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发表于 2004-12-5 00:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


<B>译自http://www.rickadams.org/adventure/a_history.html# W: h2 P! [2 T% R% U- X4 ]2 N

* r3 m0 T5 Y5 ?# L* M</B>* x. S9 X* \) j( U8 x
. `- g; J6 ]) i, B0 i<P></B>
$ G: m7 q) t" P1 h2 E+ g2 x<P><B>Crowther</B><B>和</B><B>Woods</B><B>的“巨大洞穴冒险”游戏</B><B>
% F2 U  x: W/ }4 m<P></B>
) n+ p) Y6 Y. f- l% E<P><B>一切由这里开始……</B><B>) p( c7 p2 T& w6 H
# L& ], D# x% {<P><B>6 {: m+ {' G$ t7 e' S) O6 x
<P></B>/ z2 Z3 S5 }, C2 S
<P><B>在</B><B>Doom, Ultima, Rogue, </B><B>乃至</B><B>Zork</B><B>(请熟悉这些游戏的帮忙翻译这些名字)之前,有……冒险游戏。</B><B>
- P5 ~- x% b, n1 C# W) u<P></B>
$ N  B. }& h9 ~3 W  X) o2 Z<P><B>$ |( y' ^# j5 Q" N3 J5 f0 Q. A0 x
<P></B>! t; ]* x5 R5 t! K' m/ o" M0 t
<P><B>在冒险游戏之前有其他的文字电脑游戏,诸如星级迷航(</B><B>Startrek</B><B>)和</B><B>WUMPUS, </B><B>但是这个游戏是这种类型的第一个:第一个文字式“交互小说”游戏。根据今天的标准它可能看上去很过时和奇怪,</B><B> </B><B>有点像看到怀特兄弟最初的飞机停靠在一架波音</B><B>747</B><B>的旁边的感觉,然而我们中的许多人会甜蜜地回想起它。</B><B>  v" C+ r1 u2 w; \3 H
$ `  }3 t: J! A2 c  z7 j<P><B>7 p2 T& I1 q' F% W( b, V* y
<P></B>" y9 _; P! x9 q! w* U; P" c) ^, g
<P><B>& x  b& H7 ?: ^. S
<P></B>) q8 b) `4 e& ^
<P><B>Will Crowther9 F  A/ @" O" `% s
& C3 }- D0 d2 |. W1 ~) l7 \
<P></B>; r& D$ [/ Y  S: D, X% ]
<P><B>( r9 s( K0 B" @) ~' V* T, M
<P></B>) A$ U5 f3 u6 p. k3 T6 x, z& e
<P><B>1972</B><B>年,</B><B> </B><B>威廉·克罗瑟和他的妻子帕特(</B><B>Pat</B><B>)正在波士顿为</B><B>Bolt, Bernaek and Newman</B><B>(简称</B><B>BBN</B><B>)工作。威廉正在为原始的,用来建立</B><B>APARnet</B><B>(</B><B>Internet</B><B>雏形)的路由器开发汇编语言程序。在他们的空闲时间里,</B><B> </B><B>这对同为洞穴探险爱好者的夫妇为岩洞研究基金会探索了位于肯塔基的猛犸和弗林特山脊(</B><B>Mammoth and Flint Ridge</B><B>)洞穴系统的一部分并为之绘制了地图。</B><B>
' w0 e: q& A* |4 Y  L<P></B>
0 \; Y0 g$ F$ Z4 E: \% V3 i<P><B>
" F* P/ r) D7 o<P></B>1 _5 C9 F8 V7 K
<P><B>在他们还沉醉于回想那些美丽的景观,包括多彩的岩洞名字如“山中王的殿堂”和“两个地窖房间”的时期,威廉·克罗瑟根据他们探险所采集的数据设计了那些洞穴的线绘地图。</B><B>- n  ?0 i, G  l4 E, R  p1 |$ K
0 g1 O- k6 F: R. W<P><B>
' O9 ?* V$ A& n<P></B>
. P' v5 A" ]5 T8 p. u% s6 r% X<P><B>克罗瑟喜欢的活动包括攀岩和一个龙与地下城规则的游戏。克罗瑟在玩这个角色扮演游戏的朋友圈子里承担了“盗贼威利”的角色。</B><B>8 v3 r7 R/ r% L! G- I
7 G  p: s% V8 L  v4 M, |2 _<P><B>
% p8 D- t$ B  N& c- n; D% q<P></B>: `0 r1 a0 L5 R; J
. l5 [# C1 M0 g  C# }3 R1 ]<P></B>
; H+ V/ U( J) d. N<P><B>
9 f# b6 }0 L: c<P></B>
. a1 ^$ ^) \! D5 k) f3 j4 ]7 m$ P<P><B>他用</B><B>FORTRAN</B><B>语言为</B><B>DEC</B><B>的</B><B>PDP-10</B><B>电脑写了一个基于地图的模拟程序。</B><B> </B><B>他的第一个版本包括了诸如“</B><B>Y2</B><B>”(一个表示第二入口的在岩洞地图上常见的记号)等洞穴探险者的行话,而这个版本里的房间(应指“岩室”——译注)名字有许多是来自威廉曾经探险过的真实洞穴。</B><B>5 z% b8 g& v! {! \
. {( c! |- H. Z6 E- c% t' |9 ]& g<P><B>
6 h, p4 ]  o+ T" O, p8 t<P></B>
2 v$ \9 {3 r8 w<P><B>克罗瑟的女儿们很喜欢这个游戏。这个游戏在</B><B>Internet</B><B>的早期被朋友之间传来传去,并出现在无数的连接或不连接在原始电脑网络的电脑上。常常有人在半夜应该起床撒尿的时间段安装这个“冒险”游戏——在没有告知电脑管理人员的情况下——并离开,使得一个神秘而又令人印象深刻的游戏如魔法般地出现。</B><B>+ \! w. J9 I4 J
<P></B>8 ?/ ~! H5 a* R" I3 Y2 }
2 C5 B! E# p3 M# x  {5 H<P></B>5 v. P- l$ U' p  S* `
+ B/ B3 b* t. j0 b1 l<P></B>
# z# i0 S4 H3 P9 V! L4 k8 b<P><B>
7 l! _9 |1 w5 F) u1 f<P></B>  O" h& K' M  C$ ]
