
【BT】Arthur's.Knights.II.The.Secret.of.Merlin @BT

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【BT】Arthur's.Knights.II.The.Secret.of.Merlin @BT

发表于 2006-1-24 13:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

【BT】Arthur's.Knights.II.The.Secret.of.Merlin @BT

=========================================- E' o6 O  e4 A
Arthur's Knights II: The Secret of Merlin
1 J: x9 o& P, \=========================================5 @$ Z) i! u0 u" ?+ L9 R
- m0 ^. O  Q7 u, k& F" l
Arthur's.Knights.II.The.Secret.of.Merlin.English.CD1.by.Sihaya.Barton.bin (709.2 MB)9 N; h6 V+ w6 _; W: Q5 S' e  y+ H
8 h. R' \& I. G0 X/ g
Arthur's.Knights.II.The.Secret.of.Merlin.English.CD2.by.Sihaya.Barton.bin (522.88 MB)
7 ?; ^0 {0 J/ r9 {7 v2 u
4 k( b6 V. Y9 y, U: PArthur's.Knights.II.The.Secret.of.Merlin.English.CD3.by.Sihaya.Barton.bin (501.94 MB)
3 `$ q0 {: I0 X' @1 ^/ M" J* f
! j" Y0 a& z; N( T2 f% D: L7 X/ z1 Y. v
Make sure to use compatibility mode under Windows XP, otherwise menu options will disappear.
+ l3 V6 p# I: |' ~If you're having problems with playing speech or video clips, please read the FAQ at the official homepage.3 i8 @: G  J# l3 k
' q, u5 j5 a6 ^) F  m$ Q
FAQ: http://www.adventurecompanygames.com/tac/support/arthurs2.html1 T+ q  n$ J0 B0 ?; I

3 A0 r+ J8 R. L2 |6 S+ g! aDescription: (from MobyGames): q$ }0 @' _& n$ X
9 o# D& G* J. g- r
After Bradwen has successfully completed his quest to become a Knight Of The Round Table in the
/ S: M+ T. H$ ]/ A* J3 U  h3 zfirst game, he must now fight against the dark forces in this sequel to "Tales Of Chivalry".
9 P8 c, m3 @+ K& |His wound, worsened by a horrible curse, doesn't want to disappear, and he must find a magic way- R4 w( D+ O+ A# m( I( M
to heal himself.* Y6 }( k8 S' f
"Merlin's Secret" is a historical adventure that takes place in 7-th century Britain.
; b- ]8 a2 D) w( h
7 D4 [# i+ m7 s) R, qScreenshots: http://mobygames.com/game/shots/gameId,4767/1 i) X( p! M. o2 i* |6 \

1 i! c1 \+ C/ R5 F  Z) X2 yReviews:  E5 x" J6 J" W( j
http://www.justadventure.com/rev ... rthursKnights2.shtm
" k4 e: e! }: L8 H$ n+ @2 Vhttp://www.justadventure.com/rev ... hursKnights2_2.shtm
+ p& i- |+ z9 `" H, h( ghttp://www.quandaryland.com/2001/Arthurs_Knights_2.htm
# g* b0 r2 [# fhttp://www.adventure-archiv.com/k/artus12reviewen.htm; ~& Z4 i+ Q, a% H5 b. F1 l# t. R

1 B7 R2 t/ m4 v8 PThank Sihaya Barton for release, always!, x6 @, ~* |* q& P
( `0 u. O) T* M& f
Sihaya's Adventure & RPG ED2K Links List
# @9 z. \/ Y$ }( K3 @  dhttp://sihaya.namoweb.net
) N; T% K9 ]  R, e8 [or
: q0 K8 N$ c5 X& o' l2 a5 b: |# K2 }: a7 ]http://sihaya.wo.to
3 I% e% }2 ~, o/ I( r/ x- }
  Q* z! S" z' i# v1 c- ^* x: A5 I0 x
Arthur's Knights Series / 2001 Cryo:
  H# {- A' k6 Q) N) z4 n% ehttp://sihaya.namoweb.net/zboard ... desc=asc&no=272


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