aad0751a35dab7.html
% i9 R7 s! o1 g0 Uhttp://www.namipan.com/d/Maniac% ... 9a17503406b2beb9800
0 t  n" A3 N% Q$ B& U5 B0 F
7 G) v5 O+ P8 M2 Q: pMonkey Island 1 Secret of Monkey Island (CD Version) 90.3MB& X/ \! Z1 f$ V1 n, L
http://www.adrive.com/public/af0 ... 72eed72c20a6db.html
) n- I$ ^: p+ [9 p' V/ fhttp://www.namipan.com/d/Monkey% ... c218cd6268e8a24a405
; `2 I: [" y& D$ Y: {# X! b! }) w4 C; a
% o0 M4 \8 H$ c  E6 N% l6 KMonkey Island 1 Secret of Monkey Island 75.6MB
8 _+ B* q5 K8 Zhttp://www.adrive.com/public/01b ... e2679db235028f.html
/ A- ?: g5 V) ?  M7 `! _http://www.namipan.com/d/Monkey% ... ca302a6246acdebb9044 a; K; l4 P/ A0 z! I* ~) n! i( V
& g/ C  q( L" ]3 c2 r' q" _
Monkey Island 2 LeChuck's Revenge 208.2MB: Z4 ^" u$ ^6 S
http://www.adrive.com/public/cf9 ... 652d277652c372.html
  z& c0 V0 W; b- U) ghttp://www.namipan.com/d/Monkey% ... 2726dbcc6855eb6030d. J! A% @# }  X/ e2 b: y  H2 E
5 m! f3 m# T" z6 Y5 r$ X5 M" B" G
Monkey Island 3 The Curse of Monkey Island 1GB
, A0 B$ n2 ]# z0 s. Chttp://www.adrive.com/public/f33 ... 319e0ee07bb7f5.html; _4 M; q- r+ N+ W1 t) M: G
http://www.namipan.com/d/Monkey% ... 7ed398bc3020e451f43
1 m$ U7 X2 ]1 x" |! I! E+ b& e; [7 ~) Z2 F
Monkey Island 4- Escape from Monkey Island 1.4GB
9 O8 m& e. V8 G/ q  [, Fhttp://www.namipan.com/d/Monkey% ... 58d1f982c8eb83cfe5a8 f6 N! x: F5 u- K  Q6 E
- a  x' c8 p7 ], y8 V! F. T
Sam & Max - Hit the Road (With speech) 155MB" m. L$ ^7 C( Y( t+ X! }
http://www.adrive.com/public/b1d ... 141da9de4b82bf.html
4 ~* C1 l+ u) U4 s1 lhttp://www.namipan.com/d/Sam%20% ... 19129d8909ad081ae09* c8 f( ~! a2 ~/ J! ~8 z
7 y9 y2 x, p. c: p
Sam & Max - Hit the Road 69.6MB
6 T- u& q0 L3 \0 Q& f* `) Lhttp://www.adrive.com/public/3cc ... d20a2167ab49f5.html
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; a4 H2 b2 T/ z' P4 e6 A# s; |4 bThe Dig 659MB. x6 X+ b- m# E
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* u: R8 V% F9 `  ^http://www.namipan.com/d/The%20D ... c87e4d7c7cece202c291 q% m3 J# b0 }+ U; T8 n9 s

4 h/ X+ x8 I, A2 M5 v0 ?Zak McKracken- abd the Alien Mindbenders Enhanced 87.6MB7 h* l! \7 j/ D$ U2 j8 U
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+ n0 B) x! q6 {3 M+ bZak McKracken- and the Alien Mindbenders 83.7MB
# Y1 v( P9 L0 Y+ yhttp://www.adrive.com/public/f42 ... dfd421761ee145.html0 [5 r( z# K* h- k& K/ P5 M- B: v
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###注意:此下一些遊戲是早期的文字冒險遊戲(如zork,mission om)沒有圖和聲音的,方式是輸入指令來玩,倒有點趣味^^###
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; p6 F1 v8 y: A. y& v' i; ?  ]0 B
以下是adrive分開下載的:, ^( o# Y3 ]8 P6 g% f2 n& F9 ^2 B
Zork1-The Great Underground Empire(1978) 166.5K: s" _! U3 N$ r
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" x" K5 r' z9 S& s6 l8 R/ ~
4 s, R: m( w* r3 P3 ^4 u+ eZork2-The Wizard of Frobozz(1981) 170.5K( c: t: m1 z" R* ?* h1 o
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& {; K7 v' @. x+ h& @1 h& {
Zork3-The Dungeon Master(1983) 163.5K$ `% o8 P# @  U5 g6 G, M, f4 @6 f
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# k' y) C, J5 ^4 d3 K6 P7 V; E$ L% s* A, e8 q/ d
Zork-The Undiscovered Underground(1997) 317.7K
0 O& C% I* r9 A0 m! }4 _/ Xhttp://www.adrive.com/public/0db ... b8810594e9ba2f.html
" @6 I' [; b5 k8 f& x% v& r( a
8 W; O/ S5 B2 }2 |4 Q2 CCosmology of Kyoto 133MB
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5 w2 ?3 q* c+ B
7 W* b0 N0 z) z6 D% Y2 P) K. L2 f/ |) }Dungeons of Grimlor 897.6K
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* l, t! z9 N. [4 p$ T/ uHaunted House 34.3MB
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5 O: y8 i0 Q. }) J
KGB 2.8MB7 Z7 P3 c" k& ?4 l! Z, d, ?* ]
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Lure of Temptress 1.7MB
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9 d5 L/ T. F0 y* b1 r$ B3 G
Misson OM D64版 170.8K
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1 [0 j  k1 V% Q+ g9 O
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  ]" c9 A$ M1 ^$ \6 `2 W7 b$ l5 K* e6 s
Hitchiker's guide to the Galaxy(1984 Infocom) 135.6K/ M% M1 j8 R! i
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/ A4 d/ G5 a+ o! J  H
Lost Treasures(Infocom) 73.4MB
