
新作消息 大作井喷!2016年国外PC游戏发布时间表(中英文)

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[新作消息] 大作井喷!2016年国外PC游戏发布时间表(中英文)

发表于 2016-1-27 00:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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援引自gameinforrmer的数据,2016年度PC游戏发布时间表如下。其中中文引自国内网站原创不可考,英文引自gameinformer,且中文内容少于英文6 H* n% [$ N# A
不过AVG好少啊,对于推理游戏粉丝来说,福尔摩斯恶魔之女和阿加莎的ABC谋杀案值得期待。2 o8 o/ ^0 _/ T0 b

6 V, ~9 a1 A, H. |1月1 @$ A( H, Q: {; S3 W
7 P# `3 p0 o; X9 q' B1月5日:《硬体:宿敌》(PS4)
# Z* I! r0 z% I# P# r! t' v8 m1月12日:《刺客信条编年史:印度》(PC/PS4/XBO)
+ X) g1 h/ N# B. T# j. k6 o1月12日:《旗帜的传说》(PS4/XBO): P. m! b/ s; E0 J* M
1月12日:《到家》(PS4/XBO)* u4 i- @, \# m$ Q- a
1月19日:《生化危机:起源合集》(PC/PS3/PS4/Xb360/XBO)" d; d' [5 Z9 D9 t. m; l4 @: X
1月19日:《暗黑地牢》(PC/PS4)0 }8 T( r1 P3 z1 x5 \: W% z
1月19日:《致命怪兽塔》(PC)* L- r6 H* G0 I8 k. P
- i# t. H/ l: f) u; b7 {% ]. d3 K1月20日:《家园:卡拉克沙漠》(PC)
: Y1 m" K' r7 f4 h" c* |3 C1月22日:《马里奥&路易:卡纸》(3DS). L- l0 A3 `" {4 n, S  B
+ g* b; {7 k- p9 J1月26日:《乐高:漫威之复仇者联盟》(PC/PS4/XBO/Xb360/PS3)
1 M( ]7 K6 F$ V! \( a% F1月26日:《最终幻想:探索者》(3DS), G: E- l7 s5 f& e( Y
! C: f9 f- V5 S5 n  s! E1月28日:《古墓丽影之崛起》(PC)" m# K, p4 ?1 m; e- b" V& c
8 S- n' O3 Y3 D6 g) E1月29日:《炸弹尤物》(PC)* ?+ i' u! i8 n+ N9 Q, ~
  `3 P" \; R/ K- n  X& d

# c0 I8 `6 Z! w3 ?2月
! \" L7 l" u; w0 t2月2日:《重力眩晕 重制》(PS4)
* W; B& U- i5 h1 ~$ V2月2日:《钴元素》(PC/XBO/Xb360)(PC/PS4/XBO)
+ e9 X" f' e1 b7 e& X! K2月4日:《阿加莎克里斯蒂:ABC谋杀案》
1 E  B& ]6 k# _* w# y5 [: K2月5日:《火影忍者:究极忍者风暴4》(PC/PS4/XBO)9 `: b8 z# \* R
2月5日:《幽浮2》(PC)% ?& ]5 L) N3 B3 i, x- F
' C" R8 n( \+ o# P) F2月9日:《消逝的光芒:大量扩展与加强版本》(PC/PS4/XBO)
# t( U: P5 I, u0 o% _2月9日:《护林员》(PC/PS4)+ S0 I  x% \* {6 L1 l  N
2月9日:《刺客信条编年史:俄罗斯》(PC/PS4/XBO)) L1 L- c, r7 @2 v/ t9 A9 U' z
" \% B) z8 k* k& U9 I- |, H4 T2月12日:《地球防卫军4.1:绝望阴影再袭》(PS4)+ m7 [, y7 C" i; e
2月15日:《船 重制》(PC)7 x$ ]/ u) O  g, h. A8 o/ I
2月16日:《街头霸王5》(PC/PS4)' ^0 L3 t$ _& h( B2 t9 W
2月16日:《永恒之柱:白色远征 第二部》(PC)/ K* b% f1 w. S
2月23日:《孤岛惊魂:原始杀戮》(PS4/XBO)# n0 g3 H5 {+ |" v/ c3 f3 J
3 i+ N; G2 E' d2月未定:《行尸走肉:米琼恩》(PC/PS4/XBO/Xb360/PS3)
. x: V4 i  ?2 L- {: g9 p& a- ?2 |3 [

" [/ ^4 \# p- P" T( I+ |' {6 W3月
$ f$ [, O1 e! R& H9 y3月1日:《孤岛惊魂:原始杀戮》(PC)+ @: P( b2 K% V
3月4日:《塞尔达传说:黄昏公主 高清》(WiiU)
8 f3 ~4 i9 n& Q3月8日:《汤姆克兰西之全境封锁》(PC/PS4/XBO/Xb360/PS3)+ V+ u0 z2 t5 M* v; j5 ~* y
3月11日:《杀手》(PC/PS4/XBO)" O( t0 A5 c9 l
3月11日:《战国无双4:帝国》(PS4)- w& @. G0 b7 u) T. p9 h7 l* t* v
3月15日:《终极格斗冠军2》(PS4/XBO)' P; p) t" m/ B9 z
9 S; r, q$ F1 `& @3月29日:《美国职业棒球大联盟16》(PS4/PS3)
$ |1 X3 M; G& P$ F- z3 K. `3月29日:《无夜之国》(PS4)2 O7 c( `7 _6 e
3月31日:《MXGP 2摩托车越野赛》(PC/PS4/XBO)! @. l: z0 m! y& Y# ]8 K
3月未定:《杀手学堂 第三季》(XBO)/ Y  \* |  e: \/ k  _! E+ v6 ?5 X2 g
3月未定:《福尔摩斯:恶魔之女》(PC/PS4/XBO)/ F" r! k1 m0 m0 |2 J/ R7 e
3月未定:《触手之日 重制》(PC/PS4/PSV)5 [5 G3 Q; {+ h3 Y  \" d& u
" j# ^  V  o9 y: m# x% r) H8 v5 M春季未定:《奥日与迷失森林 最终版》(PC/XBO)( F) Z. p8 n- p* u) ]6 s/ o

$ u9 c8 D4 _, ~; Z; K. ?) U4月
  j, p) V! z' p4月5日:《量子破碎》(XBO)
! }3 ^" A4 T$ T& `0 L9 t8 o0 m4月5日:《尘埃拉力赛》(PS4/XBO)
+ m* d+ w4 c. Q0 v8 E' w4月12日:《黑暗之魂3》(PC/PS4/XBO)
