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发表于 2007-11-29 11:43 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-11-29 19:17 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-11-30 13:40 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-3 09:55 | 显示全部楼层
我先少一点,从Iron filings到Well, have you made progress on Queen Catherine's chart吧
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-3 10:43 | 显示全部楼层
Iron filings9 n" m; X# z( A& Z7 E( }. w
铁屑7 j, {9 D) Y  P) d; Q) r+ `) W
Honey3 ^% e. i  O1 j0 B
. S' M, Z& f# w# i; uGrated nutmeg! E, \6 }$ q$ ~
8 Z  p. h& r3 Y8 c4 @  I" h6 H2 zPepper
1 a& n7 {: }8 B; U0 m胡椒粉
' I  I3 p/ y+ Y6 M! c5 }( W0 GIris Illyrica% Z( _) D. M  S& K
; Z9 U0 [" x- y; h/ d6 D
A root, now extinct, which figures in the composition of Nostradamus's legendary aphrodisiac.
: }7 `& |* M* p7 \$ B/ D1 C一种植物的根,现已灭绝。在预言家的传说中出现的成分。
  d' l* x; j7 `' s/ J6 }Sage2 O5 i; N9 h) O; g; L; E, n4 {
- D: h0 O0 R: z$ d* Z# TFrom the Latin 'Salvia' - that which saves. Sage is reputed to cure many illnesses: an old proverb asks "What could someone die of if his garden is planted with sage?"
# A! _# t3 |1 f4 e  {* n从拉丁文‘Salvia’衍化而来。鼠尾草以能够治疗大多数疾病而著名:一句古老的谚语这样说:假如花园里种有鼠尾草,还有什么病能带走生命? 0 X0 m$ U* ~! a' H0 h) }7 d  A/ Q
Sugar* W- ~8 |  F: S8 U+ |: o

& |* S3 N, y# P, gOil
6 l0 o/ p+ Z! A) t# }& C! R) @3 Q' A, L- l
Musk+ {0 {4 B8 b) X
- a7 Z1 J3 ]- H* c9 cA substance secreted by the musk deer, used extensively in perfume. Also considered an aphrodisiac.8 L% G, i- S1 ]# g) Q0 X! \" K
" q) B1 B' W3 @! Y5 \Sparrow blood7 q1 S& _; M8 r/ ?+ V
麻雀血+ {6 H  ^4 v% I0 Y7 ~3 u
Rose petal juice
) u/ m. ?4 n" O, u# ?0 r玫瑰汁' T* k( K8 }3 l- Z
Wine. A6 j) F4 A. L; v% A7 d
葡萄酒; t  n, _1 f0 r
Mulled wine; l, W) g7 k, s- m' {
4 f# P5 B  K7 }" v: AFar less flavorful than today, wines during the Renaissance were often drunk "mulled" or "honeyed". Nostradamus used them in his medicinal potions.& [# b0 B* e! z
葡萄酒在文艺复兴时期经常加热或加蜂蜜饮用,口味远不及今天可口。占卜者在制作药剂时使用它。# S* D: O  @' C; Q  C1 o- T
7 r: |7 ]! s7 u- M2 T. t, r
2 U7 N9 J) v( t# W! `$ JNostradamus was well acquainted with the antiseptic quality of vinegar and used it a great deal in case of epidemic.
# i; T/ i! f& a1 @# ~7 {. Z占卜者非常熟悉醋的防腐效果,在疫病流行时大量使用它们。. I: n9 ~# \9 E; G" h$ t6 G
Flour# E8 Q7 D, T. l: {( e7 ?
面粉: C, }/ q+ X2 h& z7 S! H' m5 O* q
% W# V& D& n6 l9 W0 l! a. Y1 B' x; e; l  Q
Yeast. [% u. v6 h6 a% v+ [' u
酵母; P3 l- W' S8 a# I
# @% q( @8 U2 W- `; F0 q* T3 Q香料4 w* @  b& W1 E4 E- j% Q
Cypress wood- X8 K. Q! Y* d! T
. e% R3 X9 p' u  U+ ?8 xSwallowwort
8 C" a/ f/ F) N白屈菜
- L: V8 @7 ^# H! b( k- DFenugreek
. H4 ?9 w0 |6 a) b) J胡卢巴
; t- S. d( U% |7 t! eOrris6 Y8 R' {2 U7 ?6 Z7 }/ x: D; i1 j
鸢尾草1 e$ j# ~1 [& k2 ^* `: B% q/ t
1 P& t9 v/ ~2 E+ r. P曼德拉草" c2 Z0 G! e# @; v7 I# W
Mandrake root) p/ V$ s% L& O
曼德拉根* z& o4 T' S2 H5 L4 J
Mandrake berries0 z/ `7 q; A8 J& L9 g  H0 ?
