

楼主: habit
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发表于 2007-12-4 09:42 | 只看该作者
从“If you're not comfortable”到“Think of your voice!”已完成:* A/ p1 y, g" o4 p, T) J0 y0 K
5 d1 Q9 f1 b1 Q
If you're not comfortable, you could bring her something. Offer her a little jam, for example. She loves that.
0 `& A3 d: \& `/ H/ m如果你不自在,可以带些东西给她。例如,给她一点儿果酱。她爱吃果酱。1 p+ i7 f- d  |) g3 H$ \* d
I might fall sick going to the castle, quarantine hasn't been lifted yet.
9 p. {7 d2 o) [: W我到城堡后可能会生病,隔离措施尚未解除。- y3 y& A0 o' W3 o9 L5 K/ Y
Don't worry. As far as I know, there hasn't been a single case of plague.
) h; s7 n" o* v6 X8 j8 u0 q8 R别担心。据我所知,此地没有单独的鼠疫病例。: `" \0 n4 U: H: h5 n( W
Then why has everybody fled or shut themselves up in their homes?
4 _$ k' x0 p" Y; s. c那么,为什么大家或者逃走了,或者被关在家中呢?
1 x& q6 ?3 i( @5 N- D: s4 M! o3 fPeople are afraid whenever someone dies from an unknown illness.
2 i; N6 X! Q# F8 W! e) {, ?人们都害怕随时会有谁死于不知名的疾病。7 y' e+ r0 v8 S" Z; A9 s0 r
But believe me, the epidemic of the plague is only a rumor, no doubt stoked by Catherine de Medici's people. She'll go to great lengths to ensure her visit stays as confidential as possible.
3 `6 a) A; K2 z& p相信我吧。所谓瘟疫横行只是谣言而已,无疑是凯瑟琳·德·梅第奇的手下在煽风点火。这个女人会竭尽全力确保她的这次访问越秘密越好。
$ S9 g- S" W& f6 r# l% k. bThen why did you let Mama and the little ones leave, if there was no danger?
) q3 G1 h3 S  L' E/ o( T4 t如果这里真的不危险,你又为什么让妈妈和孩子们离开呢?
$ N2 u; h% v0 M* `: w" OYour mother enjoys travel. I had no reason to hold her back.
" X* p7 x6 l, ]* F: A8 ?8 h( i你的母亲喜欢旅行。我没有理由阻止她回来。! Z6 Y2 A) A& \# P; t+ |
No, I have something to do first.. W. b' u( L6 N: l
+ S2 b0 y% |9 v! L: w# \6 kThis ingredient is too precious to be used if you don't know exactly what to do with it. 1 j" _3 D8 J  R
如果你不清楚正确的使用方法,那么这种成分就显得太珍贵了。1 n4 n9 R) K* I/ ]) g' d& b2 \
According to the recipe, I have to save the amber till the end.+ }4 r2 {' E( G& G; C; v
* _, V! x( [% F  v  y; C& t1 uAccording to the recipe, the amber and the mandrake berries are added last.0 b) Z" U7 u' D5 V9 C
- Y/ `0 A  N/ O. Y% a3 b; DCertainly not, I've almost finished.. i- d  H) j. C: v
, I2 y! D! U7 t/ j7 l  | +
# S& Z; i) }" q' PEverything and anything at all8 s3 w' ^- t4 `; ~+ B6 Q% ^; D5 K
' A( B' W! B, `2 G0 O3 X0 jEverything's here then!
  _+ Z0 V2 z- \! B每种东西都在这儿啦!
0 G. V9 }, S' _5 |& |0 v4 K+ hColored cream
% J% w3 G$ ?: y, Q染色乳膏, m1 L1 P' ^& E0 T8 f
All I have to do now is heat the whole thing.7 ]4 A: y/ u: ]9 Z% T, X
9 F' \* \( G7 m8 ?9 J; @2 U* wNot yet.  ~( o- n0 }0 R8 h( a
$ l& i! ?) Y5 W4 \No need to heat this preparation." j9 P0 J+ d! w$ Y. R+ T
, m$ N3 I( |: ?2 D' M& A9 t/ aIt must be ready.
& }4 X# T& G$ P5 C8 z/ x/ k3 m它必须先准备好。
5 `* i& S$ u) a/ Z4 XGarlic Vinegar - prevents infectious diseases
) b0 a$ p/ X% W, S大蒜醋-用来预防传染病。& |2 B; s( V1 K6 Q8 G. t8 b4 o
Perfect! I think I've got it!5 J* K, g4 l/ `/ z) w' a' r
棒极了!我想我已经得到它了!$ d% j0 Z# N* Z2 w2 u7 E/ _
Aphrodisiac Potion
  m5 ~! z7 m5 E一剂春药(催情药)6 t+ Y  C8 `0 |% x9 @; J9 l
It smells really good! I hope it'll work.+ b4 X' N' Z" t' w  l5 U
味道很不错!我希望它能管用。4 l1 [  w$ F2 o) b9 W: H8 `
Sage Wine with Mandrake) t4 Z2 O; [4 w* r, S5 ]6 ?