6 X8 T) c6 C+ p. Q5 U4月12日:《瑞奇与叮当》(PS4)" [% S. a+ _: ]2 d& N; ^9 C  ?
4月22日:《星际火狐:零》(WiiU)) X" i5 s% t2 z6 `' b
+ M/ [6 E2 ], O; s% |4月28日:《战锤:全面战争》(PC)$ g* H5 p4 h* ]/ f

6 L6 B. d4 m. x/ ~
9 p6 p& b5 {' @5 L5月3日:《为战而生》(PC/PS4/XBO)6 v8 _( o" v* C- B! |9 p$ M, ]
5月24日:《镜之边缘:催化剂》(PC/PS4/XBO)- u$ t' |9 [  R- w
6~8月! Z' M) c! E# z' v& P1 q! R9 ^9 n
6月未定:《方舟:生存进化》(PC/PS4/XBO)+ N: V, l6 M# z4 s
( Z# ]) Y5 t1 F6月未定:《海贼王:燃血》(PC/PS4/XBO)
2 o1 B: ^) F3 `3 C6月未定:《瓦伦蒂诺·罗西 游戏》(PC/PS4/XBO)
% O" E# ?0 \+ X. l7月未定:《口袋铁拳锦标赛》(WiiU)
2 T+ O% p9 f3 u4 d7 A$ U% s2 `8月23日:《杀出重围:人类分裂》(PC/PS4/XBO)
/ p3 H1 A& {4 g$ z
- I, B4 z) Z7 s& N# m1 ?* |, y
" F2 s8 s: J" ~7 E9 S年内未定:《战争机器4》(XBO)8 w$ D6 A8 ^+ n* Z# _
年内未定:《光环战争2》(PC/XBO)4 U$ G  [( }' ]7 Q0 E( a
) \  K$ h( c. V- j7 c年内未定:《亚尔斯兰战记》(PS4/XBO). i9 [' }# [: T1 G
年内未定:《初赛准备》(PS4/XBO)  m9 I1 m  `. C! v) e$ o
, N# z5 f& b! L2 e1 I6 X' x年内未定:《弥漫》(PC/XBO)
1 X/ ]# _& `$ C, F年内未定:《蝙蝠侠:Telltale游戏系列》(PC/PS4/XBO/Xb360/PS3)
1 {$ @& Z2 m( o8 J年内未定:《除暴战警3》(XBO)
" \) I/ h! L" \' I; p年内未定:《茶杯头》(PC/XBO)- f: O- k& N. g7 L" E
年内未定:《屈辱2》(PC/PS4/XBO)2 E3 f7 p( r1 f: s* S& H/ @! @
年内未定:《毁灭战士》(PC/PS4/XBO)9 D, j; _$ j0 u3 W
( _% Q1 \  B7 V. R7 p; H年内未定:《无畏战舰》(PC)
0 T8 q7 x. R  m9 z! F# l1 ~年内未定:《最终幻想15》(PS4/XBO)# N- ~+ N$ R% A8 Z% J' o
年内未定:《重力眩晕2》(PS4)" D5 K( Z% |: {' F6 F
年内未定:《国土防线:革命》(PC/PS4/XBO)/ m. L+ B( j/ f# E5 H) T. T$ N
年内未定:《地狱之刃》(PC/PS4)4 r$ x( W4 C. ~% o( A9 P: Z! r
1 t' t6 {' T0 A: U1 |年内未定:《终极闪光:流浪者》(PC/PS4/XBO): p/ X$ i! o: _3 x$ {6 \
- S3 d; L& C* T/ F. y年内未定:《法外之徒》(PC)9 B( u8 |( Z3 m% G) Z4 ]& c
年内未定:《黑手党3》(PC/PS4/XBO)2 p. q; p. r% j- }: @
年内未定:《马里奥与索尼克相约2016年里约奥运会》(WiiU)0 L- j8 i0 j: q
' \- d6 L& l6 N  f年内未定:《极品飞车》(PC)( b1 `- v2 Q. a# O3 Q7 `/ ]) @0 ]4 v
年内未定:《尼尔:机械纪元》(PS4)& d: F! k8 S6 G' u- s- _7 N! Z
年内未定:《仁王》(PS4)1 z6 ], y& A( C0 f+ d& M9 j, M$ X
$ _" B! o" w6 j9 ~/ E4 S% j4 a$ R年内未定:《守望先锋》(PC/PS4/XBO)- b+ _" y! r0 w3 u# o1 _, E
/ J: p2 S9 p$ j# {( e' k年内未定:《女神异闻录5》(PS4)
  y6 }- O% X7 {: M; ^6 S. G8 E年内未定:《噬神者:复兴》(PS4/PSV)5 }' `, U6 g1 V% b" M( {# A
' q) Y, g  q7 o) j$ |4 D- N) X年内未定:《旗帜的传说2》(PC)- |( e& Q5 c3 n$ d* Y, U5 W$ M
年内未定:《生化危机:安布雷拉小队》(PC/PS4)& d0 F0 z1 c3 |% W* [3 U2 r
( H( n8 s" U4 X- K年内未定:《古墓丽影之崛起》(PS4)
( q' C8 I. E5 U) U5 D) C* H4 M- i年内未定:《海贼》(PC/XBO); E5 y/ V# q6 B$ |, p
; S. O' c" L" O$ n6 `7 M6 a( b年内未定:《影子武士2》(PC/PS4/XBO)
3 T) Z3 |1 M6 d0 L- l& ]年内未定:《暗影帝国 重制》(PS4/XBO)
9 G& ^2 t- _% ]) L年内未定:《狙击手:幽灵战士3》(PC/PS4/XBO)
9 c6 K3 k* m# t' Q年内未定:《刀剑神域:虚空碎片》(PS4)
) q9 E' F7 z" r年内未定:《铁拳7》(PS4)
7 n2 v# F% o% z+ X% m% L年内未定:《最后的守护者》(PS4)
2 W' u8 b4 _% g3 K; [年内未定:《塞尔达传说U》(WiiU). y( ~7 W: ~. h* H$ d' m
- t/ {8 U0 h6 ^6 Z& u' _年内未定:《巫师3:血与酒》(PC/PS4/XBO)
9 Y4 V  \6 {5 ~- }/ ]年内未定:《魔兽世界:军团再临》(PC)& ?# ]5 p, R4 Z2 H
6 v/ o# c5 \, V, ]9 w延期至2017年:《无限边境》(XBO)+ v) h9 {- F. y

1 y; w; g: C/ @* P% F/ T
2016 Video Game Release Schedule" }# k% e0 X/ L& l6 F6 f
January/ W* J% U7 e6 F1 P" Y
Shooting Stars (PC, Mac, Linux) - January 4. v3 G0 l- q* \$ w
Amplitude (PS4) - January 5% e- j& N5 o! y0 m" R, e+ t# {2 b3 ~
Hardware: Rivals (PS4) - January 5
2 q  ?$ J( _  ~( |+ `' P1 @Rebel Galaxy (PS4) - January 5
( }. g, C4 s( I8 j5 h! z" [Volume (Vita) - January 5$ R& R2 a2 C% A* e. Z
G Prime Into the Rain (Xbox One) - January 6
, W# s$ z9 b; u  e$ OHyper Void (Xbox One) - January 6
5 \9 N* j! I& Z1 A; OLovely Planet (Xbox One) - January 6) {+ F7 F% q9 @6 n$ Y
Avoider (Wii U) - January 75 P; a0 {; U, `8 T
Bigley's Revenge (Wii U) - January 7! ]3 x9 A( _. D
Discovery (Wii U) - January 7* u9 D) e- Z& S# ?, f
JetPack Fighter (iOS) - January 7" Z7 x& S7 U9 o( f
My Pets (3DS) - January 7% G/ M" `0 _3 n6 W9 k
Ocean Runner (3DS) - January 7# C  X" ]9 O5 H5 a  c
Tabletop Gallery (Wii U) - January 7
( p+ N# g8 `! T' ]Punch Club (PC) - January 8% L! Y/ Z% F: [, l( K% T
Cubot - The Complexity of Simplicity (Xbox One) - January 11% U$ n4 F8 \0 b- O
Unepic (Xbox One) - January 11
8 m( a0 q# Y& D# ]$ gAssassin's Creed Chronicles: India (Xbox One, PS4, PC) - January 128 r4 [: f) X+ t7 c( T# T* j
The Banner Saga (Xbox One, PS4) - January 125 m! \) D; N( O
Gone Home (Xbox One, PS4) - January 12
& R- V* w) c8 L7 D- yTharsis (PS4, PC) - January 12
! p; [6 y5 o) M) aThat Dragon Cancer (PC) - January 12
! u# F3 {) y/ |Hyperdrive Massacre (Xbox One) - January 13
