
新作消息 Foolish Mortals

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[新作消息] Foolish Mortals

发表于 2024-2-28 11:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Foolish Mortals

本帖最后由 ken1120 于 2024-2-28 11:06 编辑
; r3 `# N) X/ c" ^/ m
5 \% _* P" k7 V* f5 A( j英文名;Foolish Mortals9 ]0 R! `2 e" m% e6 B4 k1 m
开发商:Inklingwood Studios8 R# I; d0 O# H( u" q. O! i
游戏语音:   英语
. C/ R( O% A8 e游戏字幕:英语、法语、意大利语、德语、西班牙语 - 西班牙、荷兰语        1 C& a$ R6 @, @! F5 @: \/ v
发行日期: 2024 年  D1 S9 }& O* e9 h8 O5 S/ H8 |
Foolish Mortals is a narrative-driven point & click adventure game. Obsessed with finding the lost treasure of Bellemore Manor, Murphy McCallan encounters ghosts, voodoo, and an evil phantom who wants the treasure as their own.
  k8 |& Q" z$ q; U. |! mClassic adventure game puzzles, carefully crafted to ensure no dead-ends or deaths
" n& E% a4 y$ |  B0 k% \Over 100 items to pick up and use
( I! r- M/ k* K4 O- G0 C) Z9 c) WA full-length experience, with a gameplay time equal to Monkey Island and Broken Sword4 M# c- e8 _# @: Q4 H" M
Over 70 gorgeous hand-drawn locations at full HD resolution, plus dozens more full-screen paintings, documents, and other details to investigate+ Y1 Z3 S# L- j) ^* b- T* k4 Z
High quality animation from a professional animation studio8 x: Z6 R+ s5 S# q
More than 30 fully voiced characters to interact with; |+ s: a) l1 V" _& y
Two hours of original music
9 C3 T1 W. j( H& r6 b, O& A- A* EEasy to use two-button interface with double-click exits, optional hotspot highlighting, and a built-in hint system
8 ~! e' t8 N  V% u
3 l1 M; C+ U$ H7 c* }+ E- U2 q- _
, T6 Y& r6 u, b/ @8 ?6 x- y  ]4 e
. U+ r5 U5 u2 X* Y' l6 |3 R$ }1 _, w4 n, F( S0 B- D/ _
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