鼠尾草酒泡曼德拉草根9 b) W6 Q5 j3 ?- [6 q1 i
Preparation Against the Plague4 E0 I! {- m! b! l
% l6 P1 @3 o8 f4 r- r* MIncense Powder to Induce Hypnosis4 {/ r' k& t" D3 v% F: R) d5 j8 q
蒙汗药(催眠熏香)6 ?2 }+ ^$ V+ A0 m; S% s1 K6 F
Good, good. It's ready.
+ I) \5 J. T( y, ~5 l& a" i! d好的,好的。弄好了。
2 ^6 {" b1 |/ FEucalyptus Tea5 \- Z1 S4 T- P. n) ?" T
1 Z. q7 @# f6 l5 mThis doesn't serve any purpose right now.0 |+ n2 K- h) \/ q& E  q
) V$ c) m4 N: \1 H7 u$ ?- HNo, certainly not. Amber is too precious to be thrown out that way.
* V, }3 {( d- Z不,显然不行。琥珀太珍贵了不能就这么扔掉。4 s. E5 j( y, a. [5 b
No, I'm not going to throw out the mandrake. I might not find any more.
. ~( F2 L3 |+ y不,我不能扔掉曼德拉草。我以后可能再也找不到了。, V( R% o0 _$ j& l, s" y! i) [/ S
Out of the question, the ingredients in this pot are far too rare.+ J3 d. ]5 v) v) x
* `& B' a# n. [- o  QNo point in that, might as well put it back in its place.
! @, e1 y3 a' e: n5 H$ ^那没有意义,最好把它放回去。! R# V7 X- y' \/ d
This rope will certainly not take the weight of a full bucket of water.
1 o1 [3 V' i. c: Y4 G: t这根绳子肯定不能承担满满一桶水的重量。
& ?4 Z* U( F, d0 U/ h0 g2 jNo point, it's much too short.
7 R) z0 m- q  n& ^4 P无意义,它太短了。
7 ?$ P) v; i- I3 d/ g: p& C( zI'm not doing this right, the pail is going to fall.
2 F. T  B& D! m, c  T我这样做不对,桶就要掉下来啦。
% e+ c$ k8 d: Z+ YTomorrow. Right now, I've got better things to do.% b! \) l: F& z1 g
7 m' z2 \0 a. Z, ABut now that you've reviewed your fundamentals and know how to dress like your brother, you have to learn to talk like him.' w8 N6 r. e+ Z% l' p0 [
看来你刚刚懂得打扮成你兄弟的诀窍,你还需要学会如何像他那样说话。5 P1 _. o( Y+ w8 [0 U2 j
To start, try to pitch your voice right. Then think about what you're saying. C閟ar might not give the same answer as you.../ m2 }; R* w6 R0 p( \0 x& [& ^
首先,你得把嗓音拿捏正确。然后考虑应该说点儿什么。因为恺撒的回答可能与你大不相同……; l( e6 v2 \0 a* `
Alright, let's try!' U+ Q* v  e4 X  _+ E4 q$ _
% W. g3 |$ P- j6 g5 RSay something... anything... to see how you place your voice.
+ e5 l2 ]8 W( W1 j/ z# x说几句……啥都行……看看你怎样调整你的嗓音。7 Z& N+ `  N% d  J8 g  d/ n+ M) y
Something, anything!2 t4 q' N2 ~' M! U  k$ h
随便说,什么都行!* A) j. J! }0 I+ y
My name is C閟ar, I'm here on behalf of my father, Nostradamus., x# k& H) V" Q; ?
我名叫恺撒,我在这里代表我的父亲,诺查丹玛斯。5 i1 e; l( ^, }8 I# |8 H7 W% X( d
6 O. F- ?9 e) \+ ^, Z什么都行!
) k# ]- A' y, E+ ]. z, n0 [Something, anything!5 d8 n# g$ Q* \
2 p! d5 h* B$ v7 ~My name is C閟ar, I'm here on behalf of my father, Nostradamus.
' g' ^% X" y: \3 {- u7 a+ i4 _9 Y我名叫恺撒,我在这里代表我的父亲,诺查丹玛斯。. c4 Q5 ~: B6 J3 _
Anything!, l: N; C$ ]3 z9 K
什么都行!" K1 {, A4 A0 k- f& E2 F7 }* \
Something, anything!' n& @4 d3 j6 F  S( ^0 d, c( t
随便说,什么都行!* Z( {8 l; w( f
My name is C閟ar, I'm here on behalf of my father, Nostradamus.+ l( ^" ^" b+ ~3 F1 Q
我名叫恺撒,我在这里代表我的父亲,诺查丹玛斯。- N! J' ], A& b0 \
0 \" `0 A8 V. p) r2 f什么都行!