1 M/ _4 N2 l& M: a0 xRebel Galaxy (Xbox One) - January 13" n, [- z( `- B5 D
Battle Pixels (PC) - January 14) |& Q- i/ ~& z2 b  b' z( E
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Open Beta (Xbox One, PS4) - January 14
2 e+ S8 q" k7 S# _2 T  _Pro Basketball Manager 2016 (PC) - January 148 w2 U. T& i0 L4 {* n  L
Dino Eggs: Rebirth (PC, Mac, Linux) - January 15
4 y5 M. o! O+ @Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (PC) - January 15+ E  ?4 l# s' r. N% R
Herding Dog (PC) - January 153 h! A& K7 w! [( G+ P
Oxenfree (Xbox One, PC) - January 15% k) L% L  p  r0 E. A9 j9 `* s4 f
Protoshift (PC) - January 15, @2 T4 A4 t; w
Raining Blobs (PC) - January 15" D) G0 `* Z6 h3 h
Super Ubie Island REMIX (PC) - January 155 ], A8 }- h& F2 @: R9 p: e( W
Super Intergalactic Gang (PC) - January 15
  @. a  K# x; T% h0 M: N! q. o+ |, z1 hZheros (Xbox One) - January 16
, a" O' @4 O+ P" F& G! b' m( eThe Aquatic Adventures of the Last Human (PC, Mac, Linux) - January 19
( l( B( h. i7 ^# S3 o7 y' H$ dAttractio (PS4, Vita, PC) - January 19
4 A1 f3 i% i0 w0 Z: [- hA Boy and his Blob (Xbox One, PS4, Vita, PC) - January 19) P* h; f* U# _. ~4 H! a+ @+ T; m
Blade & Soul (PC) - January 19
, c' @2 e  t% s1 dThe Bug Butcher (PC, Mac, Linux) - January 19
: G. e4 i2 d. Q& YDarkest Dungeon (PC) – January 19
$ C- J8 ]/ S  nDeadly Tower of Monsters (PS4, PC) - January 19
! Y) t% m9 j8 b+ r# [6 h: D5 M1 HGemini: Heroes Reborn (Xbox One, PC) - January 19
9 |! n5 x' V- ?6 r5 VInside My Radio (PS4) - January 19
3 |+ ~. \( T( b/ F4 d2 \- CKlaus (PS4) - January 19
2 Q% z( u6 j& {5 J8 V  P$ YOddworld: New 'n' Tasty (Vita) - January 19
4 w0 f" [! N0 rRed Game Without a Great Name (Vita) - January 19# [# Z% }, F5 x. ]8 e
Resident Evil 0 (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, PC) - January 19
: a, x* p8 L3 G  T- o& ]Resident Evil Origins Collection (Xbox One, PS4, PC) - January 19
# K! g0 h) J+ L* ~" [5 r- q; b# _Shooting Stars (PC) - January 19
1 c( T1 x" d' m/ W, b( vStardust Vanguards (PS4) - January 19
" |/ Y: |; o. o- O/ i% Q6 nTachyon Project (PS4) - January 192 X! p. k7 n" [3 G. Y% Y& ~" X# R
World of Tanks (PS4) - January 19% d+ Y* M+ |$ }8 N
Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space (Xbox One) - January 207 B! a0 {' H- g4 o% O7 \+ }
Atelier Escha and Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (Vita) - January 20
4 f$ i& x* D' wElectronic Super Joy (Xbox One) - January 208 n+ K- ]# @5 U: W9 Y, ]! ^
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak (PC) - January 20
( p) d/ Z- [7 M( N  kBioxitivity (PC) - January 210 Y* l8 u5 h7 x2 V! ?4 |
Dark Era (PC) - January 21
* R6 o, _: G+ B  ~, LExploding Kittens (iOS) - January 21
' a2 z3 @7 W: S( f' z2 ^Lost in Harmony (iOS, Android) - January 21
. G6 l& B  J  ^6 X" hMinecraft: Story Mode (Wii U) - January 21
+ Q. P$ z# K" D) Q) \# H" kMove or Die (PC) - January 21
% ?% y7 i2 l6 c/ O& |Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam (3DS) - January 22: H+ F6 F, }0 p6 P; q/ ?" @
Final Fantasy Explorers (3DS) - January 26
* m; v' l5 |1 r7 J/ Y4 E2 tGemini: Heroes Reborn (PS4) - January 26
; y) X, k" F; LLego Marvel’s Avengers (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, PC) – January 26
3 J- K. m2 ~+ `8 e# W. D) K$ a, XOrder of the Thorne: The King's Challenge (PC) - January 26
/ b# b# j! T9 s; i1 zThe Witness (PS4, PC) – January 26
5 b8 i, j7 a5 z) x' T' `Rise of the Tomb Raider (PC) - January 28' p! T5 F9 ^( ]# s+ ]% V
Bombshell (PC) - January 29  z  r& y7 t" M% a6 E5 L
This War of Mine (PS4, Xbox One) – January 29
8 |; ?8 S: R: {/ [Tropico 5 - Complete Collection (PC) - January 293 |7 M! k7 ~) y7 w
Panmorphia (PC, Mac, Linux) - January 31 ( F) ]" d; M$ K, m
$ _, z0 K2 L' q3 N* w4 a% H3 L2 fSpellweaver (PC) - February 1. i) M0 W- V7 t! E" L4 H! z. A
Tales of Symphonia (PC) - February 1
) O5 `( Z& g* R+ I' y* k% f7 \Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space (PS4) - February 2
8 Z8 O- g* s3 [: QCalendula (PC) - February 24 W3 u; n+ f6 Y4 v- T0 o" E
Cobalt (Xbox One, 360, PC) - February 2
: E- r! v0 B6 j! q, hCrypt of the Necrodancer (PS4, Vita) - February 2
( V3 H) m- b' y  [! D) RDigimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (PS4, Vita) – February 28 |& c6 t; O3 v: C2 E
Dreii (PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android) - February 2