! @( d" {; v, B: }& y& `0 e3 kAloe
: `) ~* d1 a; @7 ^芦荟
6 M; a( G' }0 a; H' D8 Z5 C3 {$ w: TFaulty part
/ h! ?' l1 `9 j4 G1 |* D报废零件
' ~' M& Z% l7 {# T2 _3 z+ U: T: fAlcohol
. ^! {5 Z7 N. M& w- c" }酒精
8 j) F2 l1 p, ]3 ASulfur
# C% q# {) l- o/ r# {硫磺
! S9 z" {% j9 m  sPiece of metal
7 _9 @( Q1 B: e/ I金属条
' a  i) X( H' {" C' Y! `$ s3 z  v5 rCut piece of metal6 L! M' D, o) o2 |+ Q, N5 s
切割金属条0 c& `0 E1 L  E* w; g8 s
Mixture of cinnamon and ginger' Q1 D$ X" i0 O- O) j. K7 n  M
7 y$ `. s  i2 W: V8 _And above all, take these notes. They'll allow you to calculate her birth chart and learn to know her better. And that way, I'll see if you've retained what I've taught you about astrology.
9 w1 Y8 r  f" G) F首先,拿着这些笔记,他们将允许你计算她的生日图,学着知道她更多。而且,我会知道你还保留多少我教过你的占星术。9 r, p, j: {" S) U- W* \8 N& f
Well, have you made progress on Queen Catherine's chart?. {  D( j9 ]% t
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-3 10:45 | 显示全部楼层
再接再厉,从To tell the truth, I've barely started.到How do you determine someone's sign?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-3 16:06 | 显示全部楼层

回 30楼(zhuque718) 的帖子

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-3 17:02 | 显示全部楼层
To tell the truth, I've barely started.5 c, q$ o/ e3 x" Y
说实话,我刚刚开始。3 w/ g! S6 E+ c! [' U
First you have to study closely the different symbols. Then, calculating the chart is child's
; N! ~; G3 ?2 ?" v% Xplay.* s# U+ Q5 J1 l" Z! z
7 C5 E6 I6 ]: y, i6 D& ~I'm progressing slowly. It's been a long time since you made me do a chart, and I'm out of
2 j3 `) w( {5 a8 L5 n' A2 \practice.
) T" T/ k9 D" [  V$ \( b: Y我进展缓慢。从你教我制图到现在已经很长时间了,而且我一直缺乏实践。: }) O( N7 j9 M9 s
It comes back quickly. Anyway, this one shouldn't pose any great problem. Just look closely, you
1 q& \+ R/ S( q0 W& phave all the information you need.& K# G! ?  o/ L# k% y. K
你会很快回想起来的。无论如何,这不是什么大问题。仔细看,你有你需要的所有信息。0 Y0 u- e0 B, B
I'm busy positioning the planets.
9 O9 J( r, O. w# Y我在忙着布置行星们。
$ c$ }7 |. P$ Z, MWhen you've finished with them, don't forget the aspects. You know, those lines that show the
, R( h! o3 K6 l) u7 q) l3 linfluence the stars have on each other.