<P><I>The Longest Cave</I><I>(最长的洞穴)</I>, by Roger Brucker and Richard Watson( `* d' _1 h: A/ F) P
+ C( n- W5 _) b' n9 R7 s' K- {( ?
* k" Q2 M- R0 x# Y+ p% c# Q<P><I>When Wizards Stay Up Late</I><I>(当魔法师深夜未眠)</I>, by Katie Hafner and Matthew Lyon
2 J4 m- I* k3 X2 P9 d0 Y, f. d0 T8 {; A5 U- j
<P>4 Q* H: J% T3 C! e$ ?7 P
<P><I>Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution</I><I>(黑客:电脑革命的英雄)</I>, by Steven Levy# l$ O% U! Q/ ?! k) n

" H. \! |* P: J3 e- f- K<P>
5 B  m% v+ B  B1 Q<P><I>The Soul of a New Machine</I><I>(一种新机器的灵魂)</I>, by Tracy Kidder
: T% t+ J) `5 X3 E! |' r: Z  Q
) h% v8 B: V' u5 X$ _* H<P>5 \, N% Z. [* ~% T% U, `
8 D: Y; R: g& y: y! h2 D5 V(待续)<B>; O  C) f8 Z  \
/ m- `& D' n  c- U4 I3 @6 @0 s" z
1 P1 ~" ]4 u" A, X9 e4 J5 ]
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-5 0:38:18编辑过]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-12-5 15:48 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-12-18 20:48 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-12-18 23:24 | 只看该作者
<P>这个真的是AVG游戏的始祖吗?我以前看了一篇文章说是79年Warren Robinett编写的25K的游戏,叫Adventure。可能评判标准不同吧,也许79年的这个是第一个在PC上的AVG游戏吧。</P><P>话说回来,如果楼主说的这个游戏是始祖的话,也许有机会可以体验到哦^_^</P><P>下面是我这里有的一个游戏的readme原文:</P><P>Hello! Welcome to the Original Adventure!!</P><P>Introduction.</P><P>Somewhere nearby is colossal cave, where others have found fortunes in
. P. ?, [1 O" T6 D: o/ Ttreasure and gold, though it is rumoured that some who enter are never
' i6 ?5 R! ~1 E- Xseen again. Magic is said to work in the cave. This program will be your
! ^/ R- ~( x" z" Leyes and hands.</P><P>This program was originally developed by Willie Crowther at Stanford4 l9 }0 ]# S' ~' ?0 W
University Artificial Intelligence Lab, and derives from the roll playing
, ?/ M$ h# R2 n6 m7 A1 |game \"Dungeons and Dragons\".  Most of the features of the current program* m; N; l- \' u0 A# v
were added by Don Woods. The current version was done by Bob Supnik. This  Y1 B* b# V% o/ Z, h8 k0 f
version was implemented on the IBM-PC (and compatibles) by Kevin Black.</P><P>Command input.</P><P>The very rudimentary parser of this program will accept two word commands,
4 [5 J- ^0 t. m+ \of the verb-nown variety, single words may be used where the meaning is
( `  f" s. I' k1 f1 Eobvious, for example \"NORTH\" is sufficient to mean \"GO NORTH\". The parser
9 U9 J+ r6 J/ V! Y3 @only examines the first four letters of each word you use, any more are9 b* C& p* y1 w6 P, d8 R
ignored. As with most text adventures commonly used commands can be) u) [, c! ]( r7 P" _$ `. s
abbreviated :</P><P>      N  - NORTH       S  - SOUTH       E  - EAST        W  - WEST5 d) U, h) P4 K- S+ c
      U  - UP          D  - DOWN        L  - LOOK        I  - INVENTORY</P><P>Descriptions of locations and related commands</P><P>The command \"LOOK\" is useful should you forget where you are or require,
: O3 x" Q0 z8 Q9 T1 |! lthe long description of your location. You are normally only give the long