9 H# U9 w2 W" ~) k) C4 U) ^) k$ E. eGravity Rush Remastered (PS4) – February 2/ l+ c2 r+ z7 y- x5 C* m3 Z" Q
Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel (PS4, PS3) - February 2
" [) L' V' X0 I+ T: m* u; J& YNot a Hero (PS4) - February 2- H4 w$ }" N( e+ [  k( D
Steve Jackson's Sorcery (PC, Mac) - February 2
; V5 T! X$ @: v0 z3 `American Truck Simulator (PC, Mac, Linux) - February 3
: h; a6 }9 ~  h) f: E1 Q) r  o0 gFortified (Xbox One, PC) - February 3. P9 v  \" H3 y- w3 k
Dungelot: Shattered Lands (PC) - February 5
1 P$ p+ Q& D! A' i( o/ [* bXCOM 2 (PC) – February 59 @, F9 i5 Z9 s& m8 _$ u; n
Alekhine's Gun (Xbox One, PS4, PC) - February 9# R1 r6 C. g! F1 x' c
Arslan: The Warriors of Legend (Xbox One, PS4, PS3, PC) – February 90 i' w5 C; h4 ]+ ?) o; J
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia, Trilogy Pack (Xbox One, PS4, PC) - February 93 s% I' z1 x, l) q
Dying Light: The Following Expansion and Enhanced Edition (Xbox One, PS4, PC) - February 9$ j% V$ }- ^8 d* P4 [* v  G1 E5 X
Firewatch (PS4, PC, Mac, Linux) – February 9
2 P* o$ P! s9 \3 MLovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (PS4) - February 9
+ t$ N% ]+ k+ z3 c/ {" B% u: FNaruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 (Xbox One, PS4, PC) – February 9
/ ^8 }* s9 K6 m0 t5 p. kNeverwinter: Underdark (Xbox One) - February 9
, P6 V+ x$ t5 s6 q% P5 qUnravel (Xbox One, PS4, PC) - February 9
5 }5 }2 y$ P" R6 JMegadimension Neptunia VII (PS4) - February 12
- [! `9 G/ |& \5 Q+ CThe Ship: Remasted (PC) - February 15* h6 m  U; a2 L. {7 J5 `! t6 D6 ?2 Q
Layers of Fear (PS4) - February 16
' e* l+ ]2 f& S  D! w- ~0 ~% }Pillars of Eternity - The White March Part 2 (PC) - February 16
8 G' L: y9 g. X; i9 N: H  d8 [Project X-Zone 2 (3DS) – February 16
3 B0 t1 s: x, i( LStreet Fighter V (PS4, PC) – February 16$ ~2 ~5 D! F6 h+ T. n" f
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (3DS) - February 19
- K7 k: b0 Y1 e' C* c9 ]Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (3DS) - February 19) O# n8 B5 {1 `7 p0 m5 z* }
Far Cry Primal (Xbox One, PS4) – February 23
1 ^# N7 Z3 e: f' m  \2 x8 FMega Man Legacy Collection (3DS) - February 23
% o2 p4 e% ]0 DPlants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 (Xbox One, PS4, PC) - February 23
6 B+ f7 c+ `  l( xToki Tori 2+ (PS4) - February 23, ~4 S/ ]- h& k% F6 N
Spacejacked (PC) - February 26- q% e) O& K7 B9 ~' C9 n$ g
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow (3DS eShop) - February 27 " R1 H8 }0 B. I( S, m
1 M& }4 h" ]: c& q* a4 L8 A- x4 hFar Cry Primal (PC) - March 1
5 ^- a2 q( }* `Heavy Rain (PS4) - March 17 R& Z% V5 D3 M* p5 B
Ironcast (PS4) - March 1. [, J2 J( e: X
Mortal Kombat XL (Xbox One, PS4) - March 1# O2 P' c; ~- T: V+ p5 k
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition (PS4) – March 1# W8 _5 `+ d1 l- @3 K+ u$ n" w' n
E.T. Armies (PC) - March 3. H' u; X# |& l& }9 q
Ironcast (Xbox One) - March 40 a7 f6 M- T8 p9 z2 T4 i
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princes HD (Wii U) - March 41 S$ Q' z, ^. \$ Q$ H5 v
The Division (Xbox One, PS4, PC) – March 8
; d  I; W, Z8 C5 cHitman (Xbox One, PS4, PC) – March 11
# ?3 E# p+ X5 W% CEA Sports UFC 2 (Xbox One, PS4) - March 15( H2 _9 Y" e! {) M" v( X! f/ l
Marvel Battlegrounds Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, PC) - March 15  % t0 N1 k4 z# p  F: l8 e5 o3 Z
Sebastian Loeb Rally EVO (Xbox One, PS4, PC) - March 15
- |! h9 D5 B$ O# `Samurai Warriors 4 Empires (PS4, PS3, Vita) – March 152 T; }, I+ v. Y, }
Lichdom: Battlemage (Xbox One, PS4) - March 22- \+ l1 {" A$ O" o0 L: S
Republique (PS4) - March 22, `. B# I: u. w7 D4 V" \* M8 z
Stranger of Sword City (Vita) - March 22
# t+ z0 m* |, ]6 U5 h* bSlain (PC) - March 245 ]+ W5 n3 d% [( Q3 l' p6 {8 P$ n; y
Hyrule Warriors: Legends (3DS)  - March 25
6 j, {( r) H' H2 Q. VAdr1ft (Rift, PC) - March 28
+ k" v' d+ p4 M& \; pMLB The Show 16 (PS4, PS3) - March 29
1 f# ^7 m; g; B7 V, BNights of Azure (PS4) – March 29
2 w2 d1 N+ V. y$ eApril
5 y! e0 r, M6 l# [Assassin's Creed Chronicles Trilogy Pack (Vita) - April 5
2 o* n+ D) y8 k: O( E% R$ EDirt Rally (Xbox One, PS4) - April 5
! k5 i: }0 S% F3 q; KQuantum Break (Xbox One)  - April 50 V8 o; b( t: y5 O6 j; Z9 m, V