& E7 W: @2 u( x6 N& J当你完成时,别忘了外表。你知道,这些线条显示行星彼此互相影响。" _4 p, f0 \+ y- y8 }' i! ]
Don't worry, I'll manage.$ r) j; C% f- J! a: F$ f; V. k
7 k( C* k7 z# d9 j. i0 oI think I've finished.$ G: Y- I% [* M+ G$ v4 C
我想我完成了。2 u; j0 |; g& z' Z- D1 d! A
I was sure you'd do very well. You've always been talented for this sort of activity.7 T: L9 I% b2 i8 ]
7 S8 I6 u( i! [# d& yBut don't forget, the difficulty often lies more in the interpretation of a chart, and especially
# L! t1 G* Y0 `0 [! b8 S! ?5 W& ^in the way you present it to the subject.
. q7 _7 I* d" W8 k
6 h5 ]$ p2 u2 j! m3 o% uThe stars give us orientations, tendencies, but they never predict a certain, immutable future.3 f1 O4 _. W0 _0 v, l$ i
行星指引我们方位、倾向,但它们绝不会预言一个确定的、不变的未来。. Z0 f  v3 j' e8 ]( b/ c* u2 s
In any case, I'm delighted that you've retained the few rudiments of astrology I taught you.
7 t; j6 P- T/ M2 n4 s! Z, R5 zAbout the chart...
6 j( H, @: G! `5 ]$ U无论如何,我很高兴你还记得我教过你的少数占星术入门知识。! o. {) e: Y& l( z
Vinegar of the Four Thieves0 B9 j) F8 L" V; R$ ~
四个小偷的醋3 C* v3 r7 \9 s( C6 A) B, z) y
Aphrodisiac potion
; C- {3 g6 ]$ [; d$ @- P春药
3 o) H+ o, }; k6 Z; p' CSage Wine with Mandrake: \. V9 U( {5 Q9 J
放有曼德拉草根的鼠尾草葡萄酒3 P: k7 m- O! f$ d
Preparation Against the Plague
# |" j) c0 m/ M" O' |. t镇痛剂
+ o9 a/ Y" o% V) a0 ^. V% nIncense Powder to Induce Hypnosis- x1 _' G  P, @7 B3 B3 H* Y* Y% F1 I
' H" A  e1 Y2 |: C  bEucalyptus tea
0 w3 C1 N- [+ v' s桉树茶% I: ?3 {' I+ V4 Q3 q
Induces sleep
7 Y; A( j7 M* }* I; O5 ^1 Q4 C9 P催眠药
/ O8 t* C+ ]4 kCatherine of Medicis3 `9 T: }2 u! D1 X8 i% g* Z- X6 I8 {
美第奇的凯瑟琳5 n6 ^1 s/ [! e5 n4 @
Born in Florence, on April 13, 1519, at 5:04 AM# u$ Q4 c0 _8 V* \9 H7 @
9 ~* o, l! p# rSun in Taurus    Aries rising    Mercury in Aries    Mars in Cancer
# _. p0 U0 p' D2 X' c( C太阳落在金牛宫  白羊宫上升位    水星落在白羊宫   火星落在巨蟹宫/ r+ [! C9 |4 r- Z* p  x+ ]* t; r6 u; f
Moon in Libra    Venus in Taurus    Jupiter in Libra    Saturn in Capricorn
8 L1 o' \2 ?2 C, p月亮落在天平宫  金星落在金牛宫  木星落在天平宫  土星落在摩羯宫1 Z1 m$ ~7 c& w% ]5 V, j
No point.. S6 Y# y, z3 z$ G6 `7 r6 l
; N9 M6 B; Y1 U/ R& m1 NNot yet...& t1 B7 T3 E7 K( {5 V: e. M% T3 q
  d* k% p: s8 w; e' i9 V4 hThe Sun    Determines under what sign someone is born.    In Taurus, it denotes a constructive and stable personality, comfortable with responsibility.
+ U& m: n3 h8 u太阳决定一个人出生在什么星座下。在金牛宫,意味着拥有稳健的人格,胜任他的职务。
* N: h# T; J5 T) b+ e  l% KThe Ascendant    This is the sign that is rising at the time of birth.    Courage, frankness, but  also a desire for domination and impatience, can characterize Aries rising.3 J7 V& P& R! n! S1 C- L
6 V  O2 ?6 Z1 p. b- xThe Moon In Libra, it denotes a certain taste for manipulation, often remarked in governmental
/ \0 T0 s2 g% W) Kaffairs.