" T2 X3 O7 g- l, b7 jdescription of a location the first time, on further visits you are given
5 v; e/ Z! S0 v# Ya short description which is usually enough to jog your memory as to
5 z3 [/ `& `1 N+ e8 l7 Cwhere you are. The command \"BRIEF\" will tell the program to always use
6 `+ ]& _& h( v4 r; a' |  m$ z" O& hthe short descriptions of a location, even on the first visit. The
5 a% Y6 z% M: [! n# T: e! _opposite of \"BRIEF\" is \"VERBOSE\".</P><P>Game management commands.</P><P>Should you wish to quit the program (Control-C is disabled to prevent# b, v  a3 f$ I
\'accidents\') use the command \"QUIT\", on exit you will be given your1 k( W5 C: x. V7 e, y. ^
score and rating! If you wish to know your score during play use the
1 ]# {- y9 O6 w' }- o5 J% wcommand \"SCORE\".</P><P>When you look at your watch at four in the morning and decide you would
. T% _# L7 R( Hlike to go to bed it would be nice to save the game wouldn\'t it? Well
1 l, O9 w7 n; {+ H) @- F9 Nyou can do this with the \"SAVE\" command which will prompt you for a file
3 g) N3 }6 T5 q5 aname. A saved game may be restarted with the command \"RESTORE\" (or
) E: R) m1 N, x* T7 q! N/ w4 Z6 i3 I$ M2 u\"RESUME\"), this command prompts for the file in which the game was
4 f& G( f# u' ~0 Esaved. The save and restore functions use a CRC to check file integrity.</P><P>Some online information is available with the commands \"HELP\" and \"INFO\".</P><P>Message encryption.</P><P>The file containing the location descriptions has been encrypted, this
* g2 r- h0 f9 }) w) N; m+ g3 u8 f3 k; Qprevents you from spoiling the game for your self by peeking at it! Just- X  E8 T& o: P1 ~  _% W! g# {
thought I would mention that!</P><P>Running the game</P><P>The game requires the two files ADVENTUR.CTL and ADVENTUR.MTX to be in the
7 N+ s, S8 t' j7 b9 F+ u$ @directory from which you run the game, which you do by entering ADV. If the
) u0 l& O- u7 z, gprogram does not find these files it will look for a database file, and& x; m4 n  D3 X2 ^- ?
failing to find this will print an error message. Messing around with the
" q5 N( x) \, x) d/ Jfiles will prevent the program from running properly.</P><P>
0 C% Q- K( {; C; g/ {. a7 U                                                       Kevin B Black6 r- H5 A, A$ n3 ^; y) ~
                                                       December 1987! g9 A3 Q" n/ c4 F
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-12-18 23:41 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-12-20 09:01 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-20 17:15 | 只看该作者
<P>回longsun兄:</P><P>原来的文章还有一半没有翻译,等我译出来可能你就清楚来龙去脉了。至于Warren Robinett, 等我查一查。</P><P>你提供的Introduction的第二段说明了该游戏是源自Will Crowther的程序的。</P>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-12-21 02:00 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-12-21 08:14 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-2-3 02:34 | 只看该作者
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