& T$ y; ?6 Z7 K. gSomething, anything!
- C' G4 G8 A8 r  v* |& s随便说,什么都行!1 }8 I" q% }! k
My name is C閟ar, I'm here on behalf of my father, Nostradamus.
* C* ~+ ~' a. @, M2 f我名叫恺撒,我在这里代表我的父亲,诺查丹玛斯。( k+ F6 H# A% F- o
2 k' S$ r3 m$ d, a* @' Q什么都行!% A; E8 S( M  f
Something, anything!* P. g/ r+ n7 y
' L9 A0 \/ Z' l3 X' N  ]; q9 \My name is C閟ar, I'm here on behalf of my father, Nostradamus.
  B/ b: R2 ?5 n5 n我名叫恺撒,我在这里代表我的父亲,诺查丹玛斯。7 f5 S4 [( R$ R9 c2 c1 P
9 X$ c0 s7 C$ _什么都行!
) D9 k$ \' D" C# O( v# w8 s6 cSomething, anything!
4 R2 a5 `9 d( W# t' i  J5 K随便说,什么都行!
$ ]/ {$ G" ?% ?5 h% MMy name is C閟ar, I'm here on behalf of my father, Nostradamus.
( n- u5 z) S; X( t# x: a# y4 u3 {5 ~我名叫恺撒,我在这里代表我的父亲,诺查丹玛斯。
# P$ D8 c6 z9 s; X8 M- R1 G, h; SAnything!9 {: q. ^# ^; S! m7 n
什么都行!$ z! a8 j" L& Y& G
Something, anything!
4 c* w; D6 p, B+ n随便说,什么都行!
/ ?; l9 H4 r9 u: ^' Z& qMy name is C閟ar, I'm here on behalf of my father, Nostradamus.: c1 a) s& U+ m& y$ ~
我名叫恺撒,我在这里代表我的父亲,诺查丹玛斯。. q* K# Q! r% x% ]
! D8 Q) V) V! g- n% I" z9 ~什么都行!' i, {; G0 ^3 E0 Y3 e$ B% F- m
Something, anything!
5 b5 h; b% U0 ]' F* ?随便说,什么都行!# a5 |" L- `. j3 @$ K: S) E
My name is C閟ar, I'm here on behalf of my father, Nostradamus.# _, ^* l! ^. P0 [" S6 s; d9 I
  `8 N7 D- {. b: N+ {Anything!; T8 c% r- w) F$ C7 d, {" D. E$ |
什么都行!5 B- U# f8 B' e% J; t. D) X( \
Something, anything!$ X8 V& R( ]# H$ i' P
随便说,什么都行!2 I( B9 |. w) u  j
My name is C閟ar, I'm here on behalf of my father, Nostradamus.
9 c8 V# r9 q5 [$ I  s9 u& W/ c我名叫恺撒,我在这里代表我的父亲,诺查丹玛斯。* W' C( T' ~3 K8 U
Anything!; ~, r' Y. {; l7 G% T2 Q
, G! m: i9 F- Y! ]Excellent! You've completely grasped your brother's expression, but there's still some progress to be made on the voice.
+ P" ~5 O/ {0 f- L$ A0 ~2 b5 q好极了!你已经完全掌握了你兄弟的表达方式,但在嗓音方面仍需进一步提高。* s3 W, z$ O, u' X, `
Try again!
2 I+ V9 f# K$ Q0 Y6 {( H3 @1 ]6 D再试试!- ^' x  ^1 O& O5 V3 Y4 T
/ J$ [0 |+ Q. C4 J  ^, c' T- y- Q, M不行。" b# G" R. J# a9 V: d' O5 ~
Not quite there yet!
4 W( |: @  L' p( j仍不彻底!% P$ }. m4 z1 p) ]# I/ g
Perfect! You've done it!' j* K  A. u+ p! o. D# x
妙啊!你做到了!, z1 T' K/ J7 g8 q" z
Excellent! You've completely grasped your brother's expression!' U3 i. f/ x- M8 H0 `7 p
好极了!你已经彻底学会你兄弟的腔调了!/ ~# b4 i5 `7 K% [* u
Well, it's a good thing we tried this little exercise. You're not at all there yet!