4 ~6 O8 [! j, Q. j1 fhttp://www.adrive.com/public/8fa ... af8321ba36eaa5.html0 u' n# T+ r: d6 H
% B. l3 w; V5 p9 B( }
Adventures of Robin Hood 450.2K# C. H) _$ n+ @' ~1 S- E4 V
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, o; I5 H8 u* {- g5 @, ?9 mAlien Incident 9.5MB2 R; ?6 G2 A2 x
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+ O; a" O) A6 DAlien Virus 41.4MB$ y; N8 q, y- b4 O3 F$ m4 G
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, S4 I0 N& B/ Y4 N3 |
Alone in the Dark 2 12.5MB
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* U/ }( h4 b: D' o6 z) X
8 S. m% z9 b( }/ ~) `5 dAltered Destiny 2MB
0 E% s# A6 Q" L. Chttp://www.adrive.com/public/1f3 ... a6af69ae3b1c1b.html: {" s1 @- q, D% N  p: k1 J
5 n3 }, O+ C4 v' V
Amazon - Guardians of Eden 8MB
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# ^+ }$ K2 ~* y' T
) y9 w( g& C$ {8 t+ W$ xAn American Tail - Fievel Goes West 2.4MB3 K* R5 f; F. K: S. c
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6 D; j% a4 E1 H  O! sB.A.T. 675.7K! T  c3 N4 {7 f& M, Y% o3 `+ T
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/ ~# B5 d' P! b* ~9 s; @0 Q3 tBatman - The Caped Crusader 174.6K: G9 J& C& F8 e2 c2 f  U5 o
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Beverly Hillbillies 2.5MB/ J  p& q6 _, r( y' K
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8 M7 Q' W. G, z" T+ f5 WBig Red Adventure 23.1MB; B" @: ]$ s7 |) u
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& E2 Z( X, I: K) c; v8 ]% z; l+ j) O  , k% S3 q# n- [2 n5 D: |# k. B
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure 1.4MB, e. e, X# k- Y6 o% a
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( x0 I0 D. C( X" p! W; x1 G: v. i; w: G$ w0 |/ J
Blackstar - Agent of Justice 1.6MB7 |9 m, n1 x9 Q: m+ C" F2 U0 H
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Blue Force 10MB! p6 a% t* D6 d
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4 p/ Z1 o; |9 Y5 p. [( |Cadaver 798.4K: x6 L. I/ ^2 [$ n
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  . ^1 K: R+ q- q/ e
Companions of Xanth 5.5MB
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/ x+ I! l5 T9 m) _8 CConquests of Camelot 2.7MB! H+ f' H# o. q; k. i# J( {% [5 Y
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Countdown 2.5MB
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Crime City 509K
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% R" o3 }5 A& U% W
  p" |6 D0 a; E7 @3 L1 o+ mCrime Time 436.8K
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Cruise for a Corpse 3.1MB. A8 }' ^6 G. u. r2 r8 c
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Dark Half 1.8MB; o3 D! t, N4 Z, _. f- w
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Dark Seed II 27MB# S' J* h* `9 O/ U! W
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' p9 Q7 P: u, W  W% y2 F0 JDarkseed 5.6MB
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+ z- A6 j: I3 a% ]& {- Y; n7 ?
8 G' X6 q. b$ ]& tDeath Gate 9.6MB( ?: z2 Z- Y9 Z* \+ C  b6 A
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  * o" f! L7 C* A
Discworld 20.3MB
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4 J5 F  H. {. T! _$ k; b 5 `& \; Y( D' ?
DreamWeb 9MB; w4 B' o; h6 k4 t+ V" p
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2 V3 Q$ `" v0 H) `$ X7 {& _8 EDune 1.7MB
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4 m5 w- |  T2 V3 g+ SEric the Unready 5.3MB8 J! |' }5 `6 O$ }, g/ X+ q
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* K  |1 T8 h  J7 }$ q$ Y* S0 l- H! A4 z. E
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; b: o0 p0 S9 j. A! \0 @Fable 60MB
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' Y5 W0 E9 @( O1 n6 F, Z& jFuture Wars - Time Travellers 808.9K; g: S, G. z+ ?  n+ e' [# l# o# q
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9 r$ d& C; B/ u2 @3 IGateway 2 - Homeworld 16.5MB
2 v: ?) E! |0 ~: h& N: l7 N- }http://www.adrive.com/public/bfe ... f44d6cf4838278.html* C( g+ s8 x! W0 g! Y
2 ?6 h- |! R/ ?9 @' _: g. hGene Machine 55.3MB
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Gold Rush 1.1MB
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" E) Y- B  W1 G- z: u3 V# N, l0 S' L3 m" v  N
Guilty 7.7MB. A: [3 `$ n' o6 ?