Dark Souls III (Xbox One, PS4, PC) - April 12
4 Z  A  F8 S8 x' d/ d" i. A( l' zRatchet & Clank (PS4) - April 12& x$ a7 N* {4 g: Z- N& `. M- ?
Bravely Second: End Layer (3DS) - April 15
% F' S+ T  d; rStar Fox Zero (Wii U) - April 22
% `8 F  }8 p* E5 K  d8 ?* O6 YUncharted 4: A Thief’s End (PS4) – April 26, ^& f" z" Y- ?- s' I* q2 ]
Total War: Warhammer (PC) – April 28
9 [" l# l$ e, SMay  X% Y* M7 h3 c8 r! l
Battleborn (Xbox One, PS4, PC) – May 3
0 V" ~: r" y. m. j( DHomefront: The Revolution (Xbox One, PS4, PC) - May 17
9 y2 c. W' {  ^# s; ZMirror’s Edge Catalyst (Xbox One, PS4, PC) – May 240 y. t5 D8 b4 _: m8 r' L
June' T, X, Q( @) L& g$ _
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir (PS4, PS3, Vita) - June 7
  C( d: [9 D0 G8 ?+ |6 ~August
$ F$ `% I% t# m  f$ ODeus Ex: Mankind Divided (Xbox One, PS4, PC) – August 23
! H# p% K3 X& T, D
' u+ T" Y3 h" ^7 w: ?3 P9 c& XConfirmed for 2016, But Undated
) s2 `: P6 L# y9 D) g) R6180 The Moon (Wii U)& s- {# j  I" `. p  O! C
Adr1ft (Xbox One, PS4)
8 P/ S1 o* Z2 M3 y+ x) R( r$ S- gAgatha Christie – The A.B.C. Murders (Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac)+ B0 U/ ]9 u  _3 Z
Alienation (PS4)
) l+ w$ ?9 |9 `4 k" A5 C' s& HAllison Road (PC)/ ?9 g) ]/ [4 |' j, B6 |6 P
Alone with You (PS4, Vita); g8 b/ i( y4 v0 S: g6 c. V
Amplitude (PS3)/ L& _1 a9 c0 W4 B# D. J
Ark: Survival Evolved (Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac, Linux)& I) K5 R  L7 u! V; x- Y0 v
Assault Android Cactus (PS4, Vita, Wii U)
, P2 ^8 K0 l+ i' S1 B4 W; _" ZAssetto Corsa (Xbox One, PS4)
& i% Q* Q  q: Y7 g% E' i8 b6 eAttack on Titan (PS4, PS3, Vita)
: @: D$ {5 T" G, `1 ?The Banner Saga 2 (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
2 @4 A" z2 ?% V! J2 k$ TBattlecry (PC)8 b, v- l( K  C1 X* t! Q
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (PC)
4 T1 G/ A  X- x! eBattlezone (PSVR)$ B1 ~) e* o# x6 }; L8 S
The Black Death (PC)! t  S" o/ {8 m7 t# V! a
BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend (PC)
" d0 \+ A, u! ^) l2 S; |Bombshell (Xbox One, PS4)7 a% h8 @/ o+ d: n
Bound (PS4)( F- J% T# O2 C
Boundless (PS4)
, t7 {; ]& i0 ~4 W% E4 VBravely Second: End Layer (3DS)
* w) q/ T$ d3 \4 uCalifornium (PC)5 [3 B$ ~: A  r  N' k) h7 `8 ^0 E
Castles (Xbox One, PS4, Wii U): i" g: e3 v& O" B. V3 u4 S; o
Civilization Revolution 2 Plus (Vita)3 |1 C7 c: x0 ]! T
Cobalt (PC)8 M) m  d* N- b! y1 S4 W1 l
Coffin Dodgers (Xbox One, PS4)1 x& Y. X6 o. a$ g8 a0 |* B0 ~1 G
Cosmic Star Heroine (PS4, Vita, PC, Mac)' a2 |6 Y$ O/ w+ B% s3 X; k. V; h
Cosmochoria (Xbox One, PS4)5 X7 W' j9 w6 V* p0 x9 v
Crackdown 3 - Multipayer (Xbox One)
$ ?" O, ]" s' r% m7 G9 ?) FCryptark (PS4, PC)
$ d/ ?6 C; _2 F7 sCuphead (Xbox One, PC)
3 }7 v8 A3 l- O+ }' y8 F2 U2 h4 GDarkest Dungeon (PS4, Vita)
9 z/ ?. R+ l! _  g) `5 A, IDay of the Tentacle Special Edition (PS4, Vita)
( v% c; x' b* o9 m. B3 \' {3 Q9 W& B! ~Dead Secret (PS4, PS3, PC)7 x" i+ F, V0 M
Death's Gambit (PS4, PC)
3 B: c; n# n) i" c9 G* F* \Deathsmiles (PC)
1 `8 t3 ^6 ^6 F. R7 W  q# `( }Demon's Age (Xbox One, PS4, PC)2 ^, d2 I' ^. t; ~5 J3 ~. }
Depth (PS4)) A1 h5 p4 }* A: [" K/ L( Z
Dino Dini’s Kick Off Revival (PS4, Vita)+ \) g% q) v: V
Discstorm (Vita)
- t" [% z- ?# A( lDishonored 2 (Xbox One, PS4, PC)( h0 j8 b8 k- M- D
Distance (PSVR)% L1 P7 W% V3 g
Don't Starve Together (PS4)5 i$ T* N3 ~2 i. g# e2 X
Doom (Xbox One, PS4, PC)5 l" ?$ R( A, G% U5 f* w7 K/ U
Dragon Quest VII (3DS)
- o7 g# T% [; X" H3 L( GDragon Quest VIII (3DS)
/ a8 ~! j, n& A& V0 dDreadnought (PC)5 C, \8 M0 d" |% Y+ S3 j, V
Dreii (Xbox One, PS4)
6 t5 R' F# b/ V1 G( d# yDriveDriveDrive (PS4, Vita)3 o: v8 F, {$ z) b: D
Duck Game (PS4)
9 k! x- }: W" a2 `$ F" WDungeon Defenders 2 (PS4, PC)1 h9 v. n- b( \2 ?