) f% Z4 {4 P( H1 Z$ T# s" O2 D6 m月亮在天平宫,给人处理问题十分可靠的感觉,经常谈论政府事务。
9 `6 |0 ~& S! P6 o8 bMercury    Mercury - the planet of excitability and intellectual curiosity - in Aries denotes a taste
7 F8 g0 R4 g: d# Gfor risk and combat.
, ?. d6 C$ U/ O  t. ]* }: O5 q水星——敏感、理性的好奇心的行星——在白羊宫表现出冒险精神和战斗精神。& P# f; W- J5 {' q3 `' M
Venus Allied with Taurus, the planet of love becomes passionate and intransigent.
6 W3 K5 @% A, H" v) ]7 A& L* Z金星与金牛宫结盟,主宰爱情的行星使人充满热情和不妥协。/ ], S  C4 f* m5 w5 }% Q  H
Mars In Cancer, Mars heightens the desire to control the world surrounding us.1 D  C9 E5 n! i- c  X. ^: U* v' v
火星在巨蟹宫,火星提高让世界围绕他们转动的强烈欲望。0 O* I/ k* u' z& D0 J# C2 M* |
Jupiter In Libra, Jupiter denotes a great sense of justice and diplomacy, but also great ambition, ! J5 ?( p. W# I
a desire for limitless expansion.4 ]5 u4 `. w4 a6 W
木星在天平宫,拥有强烈的正义感和高超的外交能力,但也有无限膨胀的野心。% `; w  D' b0 n1 r% u7 i  M
Saturn Sober, hard, austere, but particularly tenacious and genuine are the chief characteristics
! h6 R- D0 o, B+ Tbestowed by Saturn in Capricorn.0 L* {% D7 N( `7 H$ X
木星  当木星在摩羯宫时,冷静、勤奋、严厉,但是其主要性格是显著的顽强和诚恳。# X% F( _! |% c4 h9 P0 Q
The aspects, symbolized by these lines, reveal the relationships between the planets. The angular distance determines the type of each aspect, as well as its positive or negative influence on the chart.In the case of Catherine de Medicis, the aspects drawn with solid lines are considered
( C5 R+ t  S3 `3 D" K7 {positive, while the dotted lines represent negative aspects.6 L+ {) _. u% \0 d) R' B1 Y+ |0 U
0 ]$ U% o( H& g* Q* }$ }7 Y
& m5 y; n0 ~+ L* D( q
1 l) e( H% N' J% z5 }2 Q2 q太阳
# ?' o6 n6 t5 [& t' g) _, n' R0 |Moon- D7 f+ X) s* X
8 Y/ U0 r% `8 q! L9 oMercury
& v+ |; B; s& l7 {水星3 s' l( E1 q# ?+ ]. E; j
; e  b+ T0 d3 z* w9 g金星" x- b% X' O  _1 I# w1 O. X1 j
# _: u" w; c3 |; Y6 @# a6 Z火星
! b# t, A; D% s, [1 fJupiter7 T! E. j9 T% V+ n9 \
木星/ r' y+ r& m8 R) {) B
Saturn! d5 _$ u, P" Z/ i) W
$ p6 q7 [- l3 HAries
% z* I) _1 o: {- H白羊宫5 M, O6 u+ J6 H# U
2 Y2 {) X$ J- Z$ J0 e金牛宫" _' \6 o6 m% r1 D
6 u5 K$ n) Q* S7 a: ~双子宫  V8 N1 e9 X; }( w9 S  Y
Cancer, r, Q5 x9 s  e8 ~8 |
巨蟹宫4 Z5 A! }/ X' m: Q
2 V+ G5 h" {" |$ G狮子宫+ D. ?. ?" b, L  A) Y1 U( g9 m" Y
* Z! k( s6 I6 z& x" C" e+ D; R4 R处女宫
6 Q% `! u. e: T- W8 S0 {! MLibra
; }* P) D+ J& _2 \1 U  X7 t天平宫' F3 C1 E1 S. z9 S& K8 g7 ^8 M! {
Scorpio: \8 B' Y0 v) C/ k0 j
天蝎宫& [  X9 n% c; z0 I
" Q( e" V; _+ F人马宫
5 `5 q, Q! l5 r9 [1 O( LCapricorn
0 _1 \7 o, _+ m6 u摩羯宫- K- K+ t; p! v. [7 \
Aquarius6 K* f# p+ x9 }0 @- H
宝瓶宫! q8 @  [2 B0 C% [0 ?3 g
$ I3 t% ]! G0 N6 }0 N3 ?双鱼宫3 o) B4 j0 d) q. T# _' _, [1 T4 m
How do you determine someone's sign?