- r7 }, k" H9 G5 c呃,我们经受这次小练习是件好事情。你还没能完全做到。+ H3 f. Z0 L( t
The voice is fine, but as for the expression, you'll have to do better.7 J$ y6 W7 j5 q8 L% j
嗓音挺好,但在表达方式上,你需要做得更好。+ W8 n7 @( ^$ B* [
Let's take a little knowledge test. Don't forget to pay as much attention to your voice as to the answer.) ]# G& X* C" S8 I7 _2 k
# ~- o6 n& p0 Y* EWhat's the first sign of the zodiac?% x4 r" ~9 f  T5 S6 d) Q0 m
' }3 }( T$ v& b. t2 [4 ^' q  xAquarius# U- R9 _2 J, j, A& q1 t
- o8 E3 d0 c+ `Aries
% z! ^" O) R/ \白羊座
! Q4 {! U. V5 O+ H* m" K* x& C# @Taurus
. T! b4 ?5 o6 A, K, L0 M6 u* b金牛座
+ Y7 G9 u  @; F2 J7 H, H' wCapricorn
/ [/ W* g* Q4 I* H+ z0 g$ F摩羯座# {- d( t+ n* f% T+ k4 o; }
Aquarius( T3 K6 M6 f/ Z, |. T8 M% m
1 n# a* |$ p& z0 B2 p* Z& RAries: e6 t  ^. n+ u8 m) d: [0 M* |
白羊座% Y% `2 A8 H; g! L# w( [) I/ `
Taurus8 M% ?! W$ G& F
0 N. ~$ M1 X4 s" J% M' m8 q( kCapricorn+ G7 R! }# X6 Y0 b& a, J
摩羯座  ^) h2 J- o- }4 A
Aquarius, V- a. W# F2 T/ b1 v1 s9 l
' a4 l+ k3 f5 \: `3 {# s/ PAries& w& F3 d# e! z
白羊座: w0 z4 P& z/ @2 v
6 r* k3 r8 p6 l4 U金牛座3 M) b) h& v9 @/ `
Capricorn2 ]; P- ^0 j5 l9 @- m0 J) R
摩羯座3 s1 y6 ?/ |) ]  A+ t
/ W2 {% H7 y* R, C宝瓶座1 Y' E) c" i' \7 c! S
* r$ r( D) l6 y$ U白羊座
6 F7 I6 |# V& r6 n- l/ {- cTaurus
, o( _) a# u" l+ Y1 d金牛座
; V8 H9 {, y5 z, I' N  ICapricorn0 ~1 S' O9 y- V/ f3 ~
摩羯座& D/ F0 I) Y; _
Aquarius7 S8 _% }# g  w
, g& I+ ^- M; e! s0 gAries6 v: L% H+ w$ u& [$ k0 m) e* L
1 [* @/ h3 k6 I+ S0 F2 @) R" HTaurus9 n3 X- Q% x4 M$ r) f
金牛座0 L1 e; [6 l/ m* g
0 }, T2 b* l) {- o3 g  S摩羯座
  y, z- ?+ d7 sAquarius
* w% c- N& u6 n. ?. j- r- }1 i宝瓶座9 B1 h" B4 f8 [/ r4 Z/ ^( j1 D
0 S7 b& Y' F% z$ u" |白羊座
9 _5 X4 p; ?  b" k) ?" u2 aTaurus
: x1 `0 p( O6 S3 |& Z金牛座
+ Y3 ]" `/ [& |# |Capricorn
5 f. e! d. d8 w摩羯座
& r8 ?; [3 S9 y# |( {1 S$ jAquarius
: p5 X3 t+ c& k4 p/ k: T2 N$ T宝瓶座
1 e6 E6 q, E* bAries( J; U! X, v4 p" N% e: C9 m
5 _8 t  e& ^' K6 o4 M$ CTaurus
. `* ?( u' f. W9 e& _- ^( ~金牛座1 W3 n$ L8 [& z8 r& [
Capricorn4 H  O! U6 J+ p5 _
1 N: S% E9 s5 z8 S6 w- c  GAquarius3 @/ e8 {$ `9 S0 c0 L
# G8 ~% B; |6 R! OAries
# ^8 g& n) E8 A8 q. k8 i2 v白羊座! I& `/ v. v3 N5 n
  k" t6 b9 H# [) U0 |* i金牛座3 K8 Z/ d$ x' d
Capricorn+ ]7 T4 i- t/ m* Q# e1 k
' e: e5 v4 t+ R6 k6 xAquarius/ {1 [/ N; p! K: x1 b. E$ o
宝瓶座5 K9 ?, w6 w* ~/ b% y; v, `+ r
  y4 ~7 y" {: K  q白羊座; x- k9 i% Y7 p: Z
Taurus& H/ A' F3 t2 v5 _
7 d( J7 }# q0 e! t# BCapricorn
. z0 o+ L' w$ s& i1 I2 n摩羯座2 c' \1 r# ?5 S8 v
You've got a long way to go yet, if I may say so!