Dusty Raging Fist (Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac)
; k0 J- q) ^; w( kEarthNight (PS4, Vita, PC, Mac, iOS, Android)
1 {8 @0 N6 m$ j& y8 EThe Elder Scrolls Legends (PC, iOS)0 H, m7 Y- _8 a
Endless Space 2 (PC)9 O, R, F8 t' E) a* {- n
Enter the Gungeon (PS4, PC, Mac)' p. T, s# v( q) E# y$ U, f
EVE Vakyrie (Rift, PSVR)7 C: q+ s) o2 \9 R4 A* X. z
Everspace (Xbox One, PC)
. U& x2 D& l, r! Q9 k( i4 h) F/ r: {Excubitor (PC)' L& {$ {+ z) S1 P
Fable Legends (Xbox One, PC)7 `' q9 M0 _5 B' c/ p" M0 ]
Fallen Legion (PS4)) M* c0 ]' b* ]( `% m# j, G
Fenix Furia (Xbox One, PS4)5 t* }8 q5 `( }2 P
Final Fantasy XV (Xbox One, PS4)
) T" S+ R. |% i5 b; x; UThe Final Station (PC, Mac, Linux)+ r6 J$ x; t9 D( v- P
The Forest (PS4)
6 D# ?( I2 {8 I" A4 I4 qFragments of Him (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
% a! C( @1 C9 x. A) SFull Throttle (PS4, PC)
& F) \& J* }: _Furi (PS4, PC)) R1 o% e9 i" J+ M4 r/ l
Gears of War Ultimate Edition (PC)" R. }$ t& x( \: a0 E6 q+ m
Gears of War 4 (Xbox One)
$ D/ A2 i2 _+ [- W2 d3 }Gemini: Heroes Reborn (PS4)6 n, ^0 O9 O" Z
Get Even (Xbox One, PS4, PC)( \5 |: m5 \! q" {4 |
Giana Sisters 2 (Xbox One, PS4, Wii U)  M% D+ b5 ~; t! F( D
Gigantic (Xbox One, PC)+ S8 D1 [! W; f) E; S" i
God Eater: Resurrection (PS4, Vita)- a5 k2 b% C% z8 N* v8 |6 D
God Eater 2: Rage Burst (PS4, Vita)8 q# s7 ]6 s) `
Gran Turismo Sport (PS4, PSVR)1 S! m- n2 E% a' s8 p6 ?
Grand Kingdom (PS4, Vita)/ w1 K3 X, V' x2 R( G
Gravity Rush 2 (PS4)
) [: Y3 a/ N3 p9 \5 V: U2 a6 fHalo Wars 2 (Xbox One, PC)
' E  [9 {( Q, VHead Lander (PS4)
. u9 l. M* [% G( n7 w; I, SHellblade (PS4)
* q% t% K' d2 ?0 Q5 S8 oHex Heroes (Wii U)& n5 W9 D  f3 m% h3 N: n7 i- S
Hitman Go (PS4, Vita)
5 `/ @! |& w  }, HHive Jump (Wii U)
7 H0 d- r* r  L7 {Hob (PS4, PC)
! }8 W6 }& I3 ^! G4 t" U$ l: sHome Improvisation (PS4)
! s3 ~$ G* D' J5 S$ oHoPiKo (PC, Mac)+ x; F  A: y- z9 M: E
Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)
, ~- |9 |' ~6 N( t# }* Q, lHuman: Fall Flat (PC)# ^" t# o# S' P* U1 H
Hyper Light Drifter (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
2 E( C1 ~1 ^3 r2 `9 u4 {Infinium Strike (PC)
  n/ V5 S8 t3 f' d/ ^. X+ rInvisible, Inc. (PS4)
& j7 {/ ~+ n! U" jJazzpunk (PS4)* t3 A! j& |6 q; h8 Z$ ]1 l. B
Jenny LeClue – Detectivú (PS4)
3 _! `: R  z6 G- W0 s5 }6 `Kerbal Space Program (Wii U). o, X- E0 G. y9 I: P
Killer Instinct Season 3 (Xbox One, PC)
0 k9 h& A  R# J: AKilling Floor 2 (PS4, PC)
( F; O# v6 p" N( g3 o7 _Kim (PC)4 B6 g% k+ l' _2 j' _5 ?