7 t$ q' `1 z7 @2 h$ g) L" E2 q  z你怎样确定某人的星座?( H9 W. z0 q( M8 v/ j

% H- `0 d  P% Z1 A/ W( I# w1 f& c有两句我不会翻,请高人帮忙看一下。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-4 08:50 | 显示全部楼层
我从These are the notes I took concerning the strange events of the last few days.到
1 ^5 g  \9 q! m' C+ Q! x3 qWell, then, tell me how I can help you.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-4 13:37 | 显示全部楼层
These are the notes I took concerning the strange events of the last few days.
- Y9 q, N; h, y8 [( {3 N* v. d- u这是我列出的这几天发生的怪事的笔记。4 |) K, s" J7 ]( E' _
Can you give me a brief summary of what happened?; u; s; k: f% n8 L  C
# J( [) o. w- |+ X  B' L: |0 ]3 a2 ^Of course! On March 20th, the chambermaid of Princess Marguerite was found dead. The circumstances were suspicious. The next day, it was young Henry of Navarre's tutor.; F  u9 g2 z# c" h
当然!3月20日,玛格丽特公主的女仆被发现死亡。现场十分可疑。第二天,是年轻的纳瓦拉的亨利的家庭教师。- M0 |) W; Q6 V: ^
We all know that one misfortune leads to another, and that our Lord certainly has His reasons for calling His children back to Him.) f! D9 G6 u. u2 u" l+ R  C
我们知道不幸总是接着另一个不幸,我们的国王当然有理由把他的孩子们叫回身边。( e# M( A; o0 w$ ]. z9 ^
But when, over the following two days, a lady companion of Her Majesty Catherine de Medicis, as well as the personal chef of King Charles IX died in turn, the Queen Mother convened Jean Aim?de Chavigny to ask his advice. 5 z6 H1 [/ }) F2 g% `* g
0 _& N! T& G! R: K+ d7 y- p) w. JThat is how she came to learn of the quatrain written by your father, and decided to leave Moulins, and the Court, to consult him.. p0 @' U" O& e4 N& \# F
那就是她如何得知你父亲的四行诗的,并决定离开莫林和宫廷,去向他请教。5 V3 O/ J1 [' B; b
Did you notice any particular connection among the deceased?  ^# N4 ^6 i4 N' W
9 l( h' L2 l( h. ?! M) Z& AThey all belonged to the retinue of the royal family and therefore must have known each other, but, beyond that, I don't see anything special permitting to establish a connection among them." z' z8 r) d4 w/ @
( f. F& G0 x' YBut perhaps you will find helpful details in my notes. You know, I do not spend much time in the company of my fellow men, so sometimes I have a hard time understanding them...3 W7 I/ T6 W: {0 M* ^1 S. d
4 c& j' F1 X; \. o1 ISince your arrival, have there been any new incidents?
9 h) K% p0 C: ?从你到达以来,又发生什么新的事件了吗?
/ K  C6 J% y: t+ ]5 W  CUnfortunately, yes. Yesterday, Her Majesty's coachman, and this morning, the castle librarian.
  y3 z" z. W3 U( g3 K% K. K不幸的是,是的,昨天,女王陛下的马车夫,今早,城堡的图书管理员。3 ?5 f' g5 r7 f; t& `; }
You mean, the latest victim is not part of the royal retinue?
8 L. @! n: V4 N% c你的意思是,最后一名死者不是皇室随从的一员?
0 E' A. b3 f" }/ H' KIt's true, I hadn't thought of that... But it's probably not very significant; the curse is following Her Majesty.
# f3 \; |2 E; D7 O$ A7 \, [是的,我没想过这点……但是,可能这并没有什么意义;诅咒跟随着女王陛下。
! l( p4 r6 N1 R8 `  r, PThere are but four deaths left, my young friend, before evil strikes the royal family itself. Let us hope you can thwart the plans of the devil. With the help of God...