, T/ o4 P$ O+ G$ `. B你还有很长的路要走,如果我可以这么说的话!) I4 b/ {% t/ n5 H
The voice is correct, but I'm disappointed by the answer. And it was a simple question!0 u1 Z; H; ^$ P: H
5 R0 Q, h! R/ s8 NAries is right. That sign marks the beginning of spring, a new cycle that's starting.) f* B, t* P# B  _1 K8 R0 s
7 I4 X- d5 A8 }  {9 C7 ]2 pAs for the voice, on the other hand, we're not there yet!
$ E. R# k- d, _+ X  z5 C就嗓音而言,另一方面,我们尚未做到。! x) T  L5 t. i9 p
8 W* ]+ A9 B3 x% ?棒极了!, H6 U/ ~6 B+ ^( c; E
Very good, young lady, you've done well!/ P, l6 c3 o) T" u9 O, t
非常好,小姐,你做的很好!+ k1 Y0 H& p  l0 K! P# o" c; `
What zodiac sign rules the heart?/ h. z7 _* v& [# k2 j7 k
+ ?- [* ~+ @/ |0 l% t4 HLeo- r! f; i! @& E5 S
% s# @8 @8 j% r& _Virgo
! j( F3 }! l* E# @室女座
# D5 p4 {# G0 @/ e6 B4 dSagittarius4 j" B9 p" }/ U0 b; e; u+ W& e. L
! v. j2 ^# q3 G9 \9 Z. I" XLeo1 \* y, @! Y5 L0 R
狮子座5 b! A! {/ p2 I# M5 t
- c  l3 q4 y' ?7 W9 B2 w( b# b$ Q. {室女座& @+ D7 D! E7 a7 I- L/ u, B6 E
Sagittarius/ S: x7 V0 D, w- x; ^
人马座+ c' ~5 f5 E& S/ a
Leo- ?1 I9 Z" n# h6 [1 `% n" G+ h
: d7 Q6 @; q, J4 W$ FVirgo& u* _6 ?( y& Y  V& X/ T! W
室女座( a( k) T/ J5 q
5 x+ i; f8 k: F" ]人马座
% O0 ?6 C; k8 x6 p7 d. vLeo
% J5 |: m  N. ^8 t狮子座
4 j' U" u7 W" G! \0 g' T: AVirgo' V, Z; K0 t, a& N9 F
室女座3 {8 N0 l+ E$ J7 `( r
Sagittarius2 _$ k# w$ ?9 L
- ^5 N) q7 d! O9 _6 H1 J: ?Leo
  B; w7 d4 _0 h8 P, K狮子座
: ]9 L  a  O& wVirgo
5 F/ J/ ~. c4 W; C3 A" h* F室女座
+ J' k4 G6 T7 h7 a) t0 Z: Q1 y( v! cSagittarius
% ]/ n$ U# }5 H1 ~/ @1 j1 v- V4 B* V人马座
  k. C+ U. B- b" L3 a" w' wLeo
/ x6 C% ], Y6 S2 D2 F) M狮子座
! J! i6 h$ g& C8 }. {6 U9 vVirgo0 u# K& }3 }# Y( q$ P  k" T
! ]4 s5 `; i  O; ISagittarius- `' ~9 |0 ~6 q7 @6 ~
  u. E9 z* A' K6 B$ \! T. w9 RLeo
3 H' f6 A% q6 a狮子座
( M+ n/ [$ V# oVirgo
2 o8 d# S; \1 K( a6 O$ e% L室女座& B. c' E- ^  b9 I  x, Q. s. l
Sagittarius3 {$ r) _# M( l2 `$ S4 o% n0 |6 B
+ Y0 n+ j# V; ?- ]3 ULeo3 r0 j; u1 {5 c
狮子座% I, ^, Q4 c+ s# R
Virgo+ q, X$ G8 b  e- N+ q
室女座4 O* e. Q- e5 \" o% Y3 S9 U) r( o
# _- ~" D" b7 f( t' O/ _* T4 {人马座7 F. K& X+ U4 X$ u& E
Leo" x: E" Q1 J2 I+ A4 ]! }* r+ X! Q
狮子座* k' _' _) p) z5 X6 q4 W9 `7 D
Virgo* c6 X/ l, {" X: t4 B
室女座5 }1 N6 Q, ]. `3 b& B3 [
, a" ~3 S8 ]2 O人马座
& M0 Z( l& O/ ^# |9 cNot at all.; @1 c& I0 S- H2 D
根本不行。5 x" C, e9 F( b, }& t/ Y
The voice is fine, but as for the rest, you ought to be able to do better.! b7 A5 y& |% p/ S" I; ]! u
3 M( h; m7 K% e3 UThat's right, but you mustn't forget to control your voice.# H0 f5 X# a- U4 P; z
2 G7 }5 Q4 H/ I& `What common product is often used to avoid contagion?& V8 J  c* M/ |% Q# |8 r0 I
