
新作消息 Nancy Drew®: Midnight in Salem 12月4日就来了

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[新作消息] Nancy Drew®: Midnight in Salem 12月4日就来了

发表于 2019-12-3 11:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Nancy Drew®: Midnight in Salem 12月4日就来了

本帖最后由 Aidenway 于 2019-12-3 18:01 编辑 " o. P( `( o( P" X# `" [! z3 h

; W9 L( Y: S/ h7 s- d# H. l先放steam链接
  q; B3 }. G5 @9 V2 [8 X" phttps://store.steampowered.com/app/1038450/Nancy_Drew_Midnight_in_Salem/
  Z) |$ w6 S# Z5 \* o& b8 |4 ?. k9 p
还有介绍% h% `& @- t6 O+ [
Nancy Drew unexpectedly finds herself in Salem, Massachusetts investigating an arson at the haunted Hathorne House. As Nancy races to uncover the truth behind the arson, she discovers connections to the house’s past with the Salem witch trials and finds herself drawn into a struggle with supernatural events that she simply can’t explain. Nancy’s convictions are put to the test. Are the ghosts real? Has Salem’s dark history come to life, or is there someone else to blame? Time is short, and you as Nancy Drew, must gather clues, solve puzzles and interrogate suspects to find the answers before the clock strikes midnight in this all new 3D mystery adventure.4 N4 y) f. S8 ?0 y( o
$ t! T% B) C" E! a5 T- J" `9 q
Key Game Features:3 g! E  f* I: G+ R3 x. i2 D
•        Analyze clues with all new examinable 3D objects5 V, x" q( s, s. p. g9 P$ Q
•        Team up with the Hardy Boys1 M4 }: `, ]5 C
•        Learn and uncover the truth about the historical Salem witch trials. N4 J3 o$ u4 t% r; d
•        Explore true and expansive 3D environments
- N0 \5 b* \. [6 O•        Discover and solve the plight of the accused witches1 {* Q8 a/ v5 ]: a  y9 |
•        Take a tour of Salem and discern fact from fiction
* \" \: ~$ v' b•        Meet and interact with all 11 characters
! ?, }8 t; ^- f. o7 ]•        Solve puzzles embedded into the story2 k- y* O$ N1 Y  U* g* u
•        Enjoy thrilling in-game cutscenes
* F2 z% ^; f( D' l•        Cook New England favorite dishes like Johnny Cakes; b0 y- o( n9 m
•        Explore an ancient cemetery and historic estate
: L3 X7 o9 i* q7 d( q2 @•        Investigate with updated and modernized controls
+ r+ x: W- l0 b8 P) w3 J, q•        Mix potions and learn about ancient remedies
8 \. D& k1 F( L& v/ X$ y5 v6 q. a. D•        Solve multiple crimes including arson
- Q2 n5 f3 Q1 E' g, l$ T•        Sleuth at Amateur or Master level and earn achievements
1 K; a- B  ?8 ^0 ?& G  b# M% q. f1 k

; z7 F+ ^4 Y! L) L预计12月4日发售
2 t# ]1 w' t1 v- {5 c0 f: q3 r


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