Kingdom (Xbox One)
3 l4 A3 Q9 o' A! YKingdom Under Fire II (PS4, PS3, 360, PC)7 v; c. f: x8 O
Kôna: Day One (PC, Mac, Linux)1 `0 k5 i4 k! V; ^( F/ v( a/ ]2 y6 d
The Last Door – Season 2 (PC)
7 ~0 \. b; E7 W* vThe Last Guardian (PS4)4 p" Y% i7 `- l7 E
The Legend of Zelda (Wii U)& ]& l7 a6 s" _$ ]1 j" R2 _7 _
Little King’s Story (PC)  w- X" k# u* _" \7 A( O& _' o6 m
Lovely Planet Arcade (PC)$ F1 j7 x5 Y. R. A. h
Lucky's Tale (Rift)
) Q, b$ w- i1 Y& jLumo (Xbox One, PS4, Vita, PC, Mac, Linux)# R' j3 [- o" \" M
Mafia III (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
/ w6 P" z- m6 {7 x" |Marble Mountain (Rift, Vive, PC, Mac)% J1 o+ F( B5 y! c# a2 g3 t
Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Wii U, 3DS)
+ e6 ?# V3 R8 dMasquerada (Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac)
9 |% q' z6 P+ s, aMass Effect: Andromeda (Xbox One, PS4, PC)8 O# {7 P3 `# A' m( K4 Y
Matterfall (PS4)* W3 N) d5 b5 q) [
McDroid (Xbox One, PS4)
  w8 X& [' t7 u! w- OMelty Blood Actress Again (PC). N" K3 k8 v7 `
Metrico+ (PS4)' _: |' \2 n5 Q9 k7 K3 A& x
Metroid Prime: Federation Force (3DS)
. a# o; z/ F' H$ a/ }$ qMighty No. 9 (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, PC, Mac, Linux), k6 g( w# |* f+ j5 x" @2 E
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS-Force (Vita)! H1 i6 w5 t( o
Monsters & Monacles (PS4, PC, Mac, Linux)6 Z- L: A7 q7 C. B
Moon Hunters (PC)
; @0 G5 R% t) \' P9 i2 CMove or Die (PC)8 A9 o, ], N9 o8 k2 n
Moving Hazard (PC)
( C0 P2 Q, o7 uMutant Mudds Super Challenge (Wii U, 3DS)
; |* R4 T, j* W  MMX vs. ATV Supercross Encore (Xbox One)* W. e) x( _6 ?6 q5 W$ ~0 e; V
Narcosis (PC, Rift)
% b; V& }: j& y) ?1 R% }$ m3 kNeed for Speed (PC)/ X& p, `5 f. F# {
Neonchrome (PS4)
, b  a2 j# K" ONeurovoider (Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac, Linux)
  I- ^( k/ X7 P) F  S# NNew Hot Shots Golf (PS4)
, k2 F% [1 a/ w" z% Z; h$ GNier: Automata (PS4)  w+ |( M4 f: C6 q6 u+ H! {/ A5 r
Night in the Woods (PS4, PC, Mac, Linux)
0 b( w' ]; C' ^# Y3 Z6 |Ninja Senki DX (PS4, Vita, PC)
- s- g0 X# X3 j* uNo Man’s Sky (PS4, PC)
0 {- |# N( a: [Not a Hero (Vita)4 N0 c6 q( u# ?  K
Obliteracers (PC); Z# h. x' A! J' v
Old School Musical (PC)( B9 p4 H" g) [( X4 o2 U: e8 S8 g
Omnibus (PC, Mac, Linux)
# V( [# u' Y7 XOne Piece: Burning Blood (Xbox One, PS4, Vita, PC)# z2 C' m8 ]6 b9 I* @3 @" z# R
Orcs Must Die Unchained (PS4), q2 k: H! y. G$ p
Ori and the Blind Forest - Definitive Edition (Xbox One, PC)# v- {1 P- t( X; Z; L, G
Outlast 2 (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
. }4 P8 i% m5 R# ^# mOverwatch (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
1 q. W3 P9 b$ f  G; _- IOxenfree (PS4)
9 {; f' ~1 A! E1 s" ]- @/ f" ?Quattro Gear (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
% R7 l  N$ ^8 R8 VPaladins (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
& g5 e; ?9 [* kP.A.M.E.L.A. (PC). H& h7 t- o  f. Q! i0 G, ?& f* p
Paragon (PS4, PC)
' u% t6 B3 e: V. `- O) k: y6 ePersona 5 (PS4, PS3)
5 N+ u1 e. M5 ?$ t) B1 z: yPixel Piracy (Xbox One, PS4)
; b8 d4 `5 j; t( MPokken Tournament (Wii U)
0 b# G. w' J" D' q( C  `7 Q) vPolice Tactics: Imperio (PC, Mac)3 I/ r, k3 H! m* t7 }6 v$ _, D  j2 w% s
Prison Architect (Xbox One, 360, PS4)
- K) C( J/ f9 E/ c2 pPsychonauts: In the Rhombus of Ruin (PSVR)6 u2 ?: k& Q) P. U, j( }
Push Me Pull You (PS4)
& B" j0 O- C. z# i. \Rain World (PS4)
& _6 e- q5 U; `/ B2 S* }Randall (PS4, PC)
) d9 Z! Y- p" C% t: n( _Ray Gigant (Vita)
( L# ?  B& M( hRay's The Dead (PS4, Vita)
. y. B9 C# J9 A- w+ IRead Only Memories (PS4, Vita), v3 u, O8 r9 F2 b" X' P+ I
ReCore (Xbox One)
$ T$ D, R# T1 @1 V, p7 w1 VRelativity (PS4, PC, Mac, Linux)
6 Q# |; ?8 b, f6 c! JRIGS (PSVR)
! x& W8 O! T1 BRise of the Tomb Raider (PS4)
. N. }9 o3 w$ b+ ZRive (Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, PC)
  t! O, I8 H! ^4 H! V2 zRoad to Ballhalla (PC)1 R& B3 z) N7 w8 U! t" k8 I
Robinson: The Journey (PSVR)+ d' x# d: I1 G; b7 p1 G
Rock Band VR (Rift)
. M2 `$ ?7 Z8 @' BRocket League (Xbox One)" F& v5 y, A, Y) {. z0 A
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (PS4, Vita)" \$ L  b9 o7 l( K( R0 {. w1 B7 c
Roller Coaster Tycoon World (PC)
+ p) ?) [0 c. g4 SRynn's Adventure (Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, 3DS, PC, Mac)
. \2 z: t; e' V) M: n& eSea of Thieves (Xbox One, PC)
1 C- _3 M% c) y3 xSenran Kagura: Estival Versus (PS4, Vita)
$ E5 g1 X: C5 k% m$ J$ KSenran Kagura: Shinovi Versus (PC)
2 c: R3 S  o  a7 K3 K1 PSevered (Vita)
6 Y- g2 q. s4 U3 _* Y6 MShadow of the Beast (PS4)
) j  O2 J8 ?3 j  }Shadow Warrior 2 (Xbox One, PS4, PC), r# U6 q/ `% i- Q
Sheltered (PC)4 u- n/ I, a! ?) y) z
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
; ]$ h  k  @; K) n& F7 hShin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem (Wii U)% e$ D) m+ n. ?. {: R/ g5 u0 e7 V
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom (Platforms TBA)