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" n, I! u4 L0 M! r0 |! G. n
3 X4 p- y6 C2 m" K$ u. x' Y1 rHeimdall 2 - Into the Hall of Worlds 2.7MB
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1 `% i- T8 T% X, @1 M$ uHook 1.5MB
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Igor - Objective Uikokahonia 4.2MB
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  * Q1 {8 M# U; j( L3 W6 }
Innocent Until Caught 8.2MB0 d' S, d% a9 p3 d3 q( j
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' n6 |9 C' G! M& V; G# k, _6 |* iInspector Gadget 5MB, T1 E4 ]$ T( ~: T
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& i0 e5 [9 H4 _3 N( v$ M1 y  : e' }2 m* W5 s  d
Iron Lord 711.1K1 `; m9 \; w! \% S6 j9 R" k* s
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Jack in the Dark 1.3MB, o0 B$ x' f- k& N. G
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+ ?8 W. p3 d- g. y3 Q6 u6 Z0 X# e 
; a/ D/ @$ D7 v( H" {Jack The Ripper 8.4MB' A4 f3 I( ~, |. @
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5 Z; v& a2 \; G, g: J( k6 n2 }
5 [8 P+ \& c' h7 D/ jKronolog - The Nazi Paradox aka Red Hell 8MB
+ h2 }+ \& J2 E; Mhttp://www.adrive.com/public/6d8 ... 774c28e5e7f25f.html1 [; O' H5 G) J+ i- X& d
1 Y2 \0 g, ?' P1 lLaura Bow 1 - The Colonels Bequest 3MB- s; p+ f* J8 }& x
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; ^% R( d+ Y* e! C& ?# J5 V2 _& f  I- iLeather Goddesses of Phobos 2  11.4MB7 ~; s" K1 a  P) \
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% _" B2 M9 z% B5 [8 G6 }
8 ]4 k: e: d- H8 L* w0 oLegacy - Realms Of Terror 9.6MB% o$ v" K7 L, D4 s
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% Q/ G6 |% q' U; p: U, z8 D) X' ` , o7 f" d1 W2 b  I- L
Legend of Kyrandia 2 - Hand of Fate 11MB3 U0 [- K8 y* @4 C
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0 N# c% T( {: q% b0 H& M5 mLegend of Kyrandia 3 - Malcolms Revenge 30.8MB* A7 t7 G/ v- V1 G) g- k  \
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; Y+ M6 W' ^- h. C* H$ x6 W& HLegend of Kyrandia 4.9MB6 b! n8 M7 C% `  z, W- K) l+ n
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8 X% B4 x- m0 C) g) ZLes Manley 2 - Lost In LA 3.6MB4 x6 R! p8 d0 D# q' R$ r
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Les Manley in Search for The King 1.2MB* q( e) K; Z% N/ q$ S# T
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5 D" Z! q  N1 B' l* c( ^  3 p* q( X7 d" |$ H# t  U9 p" ~
Martian Memorandum 6.4MB' |5 B4 U0 Y+ x( |% b
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5 m% w( ?$ q8 I
Maupiti Island 683.3K
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3 K; }6 o/ u5 b6 m. X$ eMean Streets 1.9MB
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( W" h+ E0 F  y( `% @% [1 C+ O2 eMixed Up Mother Goose 264.6K
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9 R# a  g: u. c9 s7 b- Q' J  W1 WNippon Safes, Inc 1.9MB
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7 F2 s, n5 `% A. w% t; x8 ~& G# i5 e
Personal Nightmare 1.2MB
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Pirates Gold 8.2MB
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4 V6 W# Q8 e- C1 X  k, f9 GPirates! 387.9K
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( z3 [8 {7 L6 U: L2 ?Project Nomad 4.8MB
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Protostar 4.7MB
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3 B9 z" @  N. t  : l9 E  l; A7 R$ E
Return of the Phantom 6.8MB
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8 t0 b& [1 x% V0 T! l  9 V$ O$ d6 ~3 z" ]
Return to Ringworld 22.7MB- H4 g+ H- X$ k/ z0 k3 L* r2 @
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0 |1 J. v0 n. Y# H- b3 uRingworld Revenge of the Patriarch 8.1MB4 A' s. B- e; U) L0 H. b
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8 ^- l8 Q  W! W* ~0 e# pRise of the Dragon 6.5MB& c: }' i4 a( O! e( v
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9 U. W, h% ?+ q& x: |/ t* U% [0 y  / z* c- c2 \+ f5 v! [2 Q
Snoopy and Peanuts 117.3K
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