什么常见物品通常用于消除传染?' t+ e( g) U* d7 o
Alcohol: ^! b% N) n( C2 S% K# g( h- F
酒精3 H) x. P. m  F" X
Oil7 E' v+ l4 \; x6 m7 \3 C$ X
油类# E( k) y' t' V4 @- B9 G- Y" B- F
Vinegar. X7 W% F! b0 t+ V& V2 b  j! J8 b
0 o3 D/ Y: }( `
, m6 O6 C+ y; ^  T4 q# P酒精
3 F5 g; Y; b; S0 ?( m& h: rOil
3 k% H; V* e) o; ?油类
6 d6 M6 I# }$ B( y! {+ ^/ I/ zVinegar
, ?4 _9 Y* d9 X/ q5 L' B" D
( d- ]& f( q+ \6 xAlcohol
5 M" C" i) R  [+ v酒精& x* U/ a: L  @
9 Q- b- i3 ]: @" ^1 x油类, j- N: v6 U, ~- \2 t. p
Vinegar. F) ]6 K$ d3 D8 g) _" t; ?/ v

: M: m$ Z0 w. M8 k" nAlcohol
) X2 y6 G6 y8 b6 A" U* z) X0 D酒精* i0 ~: \/ @# X% s* E: N6 |$ [* ~
Oil1 u* D; e; r5 Z+ t3 k) H  _
油类9 a1 k7 H* w0 G% C
Vinegar) R% |% T/ Y* v4 I8 D  Y

7 l1 ~, p6 R9 K+ z; ?Alcohol
9 ?: E0 q6 b6 V3 U7 O1 |% G/ c酒精/ I. h. u% ~& ^3 i
4 r8 F- Z+ [* e' B( A" O油类1 s- |9 ]5 N* b( L) [
Vinegar" e- p$ O2 p2 z2 R  }. r
+ p% O7 b. M; S6 P
( G4 n$ {& x4 E. S. f- }酒精
4 k4 |1 P: ~) FOil
- M" I7 J' k  C' X2 J' V9 i4 Z6 e油类
8 ?( S, r" L8 J1 n0 i+ _! ?4 BVinegar2 C, w  n( t3 o  Z3 x

2 l( i6 [# T* a' B; X$ x* l4 DAlcohol5 F+ S3 N& }* l/ N6 |1 S
酒精: k- u7 S; n# y7 O1 G! u/ b* v4 |5 `: n
5 @' @; M' H5 B( t' {6 K+ W油类
) h' \: B' f( o2 \& b: {6 uVinegar
/ @7 [% ?, b( e8 h. I( L  Q) c/ Q' u/ u' J5 x
' Z( m. ]  l/ J/ l* z) p! x酒精* i5 m  @) z8 d2 U5 e- m
Oil' g7 p8 B: s% S1 i$ E4 a" l  |3 T
- g8 ?. @$ b& w  f- o# i  XVinegar. w& Z# p" ]# ^7 t9 ~/ g- p
: O$ m5 R5 \' ~( N
' @4 `0 K8 e1 I: G- R+ `* [酒精
$ @1 c# o7 C: c% X8 B8 W/ D  i! XOil
7 S" j: @9 }3 F  S& V+ X- j油类
9 h% D2 l. e) e# X8 S) vVinegar1 h/ F- l2 w0 K  g3 A) ^0 d+ ?5 }

3 n% q3 `* Y) T3 W4 j' t( H3 dNo, but your tone is right.$ m% _2 w1 J1 y
错误,但你的语调对了。1 W0 O( P: A  }/ h3 v, \; U
Think of your voice!% k* W- L9 C9 @8 ^1 D
0 ^) }7 b9 m! Q% @: Z- W
$ g8 v/ T9 s7 U/ B, q, Y-----------------------% h$ G7 F# Q, R1 _9 E
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发表于 2007-12-4 10:01 | 只看该作者
引用第33楼c98008021于2007-12-03 17:02发表的  :4 A2 n. Y; U/ u
When you've finished with them, don't forget the aspects. You know, those lines that show the 6 c7 |& H  T0 Z+ h! H
influence the stars have on each other.
, z" R, j: t4 r4 b# T' d当你完成时,别忘了外表。你知道,这些线条显示行星彼此互相影响。/ J: R& ~. q; m& w
6 w# }6 d+ J* |- I( B7 r- l5 O
0 K% U4 W  h* a大概是特性或者是方位
& m, |5 m6 k! `4 q% }9 A2 j% X哪个比较好就得等我玩到那才能看出来了。。。。
3 I$ e& y4 C5 N" W可是我现在卡住了卡住了阿。。。。
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发表于 2007-12-4 10:02 | 只看该作者
引用第35楼tos99于2007-12-03 20:16发表的  :  @8 V1 f+ `0 ]8 I5 D
请大家帮忙看看Solar Return Machine究竟该如何翻?4 v5 |" b* E* G( ?. ?