; o- h" C" l! q9 jShiny (Xbox One, PC)
/ v/ z. P7 Z! xSkyjinx (PC, iOS, Android)
3 r9 e- z. j7 D7 ^Skylanders Battlecast (iOS, Android)6 O% U, b+ |$ A( [0 h) }6 ~
Slain (PC)% d, e# f3 S8 @
Small Radios Big Televisions (PS4)
0 g* o9 z$ A6 |8 }Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
$ S' T1 R% |+ v& d3 ~# pSnow (PS4, PC, Mac, Linux)5 ^/ q3 H. [7 b0 b+ P" D' @
Soft Body (PS4, Vita, PC)
# ^9 ?0 }5 j# NThe Solus Project (Xbox One, PC)1 g+ q: M, u( e
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice (3DS)
! `# X4 ~( e( B" `; \0 wSpace Hulk: Deathwing (Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC)
: Z: i, v# l2 L) JSpaceport Janitor (PC)
2 G4 @2 X- g# F, P7 I* r2 |Star Fox Zero (Wii U)2 z3 e& Y" R3 T
Star Ocean V: Integrity and Faithlessness (PS4)
0 E: }& V% X1 Z& ~+ y2 ^Starborne: Sovereign Space (PC)
  U  B8 N/ V2 a6 }/ Y) q2 mSteamWorld Heist (Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, Vita, PC, Mac, Linux)
( c3 A/ B8 D' U/ Z! m& K# DStrength of the Sword Ultimate (PC)
- V; M) b5 e3 O: L, W5 `Strike Vector Ex (Xbox One, PS4)
# z! d7 v$ c1 U2 j% `% {, JStyx: Shards of Darkness (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
/ z* o+ {! v+ [3 R6 D/ x5 z% dSuper Dungeon Bros. (Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac)
1 i: p& b* i+ t" V; JSuperhot (Xbox One, PC, Mac, Linux)
- ^" d$ S( c( n# V) ]3 h: ZSwapQuest (Vita)( ?8 }$ A, c1 O* Y5 y8 U: A
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization (PS4, Vita)4 W% `2 b' C: g- @
Sword Coast Legends (Xbox One, PS4)
$ `- Q, g6 p( _- cTacoma (Xbox One, PC, Mac, Linux)
* b/ T) i6 H% m# UTelltale Batman Game (Platforms TBA)1 g( [; S) {; B  \' y
Terraria (Wii U, 3DS)7 P6 C- c* a& |4 N: A: T
Thea: The Awakening (Xbox One)' T# b  N  B6 a( l
Tinertia (PS4, Xbox One)( A" o8 _- T3 d/ u7 }7 Y
The Tomorrow Children (PS4)5 F/ y, p) o% B- C. s1 h
Torment: Tides of Numenera (PC)
! j1 u$ p( M" \. [9 WTricky Towers (PS4)6 U, L: a% T, Z, \! V% k* n
Trillion: God of Destruction (Vita)* ~% l) g$ ]% f9 V" F
Ultimate Chicken Horse (PC)
* h, ^- U+ K7 J% ~9 y$ f0 N% R( TUmbrella Corps (PS4, PC)9 o* G* r) D. O+ h  o0 W' s, ~) K
Under Night In-Birth (PC)3 A$ j2 y8 r* o) V* q2 Q2 ^) V  j
Underworld Ascendant (PC)) p4 F; Q; C/ @+ s
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)! n: S! \2 M  ~! k3 S
Upwards, Lonely Robot (PC)9 z4 B* |) c5 ?) G
Vector 36 (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
8 C, y0 e; L# OVHS is Not Dead (Xbox One, PS4, Wii U)
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' O9 _) p& B" }Xanadu Next (PC)
. L& p( a$ G  K' q3 C! S8 N& x, X+ F  p) nXing: The Land Beyond (PS4, PSVR, PC, Rift)' K3 H# H5 f+ d7 S& b; J8 I
The Walking Dead: Michonne (Xbox One, 360, PS4, PS3, PC, Mac, iOS, Android)
. y  r  T0 {0 QWarhammer:  The End Times – Vermintide (Xbox One, PS4)
2 ]0 m5 f0 X( c7 ]* d2 z+ W0 VWarhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr (Xbox One, PS4, PC)- |- x" f( D, s; R! v4 F
What Remains of Edith Finch (PS4)3 K+ F: r5 t1 K. N0 j" h
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine (PC, Mac)
9 p- v! K4 Y3 O3 fWild (PS4)
7 i/ R6 R6 V' }% d8 X" [9 xThe Witcher 3: Blood and Wine (Xbox One, PS4, PC)* ~2 E" `5 Y/ v4 r% p; u
Wondershot (Xbox One, PS4, PC). V6 C" P6 @6 K. I& }9 X
World of Final Fantasy (PS4, Vita)* N' w! q% Z/ G, x7 J8 S! L
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% h& x. O! K( h4 O4 y: oYooka-Laylee (Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, PC, Mac, Linux)
7 o$ R* c4 e& ^4 y! _8 y7 |Yu-Gi-Oh! (Working Title) (3DS)9 n" [* e& U' w* |( q- P
Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma (3DS, Vita)
2 O9 I0 Z% N" n* pZodiac: The Orcanon Odyssey (PS4, Vita)

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发表于 2016-1-27 00:36 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-27 00:38 | 显示全部楼层
nedved 发表于 2016-1-27 00:36; l" d2 Z8 c+ c( S' e; `1 k( C

$ `4 G, X& ~2 M. ?1 y# k& M是啊,要是有AVG的发售时间表就好了
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-27 00:39 | 显示全部楼层
nedved 发表于 2016-1-27 00:368 g: M4 R8 x4 `0 K
! W; w: w  r( z* K+ Y9 d
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发表于 2016-1-27 01:19 | 显示全部楼层
小白鹭 发表于 2016-1-27 00:38
! v# h8 I! B# @" v2 Z是啊,要是有AVG的发售时间表就好了

; Z8 ]6 B, d$ jAVG中的大作有发售时间表,其他的就不一定了,有时突然冒出几个
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-27 01:21 | 显示全部楼层
nedved 发表于 2016-1-27 01:19* J& e2 |4 Q( Y1 E
; p# @' m! h. [: Y! }" B
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-27 08:22 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-1-27 09:19 | 显示全部楼层
小白鹭 发表于 2016-1-27 01:214 O! p# `1 y# Q" x3 _  [

* h4 U" F8 M: m3 K5 @/ F% d如果能做个avg发布时间表就更棒了!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-27 10:20 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-4-17 14:40 | 显示全部楼层
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