( \' n9 \. U# l$ i9 f有四次死亡降临了,我年轻的朋友,在不幸降临到皇室自身前。让我们期待你可以阻碍恶魔的计划。愿神保佑你……+ P# T- s7 I& O' W
Could I see the bodies of the coachman and of the librarian? And also the places where they found them?
3 O- l" B. R4 V, F4 X% h我可以看看马车夫和图书管理员的尸体吗?还有发现他们的地方?
3 q* w7 l  K8 t/ l, B0 MThe librarian, Philibert, was found in the scriptorium, but I had him carried to the Chapel to prepare him for burial. So start by visiting the library, it's just at the bottom of the stairway. You'll see that the accident that killed him caused a great deal of damage.
6 K% T$ D7 D& l) J- T. {4 ]图书管理员,菲尔波特,在写字间被发现,但我将他放在礼拜堂准备安葬。你可以先参观一下图书馆,就在楼梯底层。你会发现谋杀事件导致了一场巨大的破坏。
' d: y% f  V$ v! TAnd the coachman?1 `; ?$ l& k  t. k7 C
" E, w# \& ]  i- r. `He has already been buried. What with fear of the plague, bodies have to be got rid of quickly.  N' X+ T6 y% w
他已经被埋葬了。由于害怕瘟疫,尸体不得不尽快处理。/ d# e. S: t* |% V: y, X
I understand. Thank you for your assistance.
9 {1 W5 E2 r( ^' N4 {9 F' r5 q我明白了。谢谢您的帮助。2 H4 @7 i2 d" `
Did you know the librarian?
; d! y+ l' [# C+ b% V你认识那个图书管理员吗?
, L- R  I; L5 o6 m8 K. ?7 ~Only slightly. We exchanged a few words, but nothing important.
$ I+ K! T( U# y2 j% s$ z! J一点点。我们说过几句话,但没什么重要的。: N! G4 D2 v' t- b
I only know that he'd been here just ten days or so and had a lot of work. The archdiocese has many precious works, but till now, nothing had been done to classify them properly.) V! U# v: b6 O3 i# H
我只知道他到这儿大约才10天,有许多工作。大主教的管区有很多珍贵的艺术品,但到现在为止,都没有被很好的分类。) S- Z+ ]0 I, b- ]. W5 u
Locked!' j4 J% C/ n" f7 d& L, v# z# r
: l2 }' @8 V( n0 M: GJean-Aim?s office must be here.
8 G5 Y0 d, Y- e& y& m吉恩的办公室肯定在这。
- o3 r. q( A* k% cNobody's here now, I'll come back later.
  M% s" f# @$ p$ B- C现在这儿没人,我待会回来。
7 Z6 l$ D% g) T8 S0 h7 hIn any case, there must still be things to discover before I interrogate him.: ~+ y" c5 d- k" I
5 y7 C" }4 |- @' l+ t6 B4 hI absolutely have to get into his office...$ o/ _2 [1 b# R' J
6 h8 B8 u0 n* L7 {, z" ZMadeleine! I am delighted to see you, but I was expecting C閟ar." a; A$ @$ R# i( m+ P& x5 [" n
玛德琳!很高兴见到你,但我以为会是凯撒。0 u+ q2 j/ S1 D% r' ~6 n
Madeleine! I'm delighted to see you. I hope you don't share your brother's suspicions about me.5 D% ^" b% U2 c5 \( M
- G, K; l# I- B+ m2 @0 c: oIn fact, I think that you and C閟ar should learn to get along.
. X/ I; I+ y3 l7 L  S事实上,我认为你和凯撒应该学习如何相处。
+ ]. R. H3 B9 H+ l% HI'm not here to settle your quarrels.
0 J  v1 b% H, g/ K' j我不在这儿解决你们的争吵。
/ `! B9 z0 Q7 Y+ _He is very busy, so I'm helping him a bit, and also, I took advantage of the opportunity to say hello to you., ~6 Q" g# H. G$ X: x: f4 [
1 L! _. C- b9 {% K; ~Ah! A pleasant phrase at last!% ^2 e: {6 `6 u+ _
  y% V- Q5 H! u% GWell, then, tell me how I can help you.3 y& ~" l# i9 I7 D0 u
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