+ _7 k- [. C; y, _/ n原来的纸上,是这人出生时的行星图(各个行星在黄道十二宫的位置)。机器以这人的年龄作为变量,得出这人现在的行星图。
6 @9 _; w" ?" b' D机器原理就是这样。
# g# P$ \0 `! W! E! `我实在不知道该怎么翻Solar Return。我现只好直译其名,“太阳回归”,感觉怪怪的。
9 U1 |( v0 J$ z7 R4 `.......

1 ]8 A% s+ c  F: }$ wSolar Return ,太阳返照,占星术语。
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发表于 2007-12-4 10:06 | 只看该作者
引用第40楼破箱人于2007-12-04 09:42发表的  :
+ z2 }& W9 D. x' c* s* b4 l从“If you're not comfortable”到“Think of your voice!”已完成:  P, ^, B8 C: L; D
( z' f& R0 [9 k& |0 _" H- u
If you're not comfortable, you could bring her something. Offer her a little jam, for example. She loves that.1 z( G2 x0 T( h# S6 _
; T9 E$ `, K7 [7 r! V1 G
  n; K! r/ o& X, T, C' H4 ?.......
1 j9 V2 w$ a/ a. A0 [8 S, }! p0 M0 e+ Y) p
" q, z" `* `2 ]1 D' i$ P# M
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发表于 2007-12-4 10:19 | 只看该作者
2100-21299 _9 X7 S' `% Z: K# V
We talked the evening before his death. He seemed rather worried, and made a strange request.& g2 [+ u: A; |8 r7 j
2 J) q" y( t. a/ M  M; yI'm listening.
+ M+ g5 u' N/ H( `$ `7 f+ h我听着。
7 v2 D7 |2 y# \+ d5 _! J" [He wanted me to keep this medallion for him, as if he were afraid someone would steal it!6 o% _* B% O1 C- e* M/ L0 G
% B8 Q) j& s: E: w7 U3 q" gThat's surprising. It doesn't seem to be a very valuable object.8 \# S7 W* N7 L# b& |/ n: r+ m( ^
奇怪。它看上去不像是非常值钱的东西。/ s5 k" G3 B: J( l) f8 J
When did you learn what had happened?7 Y# l& ^( C4 j$ h; }
6 `' ]5 g2 [! x( J; i# V' V8 AYou mean the deaths?+ X" T! O( m6 R3 h) T+ U+ j$ Y
你指这些死亡事件?6 `1 F8 j7 R' C5 J
- M- Z5 D  ]! `( `2 O+ E是的。- M8 M1 v* i8 O# b: _8 D9 y
The evening of our departure, when Catherine decided to go consult your father.1 R- p3 m8 k4 C* S# f# f
就在我们出发的那个傍晚,当时凯瑟琳决定向你父亲咨询。1 i( t, v! H8 d; W' ?6 L. n
I clearly remember her talking to me of the quatrain and of the danger threatening those around her. And then we went to rejoin the others.8 |  T+ V2 W# n4 s5 y8 `
我清楚地记得,她告诉了我关于预言诗的事,还有她周围的人们正在遭受危险。然后我们和其余人会合。  b5 m" z. o" z+ P6 g$ O) e" A- E
Who exactly?
9 E  Y# }2 x2 ]) j到底是谁?
# H6 ?) |" O; s3 e3 y% sTwo guards, Jean-Aim?de Chavigny, Catherine's apothecary, and of course, the coachman.
+ I& ]7 U" c% D: D9 G9 j  L) {0 h两名守卫,“吉恩-埃姆 契乌尼”,凯瑟琳的药剂师,当然,还有马车夫。
. u1 N" q. U# a. g4 RThat's all? And the scribe, where was he?
1 W( ]- a: v6 o" n8 y这是全部人吗?那个教士呢,他在哪儿?
- M0 ?6 Z7 M( C2 ]* \$ A" v5 pI forgot him, he's so discreet. He joined us at the last minute and begged the Queen to take him along. I think he wanted to meet the Archbishop, but, unfortunately, he's away on a journey.
2 A* g$ K0 }8 ?- i我把他忘了,他是个谨慎理智的人。他在最后一刻加入我们并请求皇太后带他同行。我想他是渴望见到大主教,不过,他的运气不好,他因为有别的事情而离开了。' g0 r( T- }; g* {2 r
You mean, he knew where you were going?% S$ A' B" O. @) K
你认为他知道你要去哪吗?, M8 c7 a# J) ]. ^
Yes, I believe so. Do you think that's significant?
& U' F8 d8 d9 I: \1 e5 T7 u" i: ]是,我是这么认为。你认为那很重要吗?
: o# i* t% o- m) ^4 XIt could very well be./ I2 M$ H/ d9 k0 ^" n
是的。1 r& M8 l" P7 Y3 g2 {7 }7 Z8 d
Thank you very much, Constance. You've been most helpful.
