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标题: 真实恐惧:流离孤魂 True Fear: Forsaken Souls [打印本页]

作者: ssymbol    时间: 2015-2-27 16:12
标题: 真实恐惧:流离孤魂 True Fear: Forsaken Souls
作者: rainnie    时间: 2015-2-28 02:14
上部出来的时候说是去年秋天会出,现在...今年秋天都不一定能出得了= =
作者: xieyu1314520    时间: 2015-2-28 07:29
作者: xieyu1314520    时间: 2015-2-28 14:38
作者: ssymbol    时间: 2015-3-1 15:35
rainnie 发表于 2015-2-28 02:140 O4 J& q3 ]% z" H4 B8 M; ]* J" Z
上部出来的时候说是去年秋天会出,现在...今年秋天都不一定能出得了= =
; Y3 y# q) t- b' i
作者: ssymbol    时间: 2015-3-1 15:35
xieyu1314520 发表于 2015-2-28 14:38
2 @. z; z/ y) ]( ~) W; K表示支持!!!

* d1 |# @- v+ S$ Q0 n6 `:victory:
作者: ssymbol    时间: 2015-3-1 15:36
xieyu1314520 发表于 2015-2-28 07:29
+ O2 R+ t/ q9 P% I* X楼主你干嘛??
( x0 J# z. p$ Q. Y2 K' D
发帖啊。。。 新论坛还没怎么玩儿转
作者: 喵言喵語    时间: 2016-7-12 13:23
- ~& B0 v8 t2 a: i" h& O
+ x1 ?3 p& y# a. d; x5 ]; ]6月份臉書原文:
" s, n+ E# v/ m, n1 F+ IWe finally have some news!* R' `  e% F- S7 F( K
True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 2 will come out somewhere between August and October this year. We were hoping that to have the exact date and that it will be earlier, but unfortunately this is all we have for now.8 J4 N) ^, T. y( P. Q" k4 g
This may not be viewed as good news and I understand if many will be annoyed or even angry.
8 I# i6 D4 _" Y# K2 q- cHowever for us at Goblinz, having seen how many times this project was close to not seeing light of day at all, this is good news! The game IS ready and once the last technical problems are fixed and a few minor modifications made, it WILL be published.
1 k$ G! G, z( l3 j' T. }- K7 j9 |Once again I apologize for not keeping my word and not answering earlier. I understand than some may see this as a sign of my lack of caring, but I assure you that it is the result of exactly the opposite.2 w9 k- j8 v6 y  A
For the last weeks I kept postponing this post hoping that we will have some better news. I do read every comment and care deeply about them. I feel extremely bad about betraying your trust. But, as a good friend recently put it - the longer you don't answer someone you care about, the harder it becomes to answer. I was hoping to come back with good news, so I kept postponing..., D4 V' p5 m% U
The game is better than the first and unlike the first it will be allowed to be published (almost) exactly as we imagined it. There are several moments in the game that are much scarier than anything we were ever allowed (or had the technical level) to do before.
' Y- e6 n4 B7 W* KThe whole team is working hard on speeding it's release.! r7 c5 ]$ Q: Z, l
We will publish some news about the game and new images soon!1 U2 g# k* V/ C8 Z9 R4 O
Dimmie, O1 ]# _2 j( A3 v; R

( U: Y% v* n* V另外七月份最新的消息:官方脸书在7/9说八月出不了...因为还有些细节没有搞定0 s8 F, }! v& p: {. H. F
但是九月似乎可能大概也许可以完成% D4 R) E; f, K; y- ]( j; J, d* Z
6 }% o. n, m: \, O4 N2 O1 b6 e. f2 b/ q4 `" H+ u0 y* [: b3 z( d& G
A little update on the situation!
: Q# S3 Z1 r; q# r7 s6 mWe'll clearly not be ready for an August release, but everything looks on track for late September.
8 @( E1 R6 [0 E2 }# n9 s/ V, \0 wThe game is finished and the only things that keep us are sounds and music. Dimmie has been torturing Eric for months now, going through iteration after iteration and we hope that soon they will settle on something and we'll finally play the finished game!
# K# ?0 v" h# hMeanwhile, here are some new sketches and screenshots from the game!
作者: myq495    时间: 2016-7-12 14:47
这个是早晚要出的4 X+ ~! @+ V! P- r( `
作者: zhoudaohan    时间: 2016-10-15 13:45

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