" q. [- Z1 {, V% _非常感谢,康斯坦斯。你给了很大的帮助。  ]5 w2 \; N, J) i! K6 @  |- i, W, ?
I need to learn more about Philibert. Did you know him?   
  P5 y! ]8 u( i6 ]0 t3 ^4 \我想更多的了解菲利布特。你了解他吗?( e! w% L% t. r) t$ |9 u& t+ M0 K
I'm listening.
" l5 f1 x0 N7 |  o我听着。
" e; K, I7 T0 J4 PThat's surprising. It doesn't seem to be a very valuable object.
% w. j5 [6 [# c; p* [0 J奇怪。它看上去不像是非常值钱的东西。% M( D" l1 G) @" p. q5 a
When did you learn what had happened?& J0 F' o4 z: w9 r# o4 p3 B- C
你是什么时候获悉这发生的事情的?5 Q* f5 E) n% p3 ?4 |2 o
You mean the deaths?
. E( _0 W: x/ T. l你指这些死亡事件?
1 V: U; m( N7 B. [7 B9 \7 OYes.
# Q1 T4 O$ L( Z3 v$ h是的。
1 R' W# y9 h" s6 r+ ?$ \; m! I0 P; {; CWho exactly?
3 V2 ?' v5 ?/ J7 [5 B6 E到底是谁?3 q! U* T9 [. {" C/ f
That's all? And the scribe, where was he?
: e+ x9 @, Y( i+ ?$ U3 U这是全部人吗?那个教士呢,他在哪儿?% o8 n+ O6 s9 v1 p+ B0 K2 M
You mean, he knew where you were going?
$ r3 ~2 L% j& k+ A你认为他知道你要去哪吗?7 ?9 W, @! `; b" `; h7 h) G- {
It could very well be.
5 r: ^# n! c$ f9 z5 `是的。
* a7 v# {! ?4 s* W& g' D3 UThank you very much, Constance. You've been most helpful.
# G* X' c% D4 S非常感谢,康斯坦斯。你给了很大的帮助。. V# u7 p1 e1 D( k0 m" z- C
Then you have to give  me something./ o7 M9 x/ x: F9 x
你得给我些东西。0 {7 L% B) F. ^7 F/ m4 P, U! r- N2 v
Thank you.$ l8 n; \5 C- v
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发表于 2007-12-4 10:21 | 只看该作者
引用第33楼c98008021于2007-12-03 17:02发表的  :2 e# b9 T: Z3 l6 k/ K; M4 a& S7 N
The aspects, symbolized by these lines, reveal the relationships between the planets. The angular distance determines the type of each aspect, as well as its positive or negative influence on the chart.In the case of Catherine de Medicis, the aspects drawn with solid lines are considered
4 d8 x' @/ t) f7 q1 Y) `6 f7 apositive, while the dotted lines represent negative aspects.; C$ I6 T8 d: B! a% x. c: F8 ~# p
! E0 P& `8 K1 H9 m4 p
由线条标志的相位,反映了行星之间的关系。角距以及它积极或者消极的影响决定着相位的特性。在Catherine de Medicis的例子中,由实线所构成的相位被认为是积极的,而虚线代表着消极的相位。
: F+ [0 T6 n8 \) M- d& j" E# [* i8 h7 o) U4 O2 m* ~

5 l6 U$ \9 q/ d2 s我还没玩到后面  }. q9 \9 j8 {. P$ f' n9 M! I* v
; p+ P; u  {! F6 Y# j1 M我要怎么才能让警卫死掉啊。。。。
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发表于 2007-12-4 10:29 | 只看该作者
引用第35楼tos99于2007-12-03 20:16发表的  :7 k5 V% R7 Z. O# ^" T
请大家帮忙看看Solar Return Machine究竟该如何翻?
+ W0 |& J9 o( v5 Q游戏中的情况是这样的:* g" _# F6 d5 Q0 U- a
4 c/ m6 e/ {3 E" I5 Q机器原理就是这样。
+ q4 z/ G7 @/ F, ]- G我实在不知道该怎么翻Solar Return。我现只好直译其名,“太阳回归”,感觉怪怪的。
) i# R3 r1 F: {( z7 Q.......
Solar Return Machine翻译成日晷怎么样?+ \5 F) e; m$ k6 h/ o0 U; q
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发表于 2007-12-4 10:31 | 只看该作者
谢谢破箱人兄弟的指点,我按“太阳返照”改正了。谢谢!2 K$ M2 Q4 F+ ]4 B  M5 A) u. }
2 |* H/ ?  s) q- ], G剧情中,应该不是女王,而是国王的母亲,似乎翻成皇太后比较好。
" r3 t: A6 \) Q( W! Q4 Z3 U/ a# V不过,作为AVG新手,也可能我的理解有出入,大家一起讨论。
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发表于 2007-12-4 10:41 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-12-4 10:49 | 只看该作者


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